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Everything posted by DoctorDude234

  1. Sorry. But I did put Death in, with Mort and Reaper Man. Oh, and have you looked at the Discworld Map and Death's Domain?
  2. I meant the Mauler. Sorry. And the ARC Fighter could be re-released, like the X-wing, which has seen a lot of incarnations. Im trying to think of more sets... Quiet, meditating Aha, a Trade Federation core ship with ring. I don't believe Lego has released those. I would totally by it.
  3. So, for those of you who do not know Terry Pratchett, he is the author of the wonderful Discworld series, which has over thirty books I think. The Discworld is a flat disc that sits on the backs of four elephants who in turn stand on the great A'tuin, a giant turtle. It sits on the edge of reality, and is home to several people, who are the subject of the arcs. The books are comprised of several arcs, or a little miniseries. Below, I list the character and the books he/she is in. Note, if I miss any of these just post them up. Rincewind the "Wizzard" (Extra Z intentional.) The Color of Magic The Light Fantastic Sorcery Eric (with Josh Kirby) The Last Continent The Last Hero Death who stars in: Mort Reaper Man Samuel Vimes who stars in: Guards! Guards! Men at Arms Feet of Clay Jingo The Fifth Elephant Night Watch Thud Granny Weatherwax and the Witches star in: Wyrd Sisters Witches Abroad Lords and Ladies Maskerade Carpe Jugulum Moist Von Lipwig stars in: Going Postal Making Money Susan Stars in: Soul Music Hog Father So for those of you who like Pratchett, pick your favorite. And ofr those of you who haven't read them, READ THEM!!!
  4. I personally would like a new ARC-170 fighter, a Death Star collection, with TIEs and X-Wings. Also, a more new TIE collection including: A TIE mauler would be awesome, I think.
  5. Hello people. Have any of you used Lego for school? As in creating a Revolutionary War diorama or creating a Mindstorms bot for science? I my self once built a technic blue and black catapult. Fired two meters. Brilliant!
  6. I'm horrible with a camera!! However, with help from the kind folks at the reviewers academy, who teach photography, I just might be able to show it to you guys. Oh, and there is no yellow.
  7. Okay, away from the landing craft for a moment gentlemen. I have built the alternate with several parts to spare Basically, the engine tube thingies have been shrunken a segment, the bomber pasrt was taken off, and the engiines sit tight next to the considerably smaller chassis. I might build a small speeder out of the spare parts.
  8. Bonkers!! Try making a micro-scale to get the basic shape. And Pick-A-Brick is a good place to go for your basics, like 2x2s, 4x4s, etc. Again, bonkers. Though somewhere on brickshelf is a guy who built Home One from Star Wars in minifig scale. Repeat, total loony!!! Bonkers!! Try making a micro-scale to get the basic shape. And Pick-A-Brick is a good place to go for your basics, like 2x2s, 4x4s, etc. Again, bonkers. Though somewhere on brickshelf is a guy who built Home One from Star Wars in minifig scale. Repeat, total loony!!!
  9. Thank you gentlemen. But the reason I broke this one up is because it got shoved in a drawer. So began the road to decline... But I will definetly check Wookiepedia. Benn there before to look at the vehicles.
  10. Tha back looks a little blocky. And a paddle wheel wouldn't hurt, though with a boat that big you're proboably out of red and black. But nice work!
  11. I'd love to join. Probably woudn't write many reviews as my camera is crap. But maybe you kind folks could reccomend me a camera to buy. Sorry for the second post, but I have the huge Exo-force combat crawler, though the little mech in fron has benn recolored and retooled.
  12. The Hoth set looks pretty basic Might be pretty good with the first base. And the Tank droid is just a recolor from 2005. But the rest of them look pretty good. Want Bunker
  13. DoctorDude234 posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Okay, so what is on my office floor is the remains of 7658, also known as the Y-wing from 2007. I am trying to build an alternate out of it, something equally large. as the Y-Wing. I can't do a walker, because I want to just use pieces from the set and there are ony 2 hinges. So if any of you would care to suggest designs to me I would be extremely glad. Or if you could suggest sets to copy. Tried the ARC Fighter, that didn't work. So, suggestions welcome.
  14. An easier way to make the foot thingy is to just merely put the 1x3 on the the grey 1x1 grey brick with the peg hole. That's what I did.
  15. (Swoons and falls to the floor with a THUNK!!) (Groggily gets back up.) That. Is. HUUUGGEE!!! No really. That is way beyond anything I coult make. Nice color scheme too.
  16. Hello. I type this from my Big Blue Box, and wish i had a camera that worked. I think I build some pretty great models that look good though not huge complicated ones, and I can't post them. I mean, imagine me just typing something like, "Here is the Thermal Ray.." and all you folks reading it would be cursing the person who wrote this AND DIDN'T HAVE PICTURES! So untill the happy day when I get a nice camera, I'll be confined to merely looking at the awesome models you guys post and occasionally offering my two cents. All right, maybe three. I have quite the variety of sets, but it pales in comparison to the amazing sets I see on Eurobricks. I love Terry Pratchett, though just the Discworld. And always make sure that if you get something for the computer that doesn't work, give to some place that can make it work and where you go every day. I donated Lego Batman to my local library. Have eighty something percent. So be on the look out for DoctorDude234
  17. Not to sound like a noob, but does the AT-AP alternate fit a minifig? That is amazing, btw.
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