Everything posted by Big Cam
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
So being that there are still a handful of votes left to be voted and I'll be going to bed after I post this, I feel like I should share what's been on my mind. After seeing Scouty vote, and Shadows immediately follow suite and then Dragontaor doing the same. I got suspicious. I got suspicious because they didn't vote for me. They voted for Zepher who according to most in this game has not done as much to draw attention to themselves as I did. Being that todays lynch as well as the kills that will likely happen to tonight are probably going to end this game, I feel like I must share now even if I'm wrong. I think Scouty, Shadows and Dragonator are scum and here is why. I'm the watcher. I watched Adam on night one, nothing happened and I watched Shadows on night two which led me to Scouty. Now all the watcher role told me was literally that Shadows was targeted by Scouty, nothing more. So I assumed he was the recruiter. I feel now that my assumption was right. The fact that Shadows didn't die was a pretty big tell. I think Scouty is lying about being a sear or however you spell it. The reason I am turning on the only supposed friend I had is because he was the only one who knew I was the watcher, except I later found out he told Hinckley. Well since he was the only one who knew, plus I told him I was going to watch him on night 2, and guess what? I was blocked last night. The reason Scouty, Shadows and Dragonator are voting for Zepher and not me, is they think they have me just patiently waiting for Scouty's next PM which I was, until I saw the voting pattern. The sear role just doesn't make sense in this game.Even though the vote is technically going in my favor at this very moment I taking a suggestion from those voting for me and offering all the help I can. My guess is if I am not lynched to day, I'll die tonight for my accusations anyway. All the watcher/tracker nonsense was explained in my last post where I give my thoughts on the watcher, which was easy to do since I'm him. I already feel betrayed by Scouty for him sharing my PM's in full to Hinck so ever since then I've been doubting our trust. I'm heading to bed but I'll be up and online before the day ends for sure. Please think about it, it makes sense. Vote: Dragonator By the way I'm voting Dragonator because I suspect him the killer, since I feel I know Scouty is the recruiter and then Shadows would of had to be converted so he too shouldn't have a killing action.
- Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Which for the tenth time does not indicates scum. I am already dead. I may be less experienced than some but I've played enough mafia games to recognize a bandwagon when I see one. If the few of you have already voted for me with no proof or better reasoning than I'm a little inactive then it's an easy vote for anyone like me who has no suspicions of their own. Who would you like me to randomly accuse? I don't know how I can be helpful when I don't know anything the group doesn't. I NOW also don't see the case against Pandora which is why I have not and will not be voting against her today. OK, let's see if I can be helpful. The way I read the watchers PM's is he or she is scared that the action they saw was Scouty converting Shadows to scum since Shadows did not die. If the watcher is town, contacting Scouty out of the blue was a dangerous move IF his or hers thoughts about the witnessed action was correct. So since the watcher had already blown their cover by contacting Scouty, they casually brought up the fact that they are open to any result since in the watchers eyes, he or she was probably going to get killed by the scum since they knew of his or her role and suspicion. People keep saying the watcher was begging to be converted, I read it more as a ploy to try to avoid getting killed, since the watcher knew they had screwed up by contacting Scouty. Then the whole watcher tracker thing looks an honest mistake since the watcher got to Scouty by watching Shadows, they just got a little confused when speaking to Scouty. That's my take on the while watcher thing. I hope I was helpful. Well my apologies, that wasn't my intent. I guess I'm just too busy of a person to play mafia games.
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
You make no sense, how is saying that my death would be a benefit to the scum, a scummy thing to say if I'm town? It's not scummy, it's the truth. Pretty much every townie should be saying this because any town death benefits the scum. Also why wouldn't I defend myself, I don't want to die.
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Well I trusted Hinckley whether everything he said was right or not. He said more right than wrong. At least in my eyes.. I've never seen a mafia game where the scum took a clean sweep, but then again I'm not the most experienced player. Sorry that was supposed to say odds not Todd's. So lynch me because I am not as experienced as you and I'm suggesting something you don't agree with. Makes sense to me. You're emoticon goes unnoticed by the game host. If you really aren't on a witch hunt for me, I hope you vote for him tomorrow otherwise everything you say is your reason for voting against me was a lie if you don't take out all the quiet ones.
- Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Well then I hope people remember tomorrow if more people jump on your wagon whQuoterted the vote on me because I'm town. Sadly once a day is over it seems like people just forget the facts left there. Certainly. I was referring to Pandora. Hinck originally was making a case against her yesterday, then in was gone until after the day was over. I quickly browsed day 2, saw Hinck was town and said, yup Hinck was right and that was my post at the beginning of the day. After fully reading day 2 (the stuff I missed) I see Hinck had a change of mind and many followed. Being that he knew more than me, I'm trusting his line of thought. Which is why I have taken zero steps towards accusing Pandora today. I know what def said but he has a history of having some pretty messed up twists on his game. The odds just don't make sense. Assuming that each night someone is converted and there are at minimum 2 scum, since def said there were at least 2 teams of scum. There number could now possibly be 5 or more. We've seen 9 townies die. I bet tomorrow, there will be 3 more dead townies. Out of luck of the scum? I highly doubt it. OK, I admit I did not directly answer her question of who's killing all the townies. My bad. I don't know, maybe it's the banana sphinx or some other nonsense character or rule like some of def's other games. In a past game we were all town yet people still died. I agree, and a vote for me is a vote to end the game since I'm town and killing me won't help your Todd's if there even are Todd's. That's how most mafia games go. Facts lead to kills with the random good luck guess by the town. People over reacting about a typo or something like that is what kills townies. Like I wonder how many people are going to say I'm scum because in the above sentence I said by the town which could be taken as me not including myself as a townie. Thus would be a stupid mistake since I was referring to past games. But in assure you someone will read it like that. It's dumb things like that that cause townie death, stupid accusations. Then why even bring it up? You do want people to bandwagon on. Just because I suggest something that has been done before by this very host, and the current number of dead townies doesn't disagree with me, you are going to vote for me. Please remind everyone tomorrow when I die that it was you who started the bandwagon on an innocent townie who didn't talk as much as the rest.
