UCS Sandcrawler MOC
Now, I don't post, but I have to say that is just amazing, and even that doesn't do it justice. This is one of the best Lego models I've ever seen, and is definitely the best Sandcrawler ever. Some of the pictures look like they could have been used for filming the actual movie. Wow. I am impressed.
May the Forth Be With You 2011
The discounts have already gone live here in the UK. Nothing impressive, only the 10/20% mentioned earlier. No sign of the promotions yet, so I'll hold off for a few hours.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but we already know about series 5: Series 5 Technically this belongs in one of the new sub-forums as well, the Special Lego Themes
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Looks good so far, even if the A-wing looks a little half-hearted. I guess we'll be getting more than those in it, as there's only 12 things on the box, unless they split some of the models over a few days. Based on the Castle calendar this year, that shouldn't happen, but you never know with Star Wars sets.
8129 AT-AT White Sticker Sheet
Same for me, in both the AT-ATs I got when they first came out. Strange, but not too distracting. I think JammieDodger's was white as well, thinking back to the review. EDIT: Yeah, looking at the photos in the review again: Looks like the one on the front is white, the same.
Star Wars sets anyone?
Just to let everyone know, it seems the sets are availible on S@H in the UK now, with Cad Bane's Speeder, the mini Star Destroyer and new AT-AT availible as well. And as it's pay day, soon they shall all be mine! Of course, if no-one's done a review of them by the time they arrive here in the UK, I shall see about doing them myself. Might have to get a better camera after the Tantive IV review I did though.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Yeah, it is Veers. Should have remembered the bigger picture we got earlier without the box rather than just going by the side of this one. I did say there was a stormtrooper in the shuttle:
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
Shuttle: Darth Vader, Luke, Stormtrooper, black Imperial offcer and grey imperial officer. One will be the pilot I guess, while the other is the officer who accompanies Luke in the lift up to Vader. At-AT: Han Solo, Luke, two snowtroopers, C-3PO, At-At pilot and two rebels. One of the m looks to be names though, but that's out my area of expertise. Don't quite know everybody in Star Wars!
May the Fourth Be With You 2010
It's a sticker sheet. Go home people, no white mandolorian or new sets, just a sticker sheet according to the Lego UK email I just got. Edit: Screenshot of the email:
May the Fourth Be With You 2010
I'd forgotten this topic exists, otherwise I'd have posted about the VIP email I got earlier this week from Lego UK: Hopefully we'll get whatever the promotion you posted about is as well, KimT, but I'm not holding my breath.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
While I agree that the boxes are getting slightly ridiculous, it does make some sense. Lego is a premium product, and needs shelf space and an attractive frontage for store shelves. Plus it stops the pieces getting damaged, and having even worse instruction books/sticker sheets. If they could be a bit smaller, it would help, but I see why they do it. Anyway, this doesn't really have anything to do with what sets are coming out this year, so to mini-mod, in the words of our immortal leader: "Stay on Target!"
What's your oldest set?
Not a set I got myself, or one I even remember, but from showing my brother the list of sets on brickset last year, he thinks this is the oldest one in the large crate: So the oldest set I *technically* have is from 1983, the Police Car, but the oldest set I remember getting/being assembled is: The Red Devil Racer from 1991, released when I was only 2. The joy of having two older brothers still into Lego when I was young.
What made you get out of your LEGO dark age?
I've actually had two dark ages almost, with one major one, and another that I regret. I originally put my Lego away when I was about 12, so around 2001 sometime, and only really noticed things like the more impressive Technic sets, but only when I actually went into a toy shop. When I was 16 (2005) I started to get interested in Star Wars, when Ep. III and the game Lego Star Wars came out, so moved back into the Star Wars sets. This lasted for a while, getting most of the sets available at the time (but missing out on the Millennium Falcon and a few others) until 2008, when I bought no sets. Fortunately I came back round to my senses in 2009, and started getting most of the Star Wars sets again.
New Lego Star Wars video game
Sorry to disappoint you, but those are not from a new game, they're from a short film released about 6 months ago. I think it was the film version of "The Hunt for R2-D2", and showcased many new sets that we didn't have pictures of at the time, such as the ARC-170 that's just come out, and the Landspeeder. It was just a short film, and I'm sure someone else here has a link to it, as I've never actually seen it, just the pictures from it. Sorry.
Star Wars LEGO Photography
Great photos, as usual smokebelch! Really looking forwards to my Lego delivery now, as those helmets look even better up close. Would be nice to try this photography lark myself while it's still vaguely snowy here in Guildford, but with my sets 40 miles away and exams looming imminently, it doesn't look like it'll happen. Shame, as I'm sure my walking AT-AT would love to stomp some rebels in this weather! As this is my first comment in this thread, I would like to say to everyone who's posted in it how good your photos are, and it's always nice to see what you come up with!
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