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Big Cam

Eurobricks Fellows
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Everything posted by Big Cam

  1. For the price this set looks amazing, great review too. That sword is awesome.
  2. Sweet, I love the steamroller.
  3. Big Cam replied to KonguChan's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Welcoke to Eurobricks :skull:
  4. Big Cam replied to sologuy369's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I hate Thomas with a passion but my 4 year old nephew loves him. I wont be getting him any duplo sets anytime soon though. You guys crack me up with your old good spongebob episode talk. I remember when the show was created, and I was already too old for it then. I don't mind watching it with my nephew though.
  5. In for more reviews, I read some from the link in your sig. Great idea, and 2 years strong.
  6. Big Cam replied to SlyOwl's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Yes it would. It would require more energy to pull back but it would also posses more Potential Energy . Shortening the spring would reduce the recoil and therefore reduce the Potential Energy of the spring. The only real answer here from a physics standpoint is a tougher (stiffer) spring. A spring that is more resilient to be compressed will try harder to become un-pressed, just like a magnet, the stronger the magnet the more powerful the force in which it will repel another magnet of opposite polarity. The problem is finding a spring in that exact size that is simply stiffer. I suggest ordering a few from that company listed above.
  7. Big Cam replied to Lordofdragonss's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Fun idea, who are the two apparently unphased regular LEGO people standing in the background.
  8. My guess since it's admin controlled is a mod or someone wanted more than 20 so they said something and an admin just picked a random large number. Or it gradually increases on it's own with the number of members.
  9. Cute idea, and nice pics.
  10. Nice review, I wish I had gotten this back in the day.
  11. Nice job, very clim and looks like a speedy one.
  12. Big Cam replied to martinsuper's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    The size is just amazing, great work. I love large MOC's, they blow me away.
  13. Big Cam replied to Rapseflaps's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Great review again, nice play set-ups as well.
  14. Great post. I think I can answer this question, at least what seems to be the reason for me. As an adult we have too many things to think about, to worry about. We have so many responsibilities, and we just flat out don't have the time to play. When we were younger we had not experienced as much of life as we have now. Life was simple, you thought of nothing but what am I going to do right now, lets play for a few hours. now it's crap, my car payment is due, I need to water the lawn, has the dog been fed? Did I pay the Credit Card, I'm late for work, Will I be able to get that proposal done in time. Adults have more important things to think about and do (unfortunetaly). I too remember playing for hours and when I recently picked up all my old LEGO's from my parents house, alot of my old creations were still in tact, and it almost brought a tear to my eye, remember the exact way I built a certain set. Well, for me collectiong is a way to hold on to what I had as a child, and to me, bulding is playing. I usually build while watching TV so it doesn't appear to be a complete waste of time to my wife. We just have different priorities now.
  15. That was started Jul 12th. This thread was here first.
  16. Big Cam replied to Hobbes's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Daylight savings time is the culprit, I had to manually turn DST off because the forum wanted it on, after that my clock has been spot on.
  17. Big Cam replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Forum Information and Help
    Has there ever been a ballerina LEGO set?
  18. Thank you very much. I was hoping for a large number but 61 blows my suspenders off. More than enough. Thanks Mysterious Administrator
  19. 13, is a little young for an 18+ website. none the less, welcome
  20. Transformers 2 in the theatres At home I just saw Casion Royale and Golden Eye on HBO, I was bored and they were on.
  21. I find it ridiculous to start a thread on something that you already know the BE community isn't fond of. Seems like an attention topic. But sicne you asked, Mike Myers tried too hard. Autin Powers was funny because it was a believable character, same thing with Zohon, Adam Sandler tried too hard to get people to laugh which makes it not funny.
  22. Big Cam replied to Bossk's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Great idea but I think having the arms removes ruines it for me, it makes it look really fake. THe close look like they have super wide shoulders and you can even see the top of the arm socket in one pic. Would they not fit in the bush with the arms still attached?
  23. Big Cam replied to -JD-'s post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Very Very cool, so small, but they get across a good story, you can really tell without any words, what's going on. I love the one where the clone is grabbing thr droid head, from the right angle, you don't even notice and think they are in mid flight.
  24. Drats, I looked. Well if that's the case, this can me locked or merged.
  25. So, where's the picture? Scan it in.
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