Everything posted by Big Cam
The HMS Star 12 gun sloop
It looks like a much older ship. I personally do not think it's as good as the actual pirate boats you can get but it's nice to see something different.
Very nicely done and pretty accurate according to my eyes!!
At Least It Wasn't An Election...
Well he was the brother of John F Kennedy, one of our greatest(according to history) presidents and was assasinated, so he was already in the public back in the beginning of his political carrer. He has been in the US senate forever and was greatly respected as having done alot of good for the Country. Me being bored with politics couldn't tell you what he did.
Post pictures of your pets!
Here is my puppy named Chewie after Chewbacca, because frankly her face reminds me of Chewie.
Lego in song lyrics
There is a video I downloaded on my xbox and the music video is all done in LEGO, I'll try to remember to post it up tonight.
At Least It Wasn't An Election...
They absolutely will, famous /important peopel always get thrown under the bus once they are dead because they can't fight back. So many who have passed have had their death used for someting they probably would not have wanted.
I love Bricksets
You could always email them and explain your situation.
I'm Leaving! I'm Coming Back! Do it all HERE.
Sad to see you go, care to say why? Or is it somethign you'd rather not share. I'm just curious that's all, you were on of the first members I started remembering with your Tuskin activities.
Help! with Brickshelf
Definetaly, just go to and sign up for a free email address, then go to flickr and create your free account.
What did you buy today?
I just about bought 4 Indie sets to hold onto and sell later, they were on clearance at aWal-mart, but I decided against it, as I can't really afford to right now.
As much as I despise Bionicles, you are really good at getting the pose just right. I commend you on that, and the waste area looks good, that piece you used fit's just right.
Bond Batmobile
Very impressive, all the moving parts, looks like a legit set should!
How did you get your title?
Is anyone else annoyed by all of this j/k
- Car Talk
1st Time Trying.
Putting these bodies with your helmet would look really good.
I gues I didn't think of it that way. I may have to start looking in the paper and on craigslist.
Inglorious Bastards
You just don't like Tarantino as much as you like smilies. It's a certain taste, I personally love every movie he has ever made, he's a film genious if you ask me, whcih you did. I'll be buying this on Blu-Ray for sure.
Help with 6210 - Where do the blocks go?
Looks like step 8 has 2 of them. edit: dangit, I had the reply box open for like 15 minutes while I researched. I went through the whole thing and started over and then I caught it, only to be beaten to the punch.
Help with 6210 - Where do the blocks go?
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't catch that part. Well if the instructions are online somewhere, I'll page through them and see if I can help. I have built this set before, but it was a few months ago. edit: I got it off LEGO's site, I'm looking right now.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
At lease we have the instructions! Someone quick, make a huge bricklink oder and build it from scratch.
Help with 6210 - Where do the blocks go?
Alot of times you get extra pieces, if it is structuraly sound and it doesn't look akward, then I would assume you have 2 extra's.
Battle Pack Contest Rules & Discussion
Kim I want to thank you for putting such a long time frame for this, I havent had a chance to even sit down and think about it, but it's good to know I have the whole month.
Republic Speeder Bike Battle Pack
I think it's cool. Might not be the MOST original but it's still your own design Plus who wouldn't want 4 clones.
- Star Wars sets anyone?
Space Police 2009!
That looks great, I guess I was wrong, the new space sets are getting better.
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