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Everything posted by smokebelch

  1. Couple of shots of the Episode III Clone Scout Troopers. Someone asked earlier in the thread wether i had any pod racer shots (sorry didn't answer at the time)- To answer im a bit of an original trilogy fan and only own a couple of the prequel sets. I did get the turbo tank though, as it was a very cool vehicle and had the awesome clone scout trooper. Took these a while ago and at the time didnt like em, was trying to do some speeder bike shots but it started to rain so couldnt get what i wanted, and id brought him along as well and took a few of him on an old crumbly tree/log. Was just having a scout through my old shots and quite liked a couple so thought id post em up
  2. Haha- back on topic No worries glad you like the shot Yeah, I never got the original speeder bike set, had to bricklink the Scout Troopers. Provided i have the cash i'll definatly be getting the Endor Bunker- so many cool minifigs there will be too many photos opps not too!
  3. Thanks Alas I dont have any ewoks at the moment im afraid... However If I get the Endor bunker set in the summer you can bet you'll be seeing some Ewok shots at some point though Bit off-topic again I know - it does feature star wars lego torsos!- but thought id post it in here- quick new Ghostbusters shot "He Slimed Me!"
  4. New Speeder Bike shot from today... Done quite a lot of Scout Trooper shots recently (Lego ones as well as the Kubrick and Hasbro action figure). Always been one of my favourite's out of all the imperial troops. The weathers been nice as well so it helps for getting some good 'endoresque' looking shots
  5. Yeah I only ever use one light source (the Ipod) for indoor shots no flash etc. The key thing is the long exposure time. I would imagine you'd get a similar result with an ledtorch- good luck, let me know how you get on All my outdoor shots just use natural light- will mostly just take em on days when there is a good amount of sunlight, get the best results that way. More than welcome to use them as wallpaper
  6. Thanks so much Im so lucky to have Forest/beaches etc so close to where i live. No problem I used to be the same with indoor pics- could never get good results. Always used to favour outdoor shots, with some good daylight you could get some fantastic shots with little effort on your part with regards to the lighting. Could never get the results i wanted indoors. I've got a very small flat and dont have room for a specific area for photography, and dont have any special lights/ reflectors etc. Flash shots always came out looking awful as well. A few of my early attempts i used candles and a long exposure, which gave some nice moody pictures but not quite what i was after with some shots. Was getting frustrated over the winter as couldn't get outdoors cause of the weather and wanted to take some indoor pics... Then had a bit of a ureka moment!- you prob wont believe it but i actually use my I-pod touch to light pretty much all my indoor shots. Remembered there was a torch application you could download for it which just gives out a nice adjustable and clean light. Usually have the camera on a 4 second exposure and about f8 on the appature and obviously the camera either on a flat surface/tripod. Then just hold the ipod and i'll snap away- because im up really close as lego figs are so small it lights em beautifully. Takes a bit of experimenting with how close/ what direction to hold the light, but thats the beauty of digital, you can takes loads of shots and just delete the bad ones. Will change the postion of the ipod from shot to shot so you can adjust reflection/ light direction etc. 99% of the time i'll just use a plain white piece of A4 paper as a backdrop- you can get some good shadows/ colour in the plain paper with the direction of the light. If you have a look at my photostream on flickr all my recent indoor shots are lit this way (its all toys, but as non-lego i wont post em here- link in my sig), its got different colours as well so the blue/red tinted ones up are all done in camera just using the diff coulours on the torch app. Takes a bit of trial and error- but the main thing to do is just take LOADS of shots, then have a look and see what turns out best. Damn i've just given away all my photography secrets! Hope this is of some help!
  7. smokebelch replied to Lars's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Very cool speeder design Gonna have to make me one of these.
  8. Cheers for all your comments! ... Oh yes, many more to come
  9. Always regret not picking up the original AT-AT. Looked at it so many times in the shop, but the lego Star Wars bug had not hit me yet then. When i finally decided to try and find one, it was gone. I know there's always bricklink/ebay etc. but i've purchased all my sets at retail and kinda begrudge paying the amounts that it goes for now.
  10. Thanks- be cool to see others shots as well Really couldn't decide yesterday if i liked the portait or landscape version of my relaxing trooper... Stuck up the landscape on flickr, but today i like the portait better- im too damn indisisive! Oh well here's the other version...
  11. Thanks again for the comments Quick new Scout Trooper shot- relaxing after a hard days Trooping!
  12. Got my particle packs/gun's from BrickForge through- my first order, and very pleased with the items, great quality Here's a couple of shots of them in action- Please excuse my hand made Slimer! Need a couple more torso's and a harry potter head for egon to complete all 4 'busters. Great work on these accessories- they are pretty awesome!
  13. Thats true it would have meant the shot was technically star wars with rotta in it I did have a look on bricklink but seemed kinda pricey to pick up seeing as id only be using it for a few photos. Mind you given how hard it was trying to make a minifig sized slimer, it might have been a better idea!
  14. Bit off-topic i know, as its not Star Wars, but it kinda fits in here with my other photos- couple of quick shots i took of some ghostbusters figures- with the brickforge proton packs. And please excuse my hand made Fimo Slimer! Some more Star Wars shots soon...
