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5150 Lego

Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by 5150 Lego

  1. NO, its a spam thread and an excuse for some to up there post count. It might have been funny for the first thread, but now its just stupid. Its childish and the kind of crap that we don't need on EB. Let the mods do there thing. Exactly. I'm all for having fun, but this isn't it.
  2. Ding ding ding! we have a winner! You guys that are obsessing over there "Secret" thread don't get it... This whole thread was started on the basis that someone was poking their little head were it didn't belong and watching every move of one of the mods. Their trap worked. That persons title even reflects this. From that point on (basically the second post in this thread) the mods have been leading those gullible enough to keep following up that your closing in on some supper secret thread. Your no more closer to finding out any secrets than you were before this thread was even started. If anything there just laughing at the thought that so many are putting so much time into their little trick.
  3. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    What year Audi and what parts? Suspension? Wheels/tires? Engine upgrades? I want specifics!
  4. Wow. Some people are entertained by the simplest things. For those that find the secret thread of mods "entertainment" i have a ball of string i could let you play with for a couple hours.
  5. Very cool. I too was going to ask about the front wheel/tire combonation. At first glance it look like the wheels are the same as the rear just reversed, but taking a closer look the tires are much narrower and the hub sticks out past the lip of the rim/tire. It also look simular to the wheel/tires that are on the city farm tractors. Though i don't believe they were ever offered in gray. Only white. Very cool truck. What is this "Hard Truck" contest you speak of? I've never heard of it but i'd like to know more.
  6. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    I know, I know. I gave my buddie who took the pic to see if he still has it. Doubt it though concidering its been 10yrs not sure it will turn up. Thanks buddy.
  7. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    That's basically the same conclusion i came to after giving the whole thing some thought. The main push for me wanting to attempt such a mechanical feet was i competed my car in car shows. Hardly anyone ever did engine swaps on late model VWs,so that would have been major points as well as the "wow factor". But like you said, for the price of the engine and installation, i could have had a much nicer car that i wouldn't have to worry about trying to smog, on the possible reliability problems that could ensue if not done right. I laughed my a$$ off when i read this. Even spit up a bit. Thanks for making my day! I'm seriously considering buy that and the F1 transport truck from Mega Bloks. I am a McLaren Mercedes/Hamilton fan after all. The McLaren F1 was definately ahead of its time. You know this to be true when super cars of today not only have a hard time running similar performance numbers, but also when they look to it for inspiration. Quick story... About ten or so years ago i went to the Sanfransico Masconey Car show.This is a yearly car show they have were all the manufacters display the new models for the upcoming year. They also bring along a few concepts and racecars. Well one year they had the mighty McLaren F1. NOw in this show moat of the cars are just sitting on the floor, and are open for anyone to sit inside with exceptions of the exotic Manufacters such as Lamborgini, Ferrari, Maserati certain model Porsche and of course, McLaren. These cars are avaible for view but are roped off so no one can sit in them (these cars cost upwards of $200,000, so this is understandable. The F1 was ropped off, but the doors were open. I thought how cool it would be to take a picture inside the cabin. I asked the dealer rep, and he gave me a look over with his eyes and said in a very rude manner as he was walking away from me "Ya, i don't think so." At this point i was pissed. You don't want me totake a picture, then fine, but you don't need to be rude and act like your above me. So my frineds and i hatched a plan... I had brought a couple female friends and they agreed to "Distract" him and the rest of the sales staff of Mclaren with there womanly charm. I got on my belly and real navy seal like slid across the carpet a good 10 feet past the barrier towards the Mighty McLaren. Climbed in the passenger seat while me friend snapped the pic. Then my buddy told me that if i was going to be risked being kicked out and charged with criminal trespass, i might as well knudge my way over to the drivers seat in the center. So i did. Crawled my way out and left for the evening. Ahh, to be young.
  8. Fair enough. But i think i'll pass. Thanks for the explanation.
  9. OK, can someone please explain what I've been watching for the last 10 minutes? Rag dolls with numbers running around in a trash dump trying to hide from a mechanical creature of some sort with a cat skull for a head? Is this post apocalyptic or something? Not trying to offend those that liked this, but i don't see how this of all things was Oscar nominated or what is so thrilling about it. Can someone please explain?