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Unacceptable? I didn't know you wrote the rules for playing mafia games. I answer questions asked of me and address peoples suspicions. Just because I don't post 68 times per day thread doesn't mean I'm not paying attention or playing. People who just ramdomly accuse others with no proof or real suspicion besides saying I'm suspicious of you are just dumb. If you don't have facts you can share, then you probably shouldn't be throwing out accusations. I'm not referring to you, just mafia games in general.
[LOTR] mini LEGO Bag End
I was really bummed when I got into this thread, and the reason why is because I thought there actually was a mini bag end set. Luckily, your MOC has cheered me up. I love this, sadly it's probably way too many pieces for a poly bag but it looks fantastic. All the details are there and it's like fort sized. I would buy this set in a heartbeat if it was official. Great job LeoWong!
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
When I first posted at the beginning if this day when I said I know who I'm voting for I was referring to Pandora because I trusted everything Hinck said when he turned up town. Although since then I've seen a lot more and now I'm confused about Pandora. I may not say much, but that's because I don't have much to say. I'm not sure what you guys want me to say when I don't have 5 people in a private conversation like some of you. I read, I read a lot. I chime in when I feel like I have something to contribute. If someone wants to start sharing secrets with me via PM feel free, otherwise I'm not quite sure why not bickering about something I don't have the facts for is a bad thing. What have I not followed through with and why am I wishy washy, I've stood by my votes and unfortunately they were wrong, but I've changed my focus after finding those convictions out. If changing my focus to try and get LESS dead townies is wishy washy to you, then you sound like scum. I'd think if you were a townie you'd want to do the same thing.
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Of course, just like everyone else who has died. Town town town, I'm not saying it's exactly the same as the other game, but it sure stinks of it. Again, I never said this is what's happening for sure. I was just saying it smells of that platform, OR something similar, or equally as twisted. Obviously we have 3 different killers. Whether they are all vigs, or all serial killers, or a mix, or scum, or whatever, according to the images we are allowed to see. Really, grasping at straws there. Me saying that you think I'm scum is hardly a confession. Let not try to turn the attention to me when obviously you are the person of interest today. As messed up as Hinck was yesterday it turns out he was town, which pretty much validates his babbling. I'm a simple townie, I haven't been having all these PM conversations like apparently half of you have, so I can only go off of what others say. Unfortunately we were wrong about Hinck, but you were coming in a strong second. Why don't you openly share your PM's with Scouty and Hinckley like Hinckley did, unless you have something to hide.
Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Really? Me thinking EVERYONE in the game is a townie sounds scummy. So your saying I'm the only scum in the game? Think about that for a second. I am not certain of anything, I do remember playing one of def's games where everyone was town, and every time we lynched someone they showed up as town but then they were allowed one kill as a dead person, so every time we lynched a town (since we were all town) we ended up loosing double the townies. No one figured it out until the end. It was the game with cards like tarrot cards, I'm on my phone right now son I can't get you the specific thread or title, I just can't pit my finger on it, but it's there. I'm not saying thisnisnthe same but maybe it's another twisted version of a mafia game. Since you usually at least stumble upon a scum by now with all these deaths.
- Euroricks Mafia day three: An end to Ricks
Malware alerts
This has been brought up many times before, it's not Eurobricks problem, it is likely a link or image in someone's signature in that thread. As you can see from the image you attached, the problem is with content from philo is in the thread. of the images someone used is hosted there. Edit: judging from your warning and Dluders link I'm going to say it's his link. I've removed that hyperlink. Do you still get the warning?
LEGO and Visitors
Well tell them if they are going to fight then they can't play, and take it away like any sensible adult would. Teach them that if they act like that, then they don't get to play I'd never let children play with my LEGO.
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LEGO and Visitors
Do your cousins come over and mess with your LEGO? How old are your cousins?
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Congratulations Foog!
We missed you. Not only are you here to merge threads and destroy spam, now you can rule with an iron fist as well.
Review: 60016 Tanker Truck
Rufus, your main picture with the gas stop in the background is just perfect. I love that shot. You have always been one of the best reviewers, but you are really bringing things up a notch. I love the Octan trucks, I have a really old one from my childhood and it's nice to see them making new ones over and over. This is the kind of truck you could easily have multiples of, or multiple versions and you'd never have enough. A beautiful review, and a great set. Thanks Rufus!
Eurobricks Mafia Day Two: Moonlight Medicine
We probably don't. You're the only one ranting and raving about the psychiatrist. No where in her post does she say, Oh ya, I'm the psychiatrist. it was just a wild theory. Hinckley, why are you putting so much faith in her guess? Maybe it was the horses, either way this proves there are day kills, so Scouty's reasoning is making more and more sense, while your theory is,....... well never really did make sense. Which for the most part only you do. Bingo, my thoughts exactly. Well with Scouty and Hinckley being the two main targets (for good reasons), I think I have to go with the vote for the person who's story doesn't add up. Speculation isn't fact. Vote: Hinckley Also guess who got strep throat in real life
Eurobricks Mafia Day Two: Moonlight Medicine
Granted it wasn't Scouty who shared them, I think Hinck did Scouty a favor. Those PM's are something we normally never get to see. I'm not ready to cast a vote, as I feel under the weather (for real) hopefully some more has developed when I wake up, but for now I'm leaning towards,shit, I'm not sure.
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