Everything posted by DoctorDude234
Best and worst Lego set of the 2000's
Well, I myself don't see what you have against it. The only quibbles I have with is are the forward, red wheel guns aren't fixed, and you can't open the roof when the wings are closed. On the other hand, with a few simple mods, it has enough room to transport four people in the main body or two people and a MOC command center. But back to the topic at hand, this could be difficult. I have to say that one of the best sets I own is the Jetrax V6, the blue bionicle ship from last year. It was amazing. It took me a while to build, it was complicated, sturdy, and oh so fun on the swoosh-o-meter. My least favorite is... Wow, toughie. I'm going to have to go for all of those inika clones, which now I can do blinfolded. It has just been to long since we've seen a nice, new torso design. But let's see if there is anything else... No, I suppose not. At least, none of the lego sets I own are junk. Who knows what crap lies beyond my living room.
Dune 2010
Well, I really hope it's not Americanized. I've seen the newer ones, and they were fine, a nice way to re-aquaint ones-self to Dune. I can't wait though for a new dune movie. (Yes I'm twelve years old and read Dune. It's a nice way to strengthen that nerd/bookworm view.)
The Clone Factory - Rocket Battle Droid
Nice droids, but it definetly needs grey. And, I have to ask, are those welders/blasters customs, or are they purchasable?
Rebel Light Hover Truck [MOC]
Nice job you did, especially with the partsat hand. I have to say it honestly looks like it should be at some sort of shipping center, which is a good thing. I think you could use the black spare as an exhaust pipe of some sort by slapping it on to the 4x4 slop at the left or right by the window. As for the turntable, I have no idea. but great moc!
AV-7 Anti-vehicle cannon [MOC]
Wow, nice. Job. A couple things I don't like however, is the length of the forelegs. They're just a bit too short, and make the legs closer then they should be. A second thing is that, to me, the cannon in the reference pic looks, in lego world, about 2x2. If you put the large, tipless cone at the bottom, and then put 2x2 cylinders all the way to the top, It would look slightly better.
Two Quick Bricklink Questions
Hello, Brickies. I have a couple 'o bricklink questions. Only need one post, then I'm good. Number one: What category the 2x2 bricks with the huge pin hole on the side belong to? For context, its the joints used in Exo-Force. Number two: What is the light blue used in the 2004 Alpha team sets called? Thank you.
Doctor Who - The Daleks and others
Wow! These are nice Daleks and Davros is just, to quote Chris E, Fantastic! I have to disagree with you about an ood head. I would have to say kranxx from SPIII would work prettty well. But what head is Davros? I would guess Slizer. And I adore your Supreme Dalek. Could you do some daleks in their modern color scheme?
Dino 2010 was the European equivilant to Dino Attack in America. Whereas Dino Attack was trying to destroy the Dinosaurs, with various cannons and beam weapons, Dino 2010 was focused on capturing the rouge reptiles. So, instead of the enourmous flick fire cannon on the back of the fire hammer, it would have a cage.
Big MOC - Agents HQ
WOW!! I have to say, that thing is really, really nice. There is so much depth and playability to this model, constrained as it is to the 2-D play format. I can almost guarantee that PeppermintM will adore this. However, I would add a dock of some sort, because you have the other two modes of transportation, but not the third. I would add a dock to the side, where the four-wheeler comes out, and have it like a moat. Then, have the dock split off, one side going to the front, and one gradually lowering to get to the bottom, where you could have a submarine or something of the like. Now, I just have to say this again, WOW!!!
[MOC] A handbuilt AAT
Thank you, ADHO15. I have already pulled back the turret one stud, which also elongated it slightly. As for the base, if you mean the crescent, then I have no idea how to thicken it, because I only have two of the alien wings. If I use normal bricks, then that will just make it look awful. So, I would like to hear how I could thicken this base.
[MOC] A handbuilt AAT
Ok people, the pics are back up, except now in a far more managable size. I hope you'll comment, now that your computers won't start whirring, clicking, and screaming whenever you click on the topic.
What book are you reading right now?
I'm slowly listening to Dune, the Butlerian Jihad, and am trying to re-read all the Terry Pratchetts over the summer, starting with Guards Guards! and Thief of Time. And, if I cna get around to it, might re-read the Shdow books by Orson Scott Card. I've read them before, and they were quite good. I try and read at least eighty books over summers, so there is a good chance i can get this all in. I just finished Crows and Cards by Joseph Helgerson. Trust me, I love to read.
What are you listening to?
I am listening to Simpsons sountracks, Monty Python sketches, and a couple of UK bands, including Madness and The Proclaimers. Almost all of my friends pester me about listening to Eighties stuff. And, I would like to set the record straight, I know almost no modern bands. At all. Nada. Oh, and also, for audiobooks, I'm listening to Dune, The Butlerian Jihad.