  10. Can't we all just get along??!!
  11. While i find that to be true for the last 3 laps or so, with around 12 laps tro go Hamiltions was edging up on him. Brawn even had a radio transmission to Rubens that Hamiltion had knocked off 4 tenths and thathe needed to keep pushing. Its not over yet. Its still anyones race. If Button keeps up his current pace then he'll lose the chapionship lead in a couple races. Vettel, Webber and Barichello still have a good chance of taking the title from him. Martin Witmarsh revealed that they switched strategies at the last minute and that pit stop was orignally meant for Henki. Its thought that not everyone in the pits were notified and thats why the front tire guys were not ready as they had the soft compond for henki when Hamiltion need the hard compond.
  12. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    Nice ride. The RS4 is one of those cars you really don't have to do anything to. Very sexy right out of the factory. I strongly considered doing the BI turbo V6 swap into my Passat when i had it. Located a wrecked RS4 and could have snagged the engine and harness for around $4K. Glad i dind't though. After doing some reseach i found it would have been a wiring nightmare and wouldn't have been worth it in the end other than the "Cool factor".
  13. So basically there building lego walls and windows around a wooden frame? Is the frame permanent, or will they remove it once the whole Lego portion is complete?
  14. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    RS4 huh? Very cool. What year? Those cars have lot of potential it its the bi turbo V6. Though the V8's have plentoy of get-up too.
  15. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    Well not all American. Some like the Nissan Silvia with the Titan V8 are straight out of Japan. Its even retained right hand drive and is built by Japanese tuner Signal Auto. There known for building some of the wildest Japanese Tuner cars on the planet. There were plenty of other examples but as you probably have noticed I'm partial to American Muscle cars as well as anything V8 powered. There's something about the sound of a V8 that commands respect! During the same event they had the Indy car series running or IRL as its called now. I took some pics and I'll post them up later tonight. Though it was just qualifying, there really wasn't anything "intense" about it to me. Kind of repetitive actually. BUt you are correct that some a judged sport can be partial. That was even evident during this particular drifting even with some questionable calls. Do you really find F1 boring? I find it to be one of, if not thee most intense form of motor sport out there. 24hours of Le Mans is definitely a cool race. I love to watch them race at night. Rally is also one of the most intense forms of racing there is. Lots of skill needed with little, if not no room for error. This statement couldn't be farther from the truth. For yrs American cars dominated the Drifting scene. Even when they went against the more experienced Japanese drivers, it was clear that many of the American muscle cars had advantages over the Japanese cars. This was even proven when Vaughan Gittin Jr. won the D1GP world championship in 06 with his Falken tires/Ford sponsored Ford Mustang GT. In 04' Sam Hubinette won the Formula D championship in 04' with his dodge Viper Competitions coupe, and then again in 05' with his street Dodge Viper SRT10. Rhys Millen then took the 06' Formula D championship in his Pontiac GTO and also became the Red bull drifting world champion in 08' with his Pontiac Solstice and 2ND went to his team mate Dai Yoshihara in the same Pontiac GTO that gave Rhys his 06 championship. So yes, American cars are more than capable of holding there own in drifting.
