Everything posted by smokebelch
Star Wars LEGO Photography
Thanks for the comments on my Jabba shot- just wanted to take a quick shot of him, but took me ages to get the light right. Was trying to get some good shadows on his wrinkles- he's a hard one to shoot cause he's got no printing on him. The slobber is mint source shower gel for those interested- makes good ectoplasm as well ^^^ "He slimed me ray!"
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
Star Wars LEGO Photography
Awesome Boba shot fenris- very jealous of your printed Boba, always wanted one but not for the price they currently go for! Nice At-At cockpit shot too Rob Haha 30 shots is nothing- you should see how many i can take sometimes just for one shot! Definatly- love to see people posting their shots up- threads open to all Just noticed as well we're up to 50 pages now as well!
Star Wars LEGO Photography
Thats the fun of it though, I don't think it really matters if its exactly the same as the original shot- so long as its recognisable as the scene. Its fun then to play around with it a bit and make it a good shot. Your versions a better image than the still frame of the movie is- love the DoF
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
Star Wars LEGO Photography
Cheers for the comments on my shots guys Actually took ages to get this last couple of 'tatooine' shots- was sunny for once, but the location where i take the shots was very muddy and slippy due to all the rain we've been having. Was pretty perilous trying to get up the small cliff, and of corse i slipped over and slip back down again! Oh well, at least when i managed to get up there it gave the shots a diff texture to the other tusken shots id taken there. Made it hard to get down low as well to get a good angle on the shots, as was hard to get footing- being 6'4" must have looked pretty funny with me slipping and sliding about! Glad your enjoing the photos- makes it all worth while Can't wait for some better weather to get some more done- winter seems to going on forever!
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
Star Wars LEGO Photography
Nice shots 501st- great work for your first location shots Good angle on the first couple of shots- if i were to offer any advice it'd be to check the macro settings on your camera, the shots are ever so slightly out of focus. Other than that though top stuff- keep em coming! Cool shots Rob- love the setting. I hear ya on the weather front!- went out the other day to get some landspeeder shots but by the time id got to the location the sun had gone and rain clouds had moved in... oh well will have to wait for another day- got some time off this week and want to get some location shots done Here's one quick new one- Just playin around with the light from my mouse to light Vader again- think my older shot of this worked better, but used the Chromed Vader for this one. Usually like my shots nice and crisp but kinda liked the grungy feel and how the light flares came out
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
It's a trap!
This is actually originally by Powerpig- original shot on his flickr page here- All his Star Wars shots highly recommended
Star Wars LEGO Photography
Cool new shots fenris- loving the atmosphere of the Tusken shot Well my indoor shots are pretty boring set-up wise- usually just a blank piece of paper for a backdrop! My 'location' shots are all shot outdoors on real locations- picture a grown man laying down in the sand for a couple of hours cursing everytime a tiny lego minifig falls over and your pretty much there as regards to a set-up shot Really sucks at the mo as whenever i get a day off and some time to head out for some shots the weather is always aweful! Can't wait for spring and some sunshine for a change, got a lot of shots in my head i need to shoot outdoors. Im guessing fenris' last couple of shots were done indoors- very impressive set up of the backgrounds- I agree it'd be cool to see some set-up shots of the sets
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
10178 AT-AT mods
^^^ yeah i've always prefered the old AT-AT over this one, but this one has grown on me a lot over time. Im sure the rumored new one will blow both out of the water though Its attached to the interior frame- i'll up some shots when i get a chance this week.
10178 AT-AT mods
Thanks for the comments Thanks- its shot with a small light on a long exposure- lets you play with the light to create a nice dark backdrop. There's actually a plain white piece of paper just behind the stormies. More of this sort of stuff on my flickr stream and in the photography thread- SW Lego Photography
- Star Wars LEGO Photography
10178 AT-AT mods
Cheers for the feedback- glad your diggin the mods
10178 AT-AT mods
Was bored today so thought i'd up some shots of my mods to my AT-AT Generally like to keep official Lego models pretty much as they are, but always enjoy making a few small changes. Missed out on the original AT-AT, but still really like the Walking one (10178). Put the roof on it ages ago, but only just got round to making a 2 seater cokpit for the new AT-At Drivers. Kept the exterior of the head pretty much the same, bit of a tight fit to get the drivers and Veers in but just about fits- the new helmets having a gap at the back of the head really help with them fitting in. Also made an interior for the body- originally kept the battery pack in and the seats were just in the front, but decided to take it out and mirror the front seats at the back also. Can still plug the motor into the battery pack externally for 'walking' motion. Not the best photos I know, just quick snaps to give you the general idea And the troops released... More of this sort of shot on my flickr! And the Brickshelf folder when public... Walker
Vader's Red Helmet
My Leia from 6212 X-Wing came with smooth hair, got it quite recently- last Autumn I think. Woah! Just looked at what its going for on Bricklink! Didn't realise it was so rare- the Leia in Hoth outfit isn't even listed on BL as coming with the smooth- def came in the X-Wing set though as Leia in her orig outfit is one of the few figs I dont own.
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