Everything posted by Big Cam
Bullship Fighter
To be brutally honest, I hate that orange, but otherwise I love the MOC, brilliant how the speder bike can mount up in the back.
Huge Price Increase for Pick A Brick Items!
I saw this in my recent LEGO magazine as well, it's now online oly as well.
P-Wing Light Freighter
Impressive, I don't really like the few yellow bricks, but that's my only critique. And that's just my personal preferance :thumbsup:
Chrome Darth Vader
I understand that, but I personaly just think that's not cool, returning it just becasue it didn't have a special free minifig. have you ever bought a set off ebay that was advertised as new and sealed, only to find out it was not. The same dissapointment would be had at the store, depending on how you had opened them. I'm not here to argue or call anyone names (which was never done). I just don't approve that's all.
The mess with yellow, flesh and pupils
once I get a house this summer, I plan to have a room for my collections, adn at that time I plan on getting storage bins for my lego sets, then I might mix things together, and at that time, regardless of skin color, I'd have all my minifigs together.
Ex-FBTB member, checking in
I already feel welcome, and I plan to contribute as much as I can.
Chrome Darth Vader
I want these specialty pieces as bad as the next guy, but that's not cool man. It's like the people who open sets and take out the figs, or when the chrome 3CPO thing blew up.
I likeit alot, besides the legs missing. I wish I had the nerve to throw all my SW sets together and build MOC's, I just can't get myself to do it.
Review: 7665 Republic Cruiser
Def, I love your pics, you have nice bokeh in the "I don't like the looks of this" picture with obi and quigon against the droids. very nice work!
Ex-FBTB member, checking in
I've been reading that but either way, I can't even log in with their new format. Temporary or not, they lost a member. Plus EB seems to be organized alot better and have a much larger member base, and a vast moderation team. Ranks to let people know thay are appreciated, and not as many restrictions. I moderate 2 forums myself, so I know what works and what doesnt, and it just seemed like they were way to strict over there. I might go back later and browse, but so far, I am more than impressed with EB :)
That is an impressive list, but coming from a forum with nothing like this, it's nice to know people who are appreciated. Sorry for the old bump.
The mess with yellow, flesh and pupils
I actually keep each individual set in a plastic bag, minifigs and all, so no mixing gfor me.
REVIEW: 4480 Jabba's Palace
wow, you take awesome pics for a review!!
Chrome Darth Vader
I had high hopes opening my 8017, but no chrome vader :(
"SW species in LEGO form"
Not exactly a new species, but I'd like to see a yoda with moving legs. Short legs still, but maybe green feet and the ability to move like normal legs.
Review: Jedi Starfighter and Vulture Droid 7256
Nice review, the starfighters are on my list of old sets to get, I'd love the ultimate starfigter battle set with all of them. Great review
Ex-FBTB member, checking in
Hi there, names Nick. I'm in cold boring fargo, North Dakota U.S. I was a casual user of the forums on fbtb but I go away for a month or two and when I come back, they completely pulled a 180 and switched from Star Wars to miners, lame. I love all LEGO's but for now, with our economy so bad, and me personaly saving to buy a house, I am not going outside of SW LEGO for now. ok, done with the boring stuff.
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