REVIEW: Indiana Jones 7197 - Venice Canal Chase
First off, fantastic review (as usual). Very comprehensive and entertaining to read. It is much appreciated that you take the time to provide these reviews. I just received this set and have been very pleased with it overall. I've got to admit that I'm not a big fan of the fez. I loved the idea and the color, but the execution leaves much to be desired. Primarily, I wish they hadn't put a stud on top and instead left it flat. With the stud, it makes poor Kasim and his fellow Brother of the Cruciform Sword look like they're smuggling grails in their hats or hiding their cone-heads. I understand why the LEGO Group choose to include a stud for future sets and decorative uses, but as with most mini-fig headgear, I would have much preferred a true fez hat for our villains.
Has Pirate Lego got worse?
On some level (and this has been already noted), I believe we're all a little guilty of nostalgia coloring the lens of how we are evaluating the old sets in comparison to the new ones. That being said, I find myself preferring the old sets like just about everyone here. I don't think the new sets are fundmentally inferior in any way, but they do lack...something. Hard for me to put a finger on it. More than anything, the new sets feel more cartoonish than the older ones. Somehow, more plastic and childish. Don't know if this makes sense, it's just the feeling I get. The introduction of medium-sized ships, more Imperial sets, and some kind of new element (Aztecs? With pirate curses? More developed Spanish-looking sets? A great pirate port town?) would be immensely appreciated and would siginificantly change my mind about the new sets. If the 2009 sets are only a start of many things to come, then it is a successful series. On its own, not so much.
You will not believe what LEGO said to me!
AwesomeStar, are you saying that you own a t-shirt that says "The guy above me is a genius"? That can be read as either kindly religious or downright scandalous. But if you were referring to me, then yes, I am a genius. And I have the t-shirts to prove it. And I initially was going for Periwinkleblueholstein for my title. I now regret my choice.
You will not believe what LEGO said to me!
I mean this in a light-hearted way, but I don't know that I'd be taking the rude response you sent to LEGO as a sign you're a black sheep, and certainly not as any kind of badge of honor that you disagree with the realities of this situation. You got angry (we all do) at having your suggestions essentially ignored (for reasons everyone has already beaten to death), but you may want to strive to move in the opposite direction in the future if you want to be heard and get the things you are requesting. After all, kind words do not cost much, yet they accomplish much. But the purpose of this post isn't to spew platitudes nor harp on you any further, but rather to express appreciation for the way you subsequently handled all the criticisms in here with humor. I'm new to this forum and I usually get tired and give up on so many other forums because they become giant combative ego fests with everyone taking themselves far too seriously. I found it pleasantly remarkable that you could identify the situation for itself: you are an adult executive getting angry about LEGO. Anyone that can laugh at themselves when being criticized is okay in my book. Hopefully, we can all channel this into constructive means to get the grand Imperial ship we've been waiting for.
You will not believe what LEGO said to me!
I think the replies to this post have done a superb job already of detailing the realities of a large, international company and proprietary rights. You just have to consider the sheer volume of letters likely received by Lego (probably read by people in a position unable to really do much about your suggestions moreover), the legal issues of suggestions, and probably just as significant - the nature of this product! I think we are all Lego enthusiasts partly or in whole because of the creativity it allows. We don't have to adhere to the sets released by Lego to build what our own individual tastes and desires would like to see become a reality. I love that about Legos. It probably contributes at least somewhat to Lego's stance when it comes to specific demands or requests from adult collectors. You don't like the sets Lego is giving you, you at least have the option of making something better on your own. Not the best solution, but still a solution. The fact that Lego pieces allow this will make any argument about being provided specific kinds of sets almost null to the Lego corporation. I agree with the sentiment that you shouldn't take the letter personally. Yes, it is disappointing when a company you support so strongly and give your money to doesn't take the time to address your concerns personally, but realistically what can you expect of any international company that receives thousands if not millions of inquiries and comments each year? A single letter full of signatures (if a consensus can indeed be found) would be a better route towards your goals. Better than confrontational or angry correspondence. This, I've found, will get you absolutely nowhere in these kinds of situations.
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