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Poekie Poes

Eurobricks Ladies
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  1. Poekie Poes replied to VSF's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hi VenomSpitFire, welcome to eurobricks. :)
  2. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :) True, the set in the second pic is exo force. But I love blacktron even better, so I could arrange some blacktron & my little pony scenery photos soon! Speaking of twisted minds.. I do have some Star Trek figure riding little ponies pics somewhere (Garak and Kira Nerys)...
  3. Poekie Poes replied to Meloniel's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Hi Polina! Nice to see you here, you've got the same favourite sets as I do. Have a nice stay here & good luck with your band!
  4. Poekie Poes replied to Jipay's post in a topic in Community
    The last few days I'm listening to a weird mix of Phoenix Wright game music, .mods (module game music), los calchakis (bolivian pan flute group) and popmusic from the '80s and '90s.
  5. Poekie Poes replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    Yay, I earned my drivers licence just two weeks ago! Due to bureaucratism it took me over a week to actually get ahold of it tho. =_= But! Today I made my first ride without intructor. A bit scary at first (especially because I had to drive in my grandmother's automatic car), but it went well. I still highly prefer manual cars, they just drive smoother, quiter. I can't always borrow grandmother's car so I'm still thinking about which car to get. It should be safe and as environment-friendly as possible.
  6. Aawww especially the 'falling in a pit of lava' part... And lol @ general magma, using mega blocks. Oh my that must have been hard for you when you woke up.
  7. Aw that's a cute shuttle, I like it! Especially the engines. I agree that metallic silver might be a better choice of colour for the roof head.
  8. Nice review & pics! I was very pleased with this advent calendar as well... unpacked ours together with my BF.
  9. I thought this movie was great, maybe even the best I've seen this year. The filming was so good... the very uncomfortable openings scene, but almost every scene after that as well. I thought Quentin spared us a lot, most of the bloody happenings weren't showed in detail, only at times when it was functional (I'm not into blood and gore so I thought of it as a good thing). I laughed a lot while watching too, Hitler for example was hilarious when he chuckled like an old man to 'charlie chaplin' when he watched the movie.
  10. I'm way into anime and manga. Always have been... I guess I never became a real adult or something, mentally. :( Can't help but love shows like pokemon, sailor moon and dragonball (z). Then again, I like more mature series as well, like Neon genesis Evangelion. Imo it's the best mecha ever, with a great story to tell, especially in the last episode. About how our very existence extends with the people we choose to be around us. At least, that was my interpretation. Then we have Nausicaa, an epic story about a girl trying to survive in a post apocalyptic world, living in harmony with nature. It's Hayao Miyazaki's masterpiece, he spent ten years of his life drawing this series, and I'm not sure if I will ever read something so good again. I like Love Wolf and cub, that's just a really good samurai manga. And Buddha (by Osamu Tezuka), a manga about the life of buddha...it goes deep, and changed the way I look at the world. At the moment I read 'Oishinbo', a manga about how to cook perfectly, with a great story to keep it interesting. And I read life, a serie about teenage school girls with a lot of serious problems... it's pulp but still love it. ^^
  11. Villains...love those, they make stories interesting. Especially when they're in a grey area, when you're not sure if they're a real villain or not. My fave villains: - Darth Vader (Star Wars) I just liked his presence and how it affected everything around him. And his final moment action of course. ^^ - Edgeworth (Phoenix Wright) a prosecutor, I had a semi-crush on him when I played the game, don't ask -_- he's cute. - Weyoun (Star Trek) weyoun 1, weyoun 2, weyoun 10, it doesn't matter how often you kill him, this man will always return!
  12. Oh yeah, Jurassic Park rocks! I loved it so much, it's just a thrilling story and very well told. My favourite books are distopian novels (1984, braven new world, etc.) and the more serious animal stories like Hunter's Moon and Tailchaser's song (my all-time favourite book). I liked watership down and animals from farthing wood as well.
  13. Last few series and movies I watched: - Inglorious Bastards - Children of men - Brazil - Star Trek voyager (all over again) - One piece (anime) Tomorrow I'm gonna see 'District 9' at the cinema.
  14. Poekie Poes replied to Inigo Montoya's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I always longed for a Star Trek lego theme. It's my greatest lego-wish since forever. A lego enterprise, lego voyager...vorcha attack cruiser, ferengi marauder, romulan warbird. Figure-scale sized shuttles, the defiant. I'd buy every last set they'd release! As for why Star Trek failed in the 00's: in this decade people don't like SF anymore like they used to. :( Other nice SF series like 'firefly' didn't make it too.. Well, there still is the new battle star galactica and farscape, but in the '90's there were a LOT more SF series. Maybe in the '10's we'll have a resurrection...there are a lot SF movies in the cinema ATM. :) So maybe there will be more SF lego as well (a long shot, but still!)
  15. Poekie Poes replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    I really hoped they'd release a more sinister-looking villain line of sets! The villains in the current space police are all alien, which I think is kinda wrong because the heros are all human... Still, it's far better than mars mission. I'm looking forward to seeing these in the shops.
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