REVIEW: 8967 Gold Tooth's Getaway
Nice review. The set itself is awful, or at least the design is, but it seems to be a good way to get exclusive figures. I imagine these sets as escorts of, bigger, better wheeled sets. I can just see the Goldtooth jeep rumbling through the jungles, followed by 2 motorcycles. But, I plan to make a star wars speeder based on the bike, so thanks for the pics. Oh, and one last thing. I believe that Gold tooth has a wig. I mean, hair doesn't come gold. Either that or its dyed.
[MOC] A handbuilt AAT
Thanks for the feedback, but I have to ask: What do you mean by pulling the cockpit back? Do you mean the turret cockpit or the actual body on the semi-circle?
[MOC] A handbuilt AAT
Eidt: since you people have been telling me my pictures are waaaaaaay too huge, I'm taking them down, resizing them, and hopefully posting them back up on on Wednesday. Ok, here goes. This is my first MOC I've posted on Eurobricks, and I would welcome photography tips along with construction ones. And, I would like to say this is not a Mars Mission invasion entry. It is not. Or, at least, I pretend it isn't. The only reasion it looks like one is because those big crescent pieces at the bottom come in black in my collection. So, read onward. This is a pirate AAT, built from stolen plans and painted to perfection by two enterprising young pirates. It is equipped with two rapid-fire stationary weapons and one large caliber turret with an open cockpit. Here are the two pirates themselves. The one on the left is carrying two cryst-siesmic staffs, and is force-sensitive. The one on the left is armed with two little blasters pistols. Front View: Side view (Note the tiny Rangefinders under the side guns): Side view 2: Back: Top. Sorry about the background change, but I took that picture today. A close up of the turret: The Speeder, which fits in the back. I tried to create some close to the command center in the gunship. The two blasters are in the front, while the staffs are in back, clipped using two 1x1 vertical graspers. Here are the three wheels that make it move, similar to the Republic Tank. Here is a view of the guns, uncluttered: Here is what a side looks like without guns. Also, note the tiny little power generators to the left. I hope you enjoyed this, and keep in mind this is my first moc.
Vintubu X
It looks. good. One question though: Is there any spot for a minifig?
Monty Python
I have several skits on my sansa, and I have memorized all of them. Sad, isn't it? Of course, there is the how not to be seen sketch. Hilarious! But, I have to admit I love the Fish license. Hello, I would like to buy a fish license. A wot? A license for my pet fish, Eric. How did you my name Eric? No no no. My fish's name is Eric. Eric the fish. He's an 'alibut. A wot? He is, an, halibut. Chose him out of thousands. Didn't like the others, they were all too flat. You're a loony. I am not a loony! Go to youtube for more.
Hey. Welcome to Eurobricks, land of FOLs. I always wanted to go to England... But anyway, I hope you enjoy chatting with us. We always welcome a new member. I hope you bring us tons of new MOCs. I personally enjoy shamelessly pirating mocs, or at least techniques. Just kidding. I copy Lego's techniques! Out of a curiousity, do you recognize my avatar?
My First Power Miners MOC
Cool. It does look like The Jungle Cutter, I think. My one little concern is the orange wheel hubs gor the back two. It just sort of looks a little odd. The design of the whole model, though, looks great. I can just see it grinding little rock monsters to dust.
Brickworld SigFig picture 2009
This seems like a cool idea. I'll pm you. Edit: Wait, I swear I see something that looks like me. The soldier in blue is to the left, and a blond guy in a jacket is to the right! Wrong hair, but close enough. Was that intentional?
Invasion Contest Winner
Wow. I think I voted for these. Congrats to the three of you, and to all the other Eurobricks member who came up with some fantastic entries that showed tons of imagination, yet still managed to make them look Star Wars-y. Now, gentlemen, would any of you consider showing some sort of diorama with the invasion? That would be a sight to see. Please? And I will have to enter these contests, one day...
LEGO Doctor Who minifigs by Mr Spielbrick
Nice job. I love'em. Nice job for number 10, my favorite. As you can blearily see to your left, there is my attempt to create a Doctor Minifig, complete with Bruce Wayne business suit. I tried to create something Doctor-ish, and I think its wonderful. Yours, however, are another two steps above that. What face is that for the tenth? I don't recall any face like that. And Rose could use yellow hair, I think. The light tan hair doesn't look right. The ood looks fine, though if you get a Kranxx head it would better. And, again, what head is that?
Power Miners: New Sets for 2009
Hmm. I'm not fond of this set. I would adore it with all my heart if I built it my self, but it looks a little too small and sloppily built to be an official set. However, it might redeem itself with larger pics, revealing the intracacy of it. And the exo-force wheel looks wierd. The cave crusher, on the other hand, looks drop-dead awesome!! Is it three sections, one for each pair of wheels, or is it two sections, one for the cabin and one for the back two pairs of wheels?
Favorite Comedian.
1. Eddie Izzard 2. Jack Black 3. Rowan Atkinson, as peolple have said before, Mr. Bean rules! And also Robin Williams and Ben Stiller.
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