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Toa of Whimsy

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About Toa of Whimsy

  • Birthday 04/14/1991

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    BIONICLE and LEGO in general, furries, ero guro, Cartoons, weeaboo shit, and internets

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  1. A rock on a dune, an orc, and a frightened girl.... Well, you did make a good rock and that dune it seems to stand on. If you had made a slave caravan loaded with human wenches on their way to the slave market to be sold, I would like this better. As for the question in the title, the answer is: Sorry, I wanted to do that xD
  2. I am, for they are relevant to the discussion. It's not like a funny picture is less/more funny depending on if it's URL leads to Encyclopedia Dramatica or MySpace.
  3. I must confess to being a weeaboo- the only "comics" I have read recently are all manga scanlations. And two of the ones I can remember reading are finished, as in done. Anyway, I will list them out here: Kodomo No Jikan- About a little girl in love with her schoolteacher. Full of pervy jokes and antics as she constantly teases him and makes him look like a pedophile to onlookers. Currently ongoing. Also has an animu series that you can look up on YouTube. Mai-Chan's Daily Life- Death Panda- Whoooo! I don't even think I can even DESCRIBE those two! Best look them up yourself! They are both by the same author- Uzita Waiga, and are both totally not something to be caught reading/owning. Would get thee party-vanned. Save Death Panda for last though. Both are complete.
  4. ^ Doesn't know what a loli is. Very well, I will have to tell you. THESE ARE LOLIS ANY QUESTIONS??
  5. I so want this now, mostly for the dinosaur.
  6. Silly crystal toothed rock monster looks silly. might've looked better with trans orange and black. Speaking of black, do those 2x2 blocks with the ball joints sticking out of them come in any other sets? Do they come in black? They look very exploitable...
  7. Okay... do you have any more GITD blue pieces? you can put more on, Rama are supposed to be brightly-colored anyhow, like most real bees and wasps. and do you have any of the pieces that were used for stingers/handles on the original Rama sets? Those paddle things with a fan-thing on one end?
  8. Here be boxart of yon colorful bootleg, he doth be named "Super Wind Wheel": Seems consistent to me.
  9. IT IS DELICIOUS CAKE YOU MUST EAT IT. Also, Happy Great Womb Escape Day Imperialshadows, and to think I just made a little tribute to the conversation I had with you when you put me in the detention chamber for my bad posting: I doth be the knave dog and thou art the king. I doth apologize for I have made an omission whilst writing the script on this image and had to include a footnote. Have a great birthday. And on top of that tribute here is a card:
  10. I notice most people here consistently trying to avoid commenting on my loli Tren Krom. ROFLMAO.
  11. ITT I wanna see the same concept behind "Moemon" applied to Malum and Zesk. For those who don't know what Moemon is: http://www4.atwiki.jp/hitec/ It's pokemon but with each of the pokemons turned into (mostly) cute little girls who look similar to them. Or someone can just draw a lolicon-ised Zesk. Because a cat is fine too.
  12. Well, I don't like her design, and either she should've been made a he or given a build like Solek's. That might have been a little better IMO.
  13. Well, It's THEIR art to some extent... My only problem is all them WEEABOOS imitating it because they wanna move to Japan and become famous artists whilst eating Ramen all the time so they can be like Naruto and spending megablocks-loads of money on importing katana and bitching at 4Kids massive dubbing fails. I don't really know, but I think the point of this Mari-chan person's work is to parody cute mascot character art or something, which explains why her stuff is so whacked-out. Like "Hanging Star" here: TBH I like Ikenie (depressed apple-bear dude) and the "Kedamono girls". I think they're cool. and... I BESEECH THEE! HOW DOTH ALL THESE FILMS AND VIDEOGAMES AND MUSIC ENTIRELY PERTAIN TO LEGO? BE SILENCED YE KNAVES!
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