Everything posted by 5150 Lego
The end of LEGO Pirates by mid 2010
There had to be a reason. 1.- Like when starwars first came out, Lucasarts didn't want another space theme to compete with so Lego axed there own space line. In this case the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie is coming out so my guess is Disney doesn not want another pirates theme to compete with. They want the whole theme devoted to themselves. 2.- Maybe, just maybe.... The Pirates theme wasn't as popular as many would like to think they were/are. TLC is not stupid. There not just going to axe a theme that makes them good profit, so either they didn't do as well as they thought, or they need to make room for a POTC theme. As for the excuse of "wasn't designed to be an ongoing theme", i highly doubt that. My guess is at this time they obviously can't reveal if they are in fact going to make a POTC theme, so they just gave a win-dixie excuse.
The end of LEGO Pirates by mid 2010
You know, I'm surprised no one has caught on yet. Lego just acquired the Disney license, and Lego discontinues there pirate line by mid 2010... And what movie is coming out in 2011..... Yup, the 4th installment of "Pirates of the Caribbean" movie. lets put two and two together people.
How many are waiting to buy a Blu-ray player until Star Wars goes Blu-
What kind od TV do you have? Cause that is the biggest limiting factor when it comes to picture quality with DVD/blueray, as well as the different game consoles.
Pimp my gun
Hmm.. So basicly your just adding different parts of various guns toeghter? Andyou can even make pictuers of things using parts of different guns/weapons? Interesting.
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
Ahh KimT... Your love for Renault has blinded you from the facts that have been presented right in front you of my friend. How can you say you wouldn't base anything on that transcript? If there was no foul play then why wouldn't Simonds just deny that a conversation took place? And more than one F1 website have reported that neither Bravio or Simonds deny that a conversation about crashing took place for last years singapore race. And now we have this... From Plane,18954,3213_5563045,00.html From Still think your team is completley inocent? Even after that they publicly anounced that they will not be disputing the alligations against them?? I can understand being faithful to your team, but com'on man. At this point there's more then enough evidence to suggest foul play. I'm not suggesting that the Piquests are inocent on all this, but Renault clearly had an equal part in it. Even if it was Piquest's idea, Bravio should have reported this right away.
Pirates of the Caribbean IV
Sorry, don't buy that the Dutchman is to complicated for lego to do. We've seen some stellar work from them in terms of Starwars ships and vehicles. In both mini fig and USC sets. The Dutchman as well as the pearl are very doable without the need of "purposely built pieces". It can be done. It also doesn't need to be two decks. It doesn't have to be exact to scale. Just incorporate the details that make it recognizable as the Flying Dutchman.
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
Man, this just gets worse and worse for Renault.... Car data indicate somthing unusal This doesn't help either... Leaked transcript Very, very interesting.....
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
DId you read the article? There not disputing there was a discussion about crashing, only that it wasn't there idea, it was Nelson's because at that time his seat for 09' wasn't secured. Doubt it. Nelson for sure, but his father was to much history in racing for this to end his career. Heck, if what the Piquest's are claiming turns out to be true, then i don't see this harming Piquet Sr. at all. Piquet Jr. on the other hand; no one will want to hire him out of fear he'llcause a scandal if ever sacked.
Combining City with Other Themes
For me Ferrari sets work great with city. Mainly the Scuderia Ferrari Truck and garage.
Star Trek Lego?
Han Solo is a little B!tch!! Picard would hand him his a$$ in a fight to the death!! Don't hate! Just cause the Enterprise could woop on the whole fleet of the empire!!!! J/K everyone. No need to start a bash session just having a little fun. personally i think it would be cool to have ST lego, but the whole argument of scale actually makes sense. OH well. You never know, they might just give us one or two USC type sets.
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
Cobra preety much covered it. Hamiltion was about a second behind Buttonand has pressuring him. Unfortunutly its a catch 22. I can understand the need/want to pressure the car ahead, even up to the checkered flag, but concidering that Mclaren really isn't in the race for the championship anymore, i think he should have let off a bit and coasted to third. Kimi and Sutil were over 15secs.behind, so he could have afforded to cruise the last lap a bit. But thats whatmakes Hamiltion the kind of driver he is. He's very competive and doesn't let off time the checkered flag. IMO, thats the kind of driver you want/should be. Never take anything for granted that you "have it in the bag" so to speak. Ihave to admit... I shrieked when i saw him crash. He was doing so well. Oh well. Thats racing.
Sticker sheet that has NOS on it..
Hey, those little white ones might work. Thank you both for your suggestions!
Pirates of the Caribbean IV
I read that as well. No doubt they will be tied to the fountain of youth.
Vestas-LEGO Airport Show 2009
Wow, these are great! I like how they strapped the wind turbine blade to the camels. Very creative. I wonder if they really do that in the desert? Did anyone notice the hull of the ship in the off shore display? It looks like they took the hull of the cargo ship and cut it in half? I thought that was a one piece hull. Am i wrong? Is the hull built in pieces or could they have possibly cut it into sections themselves?