  16. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    Hey guys. So over the last weekend i went to INfinion Raceway for the Forumla D drifting competion. Anyone here into drifting? Its most popular in Japan, but over the last few years have been growing in the U.S. Formula D holds 8 events a year, along with the Nopi events and Japan vs. USA competions. I had the privledge of hangin out with the Viper Club of America. Every year they rent out Turn 4 right in front of the staging area for the drift cars. This area is where the cars go through tire changes and get the cars prepared for their next runs. If your not familar with drifting, let me give you a quick go through... Basicly the art of drifting is to slide your car around designated corners of the track. Drifting is a subjective sport and uses judeges and not any kind of timer. Your judged on four major criteria's... Speed... The speed on whitch the cars enters the corners as well as the speed that is maintained during the run Line... The ideal path the car can take coming as close to the "clipping points" on the track. The clipping points are points on the track the the judges want to see the cars come as close to as possible. Clipping points can be on the inside, or outside line of the track. Angle... The maximum angle the car can maintian while still being in control. Style/impact... basicly the excitment the driver can bring to the run. Smoke, bouncing off the rev limiter, taking your car to the limit. Defenatly the most subjective of the four criteria. OK, enough with the chatter. On with some pics! Oh, and i promise this time i won't delete anything. First, here is turn 4 were the Viper club was hanging out. Our view of turn 4.. This is were all the cars got ready for there runs down the track. Lets take a look at some of the cars. One thing that orignaly drew me to drifting was the diversity of the cars. YOu have everything from Vipers, to Corrola's competing. All cars basicly street cars converted for drifting duties. Some cars are brand new, others are over 20yrs old. Engines range for 4cly turbos, to V10 monsters! 91' Mazda RX7. One thing that is becoming a popular trend among the drifting crown is to swap out small displacment 4cly, or Rotory engines for large displacment V8 engines. This RX7 has a Chevy LS1 V8 Yup, thats right. A Chevy motor in a Mazda! Here's a closer look... And this wasn't the only one. There were a number of Japanese rides sporting american V8's. The chevy motors have proven to be extremely reliable in racing conditions, and cheaper to build up than the 4 bangers that they orignaly came from the factory with. The torque band is low, right were you want it. its like the engines aren't even working and aren't being stressed. The less stress there under, the longer they'll last. But not all were sporting V8's from american manufactuers. Many sported engines from there own manufacter in order to keep factory sponsorship. Here we have a Nissan S15 Silvia with all things.. A 5.6 liter V8 from a Nissan Titan pickup truck! Thats 8 individual throttle bodies sticking through the hood. This thing sounded insane going around the track. And how about this. Now normally a Scion TC uses a 4cyl engine horozontal mounted for front wheel drive. But this one has been converted to rear wheels drive and uses a 413 cubic engine from a Nascar!!! Over 500hp!! Here the Drift Viper sponsored by BFGoodrich Tires and Nuformz driven by my favorite drift driver Sam Hubinette. Supercharged V10 making over 800hp! Sorry no shots of the motor. They never had the hood popped when in the pits. Hyundia Genisis Coupe driven by Rhys Millen. 450hp turbocharged V6. Very cool for a Hyundia. So what does a Scion with a 500+HP V8 burn out look like??? Nissan 350Z convertable sporting a Nissan Titan 5.6 liter V8. This was actually the first car to sport a Japanese based V8. Chevy Corvette. This thing was one of the loudest of the group! The Vette and Scion drifting around the track. I have some more pics in my phone. I'll upload them hopfully tomorrow. I apoligise for any spelling or gramar errors. Its getting late and i'm kinda rushing this post. Hope everyone enjoys the pics. I'll post some more tomorrow.
  17. I guess i fall into the latter catogorey. Most of my friends and family that saw it, didn't care for it at all. Most said it was to hard to follow, didn't understand what was going on, and those that did seem to get it didn't care for the story. My dad tried to get me to go, but from watching the previews it didn't look like anything i'd enjoy. My dad went anyways and confirmed this. Thats not to say that its a bad movie, just not my cup of tea. Movies based on comic book/TV series and/or toys are probably the most difficult to do. Mainly cause your always going to piss off someone. Whether it be the die hard crowd that have followed every incarnation since the series birth, or the general audience that if said director was more concerned about making it true to its origins, could loose said audience (who will bring in the most revenue) and risk loosing money. While i know many die hards (and this goes for anything such as Watchmen, Transformers, Batman or anything that has origins and a back story) would be just fine with this, that, unfortunately is not (for the most part at least) is how the world works in terms of movies on the big screen. Companies fronting the production cost for the most part don't care about "being true" as much as for the potential for a sequel. That's why we have 30 robots in Transformers and only 7 or so have decent character developments. Most people would rather see shit blow up than listen to the construct icons hatch out a plan to resurrect Megs. My hat goes off to any director who attempts to make comic book, or series based movies. There either praised for bring new life with a fresh adaption of a certain psychotic clown or get death threats with claims that the director has raped his childhood cause it was his decisions to add Flames to his childhood robotic hero. I really feel that these directors/producers really do try and find a happy medium, but for many that just isn't enough.