  15. Wow! Thanks so much for all the comments and warm welcome to eurobicks, glad you enjoyed the shots Will def post up any new ones i take here. Loads of other star wars figure (kubricks/ action figures etc) photos on my flickr/redbubble pages as well. Have wanted to do some of the ships, but most of the Lego ships i've got kinda need a space background! (or are just to heavy/fragile/big to take out for outdoor shots!). Always regretted i didnt take the snowspeeder out when we had the snow in the UK this year- it went as quickly as it came so didnt get a chance. Was meaning to take my USC At-St out to the forest in the car for some shots... however have just taken it apart to Mod my small AT-ST. Always intended to take this shot in the woods- ...But it turned out pretty well indoors with the light from the sun through the trees craeting a nice forestey effect. Next trip out to the woods will prob try and recreate this though- got some parts coming for a speeder bike mod- so will def get some shots of that outdoors as well. I'd thoroughly recommend buying a print would liven up any room and comes with a guaranteed wife seal of appoval (well mine any way! ) Any cash I make from my photos gets plowed back into bricklink for more mini-figs as well
  16. smokebelch replied to smokebelch's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks for the comments and welcomes guys Did think about extending the legs- but it balances really well as it is, and its about right height wise. Your right though the actual AT-ST has got very 'spindly' legs. The technic legs on the new endor one capture that look well, but personnally dont really dig them that much. Its such a hard vehicle to get right though, as legos previous attempts prove!
  17. smokebelch replied to smokebelch's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks for the comments When i was first putting the head together i did think about trying to get 2 seats in. You can extend to head by a couple of studs and it would kinda fit 2, though it made the head a bit big so i just went for one seat in the cockpit in the end. Really wanted it as close to minifig scale as possible, and especially as the internal head structure takes up quite a bit of room. Be interested to see if anyone can mod one to get 2 drivers in though.
  18. Cheers guys Feel free to use em as wallpaper. My wife was always saying i should sell some of them so ive put them up on RedBubble (link in my sig)- as cards/prints etc. Though i really just take em for fun! Yeah i keep meaning to take some more indy ones- i'll post em up if i do. Camera wise i've got a fujifilm S8100, not a full DSLR, but able to adj a lot of the settings so good for taking some intetesting shots.
  19. Thanks again for all your comments - last couple of shots- Some after hours stormtrooper action! And a bit off topic but might as well post here- an Indy shot- Thats pretty much the lot of all my lego shots, though i'll be sure to post up more as soon as i take them. All my outdoor shots are real backgrounds- I live close to the forest and the beach. Snow shots were taken when we had the snow in the Uk in Feb, and the forest/ sand ones are taken on sunny days in the forest and on the beach
  20. Thanks for the comments everyone Taken with a digital camera with macro/super macro. Here's a few more from my flickr page- i'll post up new ones as i take em also... 'Look Sir, Droids!' 'Where do you think your going!' 'This is NOT gonna work...' ... yeah i know it does in the game!
  21. smokebelch replied to smokebelch's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thanks for the welcome JD - your welcome to use my design- i've taken a load more shots showing how its all put together. Been trying for ages to come up with a better AT-ST, loved the head on the new lego one in the battle of endor set and been playing around with it for ages trying to work out how to attach the sides of the head at the angles... had a ureka moment yesterday after taking my UCS apart. It holds together really well and is very sturdy. Cockpits a wee bit tight but i think works pretty well. Legs are really sturdy, and balances nicley, and too be honest i much prefer these legs over the technic ones. Used the gun design from 7657 as well as the feet. Since the last photos have changed round the back and the base of the head. The back was a 6 stud by 8 plate and looked a bit 'chunky'. Have now swapped it round so looks a bit more streamlined and tapers in. Also squeezed in the base of the head a bit. Anyways here's some more shots i've uploaded to brickshelf showing a bit more detail- And here's the brickshelf folder with more shots (though dont think its public yet)- http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?f=377211
  22. Hey all, Thought id share some of my photographs of some of my Minifigs, really gotton into photography the last year or so- and my star wars lego has been really fun to shoot 'The Duel' 'Imposter!' 'Uncle Owen!... This R2 unit has a bad motivator!' loads more up on my flickr & RedBubble pages
  23. smokebelch posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hello! Been a long time lurker- thought it was a bout time i registered Been collecting SW lego stuff for a good few years- generally like to 'tweak' official sets slightly, but never really created my own vehilcles. Thought id show you the AT-ST id just put together. Not really a MOC as i've just kinda combined a few bits from other sets, and the head's sorta copied from the few photos kicking around of the new one due in the fall.. Legs are a bit of a mixture of the second AT-ST (7657) and the Clone Scout Walker (7250). Didn't like the bulkiness of the 7657 legs, and not too keen on the technic legs of the new battle of endor one- and with the plate head its not too weighty so the single stud brick legs hold it up well. Based the head on the early shots of the new one due in the battle of endor set- took a while to try and figure out how to hold it all together with the odd angles! Ended up taking the UCS AT-ST apart for parts and inspiration. Holds together really well, pretty sturdy and room for a cockpit inside. Made of few cosmetic changes since i took the above photos, if anyone's interested i can upload some more shots of interior etc to brickshelf.
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