Pirates of the Caribbean IV
Your not looking at the big picture. Yes, one can always moc the POTC line, but an official LEGO license would open up the opportunity for alot of new parts and mini figs. For instance.. This is a perfect example of what could possibly come from a POTC line. Also, a Black Pearl ship would give us black hull pieces (i might be wrong about that. Pirates are by no means my strong point), black sails, Flying Dutchman with custom "Triple" front guns, a Davey Jones fig... I'm not even into pirates, but i could get pretty excited just think about it. Mega Blocks also had the Cars license but that was dropped, and LEGO is now taking it over. The license is with Disney, and is there's to do with what they please. Whether you "approve" or not, bottom line is the movie is going to be made. lets hope TLC takes advantage of this.
Spongebob Squarepants
That was halarious! I've seen alot worse parodes made from kids shows. That was great.
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
Alright Hamiltion! Taking the pole at the last minute! Though i have to hand it to Sutil! And how about his new teammate? Makes itinto Q3 on his first GP!! Great showing for the Force India team. There proving there finnaly a "Force" to be reconded with! I wonder how Fisi's feeling right now? maybe he's having some second thoughts about making the switch? I can tell you one thing, it doesn't make him look to good when a test driver can make it into Q3 on there first try and in your whole carrer with your former team you can only make one P3 showing. At least he made it into Q2 unlike Ferrari's last "driver".
Car Talk
After seeing the photos.... While you may not get laughed at, you wouldn't get much respect from the car community. The car is drastically miss proportioned (to high and to short) and if doesn't give it away (or get you laughed at), then the plastic engine cover surely will.
Car Talk
The real question is how much do you want to spend? If you think your going to be able to duplicate the looks, performance, sound and fell of these super cars and only spend 26, to 30,000euros then your dreaming. Is it possible? Sure. but in the end it will cost you. Well Freddie basically said what i did. Only that i might be a bit easier to replicate the V10 of the Lambo, that still leaves you with how to duplicate the rest of the car in terms of quality, performance and overall feel. I finally had chance to actually listen to that video you posted (can't watch you tube at work) and i agree with others. While its a clean sound, its definitely not a Ferrari. Freddie also brought up a good point. While you may get Joe blow across the street to give you a thumbs up, don't expect car folks or those in the know to be impressed. Though you might even fool a car guy from a distance (i'll admit, some of those kits look good), but upon closer inspection, the truth will be told! Kit cars are general frowned upon in the car community (with the exception of the old ford cobra's and Daytona's since real ones are valued in the millions) because there;.. well, fake. Kind of looked as being a "poser". Mainly because the quality is poor compared to the vehicle there attempting to be. But as i said, to get it to the point you want, it all depends on the amount you want to spend. For the price it seems your willing to spend, then your probably better off getting that Vauxhall.
Car Talk
Your really can't answer that question because in all, neither is easy to replicate. Both manufactuers are unique in how they achieve the overall "feel" there known for. To replicate this is not somthing that can be done easily with a KIT car that uses various pieces from different manufactuers. If you want it to sound, feel, and perform like a Ferrari, then buy a Ferrari. If you wan the performance, sound and feel of a lambo, then buy a lambo. Sorry, but you can't have it both ways. Like i said in previous posts, there's a reason these cars cost as much as they do. Its not easy to replicate the luxury, feel, and performance that these cars produce for cheap. If that were the case then they would not cost as much as they do and the average family sedan would perform and feel like a super car. Also you have to understand the the donor chassis your starting with isn't that great to begin with. Your talking about using a chassis that's 15+ yrs old and asking it to perform similar to that of a brand new Ferrari. Heck, even super cars such as Ferrari's and such of the same year as the donor chassis don't compare to average sports cars of today.
Flyleaf is pretty cool. I like 'Fully Alive" the best. The lead singer is ok, but i agree that Evanesence lead singer is way hotter. I also think the band as a whole is better. While were on the topic of hot rocker chicks, the chick from Lacuna Coil is preety hot, and has one hell of a voice. They make great music.
Car Talk
Thats just what you want for your replica super car. A toyota Camery engine. although depending on the year, it uses the same engine block as the MR2. So it could have potential power wise. And that "Ferrari" interior doesn't look half bad. Much better than the MR2 interior. How much does it run?
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
Mna, its reallllllllly looking bad for Renault. Actually, at this point,i think its preety clear that there done. From Renault admits fixing At this point it doesn't matter if he was pushed, or it was Piquets own idea. At that point Bravio shold have sacked him if it were his idea. If this is true, Renault needs to be suspended from the rest of the season,if not next season as well.
Sticker sheet that has NOS on it..
Looking for a sticker sheet that has either a white or blue NOS (Nitrous Oxide) sticker. need it for an upcoming moc. Any imput would be very helpfull. Thanks!
Impressive Technic/Racer Lamborghin MOC
5150 Lego replied to TechnicJuan's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingMy guess is thatits just a Moc. pics are far to detailed to be a leaked pic, and i have never seen any preliminary pics showing so much detail of the under carriage as well asother functions.
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