Everything posted by The Sarge
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I give it a minor pass for that given that they didn't pass him up for another Luke or Wedge, and that he's somewhat likely to appear in one of the recurring X-wings.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Yep. Fingers crossed Dutch has the UCS helmet print, that's a $55+ part right now. Still a bit disappointed that the figure list is short compared to the first leaks - lost a pilot and two rebels. Would have been a great opportunity for another Blue Squadron pilot or an updated Biggs print on the normal helmet, and an honor guard.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Any leaks on who the pilots will be/what helmets we're getting in the Yavin and NR starfighter sets? Hopefully we will get one or more of the missing Red Squadron helmets and another U-Wing variation but I'm not holding my breath.
The Seawatch Campaign - Coordination Thread
The liason finally arrives!
[OL-FB] The Liason Arrives
The lighter bobbed alongside the dock as adjoint Chef de Bataillon Valentin de Glenson marched up the dock to the beat of his drummer. The gold braid epaulettes of a staff officer glistened in the sun. Behind a thick wall of jungle, he could just make out the tops of the buildings of Seawatch - the view rudely interrupted by a slightly inebriated Corrie leftenant waving with one hand, the other occupied by a drink. Not even a salute! de Glenson grimaced internally. Such boors. Ah well. Best foot forward and perhaps their leadership will be better behaved. The enthusiastic young officer mistook de Glenson's forced smile for actual enthusiasm, and began to regale him with tales of derring-do from the recent siege, coming perilously close to spilling his cocktail. "Yes, yes, I'm sure you were quite heroic lad. But best get this show on the road, non?" Trailed by his aide, clerk, a detachment of signallers, and a small honor guard, they struck out for headquarters in Seawatch, the Lieutenant babbling the whole way.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
The Seawatch Campaign - Coordination Thread
The Oleon liason officer in Seawatch, adjoint Chef de Bataillon Valentin de Glenson. I'll be MOCing his arrival but he is detached from the Oleon General Staff, and will have a small team including a clerk, signalers, and an aide.
Updating Your Minifigs
Torn between white hips and the traditional black hips for my clones. The white hips are definitely growing on me.
[MOC] The Return of The X-Wing
A heads up on the new Eiffel Tower set - tons of DBG candlesticks, if you want to replace the metallic ones in your build.
[OL-FB] Tamish Bothy at Fort Arltrees
Thanks! As I add crofts, I'm hoping to show the jungle being trimmed away in stages and replaced by worked land. Thank you! Thanks, the stone is slightly parts intensive but very rewarding! And thank you, I'm glad to be back! Thanks, looking forward to seeing what you build for him!
- Settlement: Fort Arltrees, El Oleonda, Oleon
[OL-FB] Tamish Bothy at Fort Arltrees
A not insignificant number of Tamish exiles chose to go into the service of Oleon, providing the training and organization that they hope to one day use to free their home island. Some of these men and their families have landed at Fort Arltrees, and began building stone bothies in the style of their far away homeland. The stout structures provide ample defense against Lotii raiding parties. Here, we see an officer returning on leave. This is built on the MILS modular base system and will be expanded with other bothies, outbuildings, and small gardens in the future.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
I'd like to see the red/black R5 dome for Red Leader's droid or the green/white R4 dome (new mold?) for Red Four's astromech show up in a set. Not picky as to what set though, I just want the parts. Of course, a Star Wars CMF line would be nice, but who knows if the stars will align for that to even be possible.
LIGHT SIDE TEAM: Introduction
Great, thanks. I was looking at a couple of the accessible but not controlled sectors to pick a planet I wanted my character introduction MOC to be set on, so that will work well.
LIGHT SIDE TEAM: Introduction
Are we required to start our character in a faction controlled sector, or can they start in any sector?
[MOC] The Return of The X-Wing
WIP Red Three adaptation: Using the wedge plates helps close the gaps up but it adds studs, so there's a definite trade off. Maybe someday we'll get tiles with the same footprint. Figuring out the color blocking has been interesting as well. For the yellow under the cockpit (and the sand green on the other side) I'm thinking stickers where they partially overlap the red stripe.
Eslandola Mini-Challenge: The Return of the King
Wow, hard to believe it's been a decade since those came out. Maybe we'll get a goatherd in a CMF line to take a little of the pressure off.
