[Mod/Moc] Stealth Z-95 Headhunter
Are those stats from the D20 Star Wars RPG? Also Starfighters!!! yay the bestest best part of Star Wars :D This is a pretty cool MOC I'm hoping to find the stock Z-95 for cheap, as I love the X-wing and all it's relatives.
TigerWolfe started following Suboken Project's Moldy Crow , [Mod/Moc] Stealth Z-95 Headhunter , Promotion of Brickdoctor to Star Wars moderator and 2 others
Promotion of Brickdoctor to Star Wars moderator
Way to go BrickDoctor. I'm not really sure of the differences in responsibility from your old position to this one, but you've helped me out in my short time here, and a promotion seems well deserved.
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
The UCS one is too rich for my blood, and if I had that money, I'd just go with the MOC one that was posted by krispy as I think his looks better. LEGO train, it is a fusion of two B-wings, it's a one off ship that's only mentioned in the canon once. Just got home from spending some time with the family so I'll be eyeballing making the cockpit look more correct once again. Knightsword, you said you were gonna do the same build, how's yours coming along?
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
I wasn't as big of a fan of how the MF canopy looked, and maybe I'm just too inexperienced, but even with the headlight bricks I'm not sure how to set it up so the canopy connection is smooth. This is definitely not the final version though so I'm willing to keep fussing around with it til I get it right.
Republic Gunship Nose Art
As someone who flew on EC-130s in the USAF, and has always lamented the departure of nose art, this is so freaking awesome!!!
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
So I cannibalized a Space Police ship for the purposes of mocking this up, thoughts and ideas would be appreciated, as well as friendly pointers. With the Millenium Falcon cockpit, size comparison. Of note, this smaller "blade"-less version is really fun to play with. The Falcon cockpit is good to go size wise but connecting it, was not something I could do with available parts. This is the cockpit I went with, as I had one on hand to test it out. Obviously the colors are wrong, what're thoughts on the shape though? Here's a view of the underside, I feel like there are wider bottom pieces that'll match the cockpit better, but I'm not certain on that. That nose piece is a bit too narrow, any pointers towards a wider piece would be appreciated. The reason I need a wider piece. Note the gap. So this is the progress I've made on expanding the cockpit, lemme know any thoughts or input. Thanks for looking :D
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
Got the Millenium Falcon cockpit in today, it's fine size wise... but I'm flummoxed with regards to an attachment method.
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
Yeah the swap was really easy, I was worried I'd need a few extra pieces, but it was literally just a matter of building a few pieces opposite of how they were in the book. The only thing I needed extra pieces for was the extra long bridge between the Blades that the cockpit attaches to.
Community MOC Challenges
It had a Class 4 Hyperdrive. It got from Alderaan to Yavin.
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
They fixed that in errata? I have the original book, but I've only ever played one session sadly, so errata is definitely not something I kept up on for it. I remember being so excited when I saw Deathraven in there, because it had been floating around in my head as an idea ever since I'd read about Uglies in the EU. I've always kinda wanted to build a Die-wing too.
- Suboken Project's Moldy Crow
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
That might work... but if I kinda wanna build that ship, not scrap it for parts :D. I think the Quinjet one looked good, although as is I think it might be too dark, perhaps a color swap.
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
That's actually a concern I have, I'm worried it'll be too long. I'll have to see when it comes in.
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
So I've already ordered a Falcon Cockpit off of ebay, found it for like 2 bucks, but I like the shape of the Quinjet one as well. Would my assessment that the Quinjet cockpit is too dark to mesh with the Deathraven body, be accurate? I'm trying to figure out if I should just order the pieces to make the cockpit separate or if I should just order a Quinjet and cannibalize it. Either way it looks big enough to go with either side by side, after some creative building, or one behind the other. On the subject of canon. Oh man this thing is a nightmare. The artwork doesn't match the description, and the wiki entry for Erron Kell, the pilot, says he used a different type of B-Wing than the wiki entry for Deathraven states. The kicker there is that they both cite the same source material. Which makes all the exposition about Kell in the wiki confusing as to its source. /end rant
[Mod] Deathraven (two 6208 sets)
So thoughts. After having looked at the picture, on the wiki that I linked in the OP, I think despite the E2 being rare that that's what it's supposed to be. So that means wider rather than longer. Now visual style wise, as it was already pointed out, the thing looks spindly in the middle, so going for the elongated cockpit, won't really help that. Canon wise, whether a mistake was made or not, it's canon that the ship is an E2, so I'd like to stick with that. 3rd, if one were a bounty hunter, I think I'd rather cart my prey around next to me, rather than having them sitting behind me. So I think I'm definitely gonna go with the wider version, which of course... is the more difficult way to go. Some ideas I've had involve having the actual cockpit compartment wider than the canopy, although that kills the potential for ejection, which the E2 could do, or cobbling together some sort of extra wide canopy. Another thing of note, from looking at the image in the wiki, the canopy appears to be more sharply angled than rounded, that might make cobbling together a wide one easier... maybe...
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