[MOC] The Return of The X-Wing
I'm working on adapting this to a Red Three (Biggs) scheme, and I had a couple questions about the fuselage. ~~One, is there a reason you went with the plate and tile stack for the 1x1 instead of a corner panel at the rear? Using all panels looks like it will allow me to close the rear most side gap.~~ Edit: I see the problem with doing it that way, the back half can't tilt down far enough. I assume the 1x3 panel wasn't available at the time but that fixes the issue. Second, most of the screen pictures and supposedly screen accurate models I've seen put the opening to the torpedo tubes roughly in line with the front of the canopy, judging by the panel lines. That's about two studs forwards of where it is now; is there a major problem I'm not seeing that I'm going to run into moving that forwards? Thanks, and the instructions are great. It's well worth the money to save the hassle of trying to reverse engineer the model.
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
@Professor Thaum Great, thanks. I'm still in the middle of construction so I'll just make the main section longer to get me above the large cutoff on footprint. It's a ropewalk that currently sits at 2,181 studs ground floor footprint (48x48 giving a requirement of 2,304 studs, the small second floor would have covered this) but I can add another section or two and exceed that handily.
- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I got Jerac's X-wing instructions, now I'm fiddling with it to make a Red Three screen-accurate model. Well worth the money for the Instructions. There's some clever parts usage although not having bought sets in a while I'm spending a bit on Bricklink now! So many new parts I didn't even know had been released.
[COR-FotL-Cat1A] Red Fire Banner Army
Very nice, I really like the rocket launcher! The folding legs make it feel like they could carry it from battle to battle.
Flower of the Lotus - Mini Challenge - RESULTS POSTED
Terrible As An Army With Banners My Cat 1 A entry.
[OL-FotL-Ch1A] Terrible As An Army With Banners
White Banner Lotii The White Banner employs a very traditional force structure, suited to the lightly armed mercenaries often found in its ranks. Here, two men armed with guandaos and a swordsman with shoudao guard a laborer pushing a wheelbarrow loaded with Chao Dai, a kind of preserved ration pack. A clerk from the Imperial court keeps careful track of the inventory of supplies on hand, ensuring the Lotii armies will be sufficiently fed. Blue Banner Lotii The Blue Banner however has embraced gunpowder more thoroughly. While some pikemen with guandaos are kept on hand to provide close protection, there is a high proportion of musketeers armed with everything from very old chong to modern muskets captured from various Madrician forces. They even have begun to adopt a kind of uniform, with a sash and a small leather pack on suspenders for the musketeers. Lotii Figbarf Challenge All in one photo. Please excuse the crowding, had to improvise the backdrop and this was all the space I had to work with.
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
Oh, firearms are kind of my bag! So if we take the late Napoleonic period as the end of our time frame, that still allows for quite a few innovations in firearms. Rifled muskets as a primary service arm didn't occur until later, but there were quite a few rifles that were in use. The most famous of these, thanks to the Sharpe series, is the Baker Rifle. This was the main arm of the rifle regiments of the British Army, which were typically employed as skirmishers. Other common muzzle-loaded rifles were the German Jäger and the American Pennsylvania and Kentucky long rifles, used in both military roles and as hunting arms. But you aren't restricted to muzzle-loaders! A variety of innovative breechloaders were attempted in this period. They were mostly too expensive or simply too unfamiliar and new to gain traction in the military beyond special units, but they did exist. These I'll divide into two categories, simple breechloaders and complex (repeating) breechloaders. Simple breechloaders include the Queen Anne system, mostly used on pistols but also some carbines, the Crespi carbine, in Austrian service in the 1770s, the Hall Rifle (this video is a later percussion model, but the first models were flintlocks), and the British Ferguson rifle, used during the American revolution. On a larger scale swivel guns using removable, interchangeable breeches had been around since the 1300s. Complex, or repeating, breechloaders of the era include the Kalthoff repeater, a slide action rifle used in small quantities by the Danish Foot Guards, the Lorenzoni system, a finely crafted lever action produced by various makers for around 150 years, the Collier revolver, the Puckle gun, which was a small artillery piece, and others. As far as percussion caps go, the relevant chemistry discoveries and first designs show up around 1800-1820, at the end of our time frame. While you won't see them on military weapons, it wouldn't be unheard of to have a chemist or inventor messing with them, or have one or two firearms in the hands of a wealthy individual using them.
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