  18. Iwas a bit surprised about this as well. Especially since he left debris on the track. Its still anyone's championship. Webber or Vetel could easily catch up in the next few races. Button seems to have lost his pace. Heck, even Barrichello has a shot. 17 point difference is not that large of a gap. Keep In mind that this time 2 yrs ago Hamilton had around a 20+ point advantage of Kimi, and Kimi beet him by one point. Nothings set in stone as of yet. One thing that i have yet to hear about, is in the first lap when Button cut the track and gained a position and never gave it back. Webber even notified his team of this so its documented. Never was he given a penalty or told to give the position back. That is very uncool. Bad moves on the Stewart's part. Kimi never seems to show any kind of emotion. wether it be when he's on the podiem, an interview, or just a shot of him talking to the team or just casuly walking. Never a smileor anything. And he sounds exactly the same wether he wins or looses.
  19. 5150 Lego replied to DarthSion's post in a topic in Culture & Multimedia
    Though the animation looks good, the story sounds lame. Don't care for the humannoid designs either. Look like over grown elves. The military vehicles looked cool. Overall nothing to great.
  20. Hamiltion would have goten out in front of Rubensif he had the planned 7 sec pit stop instead of 13.4. Rubens didn't have enough of a lead to getin front if Hamiltion had a 7 sec. pit stop. Even if he hadn't, he would have been right on Rubens butt. Although we'll never truely know, Considering Hamitions lap times during the last stint, it would have been a great battle.
  21. Wow. My father always said thatin racing you need a litle bit of luckto go along with skill. Seemed luck was in Rubens favor this time around. To bad for Hamiltion. That race was his and his pit crew seems tohave cost him the race. Oh well. Thats racing. Still can't be disapointed with a second place finish. Partario, no worries. Your a fan. Thats what we do right? Glad there will be a race next weekend to make up for the 4 week gap.
  22. First things first. Welcome to EB Partario, as well as our little F1 discussion. While i'm in no way an Alonso fan, i do have respect for his talent. He's defenatly a good driver. The best on the grid? Don't think so. Hamiltion proved that in his first year he had what it takes to beat Alonso when given the same equpiment. Alonso is also very arogant. More so thn anyone else on the field. Congrats to Lewis Hamiltion and Henki Kovelien for taking front row! I knew you guys still had the fire left in you. Glad to see the teamis finnaly getting things worked out! Good luck to Mclaren Mercades tommorow!
  23. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    Easy there buddy. I made no such claim. But i do have alot of experience. I've worked as an apprentice automotive technician for ten yrs at car dealerships and currently work as an emergency vehicle tech building police/fire/ems vehicles. I've also built several race cars (primarily for drag racing) as well as competed in Sportsman classes, as well as SCCA events. I'm also on my 5th vehicle. So I've made some good purchases, as well as some not to good purchases. My posts wasn't meant to offend you, but more offer some advice. No one is saying that you can't like fancy cars, or you shouldn't be able to have a nice car. But when the discussion persist of reliability issues being one of the main reasons some cars drop drastically in price and you come back with.. "Who cares, it looks great!" Is not a smart way to make a major purchase. And while i agree that one should save up to get a car that they want instead of just settling, there's more that needs to be taken into a account than its initial purchase price as well as the "Cool factor". Yes i know your from England. I used the American $ icon because i don't have the euro money icon on my key board. Also, not sure if you know this, but the Jaguar X-Type is basically a fancy Ford Taurus. Uses the same chassis and drive train. That's why that model is so cheap. Good thing is that since Ford took over Jaguar a few yrs back the quality has improved dramatically. You make a good point about Jag being a domestic car in your country. So parts and labor should be a little bit cheaper. But it still is considered a "Luxury car" since it carries the Jaguar name. So maintenance and parts are still going to be a little more expensive than your average sports car. If you can afford this, then more power to you. But the average 20yr old can not. Regardless of the initial purchase price. While an $8k purchase price sounds great at time of purchase, as Polish Guy already mentioned, high maintenance cost such as belts, hoses, oil changes etc. or if something major goes wrong should always be accounted for. It makes no sense to buy something to show off to your friends but not have the money to take care of. Alll i'm saying is that if you do decide to purchase a vehicle that has such a drastic price drop in only a few years time, then do some research as to why. Generally when a vehicle's price drops so low is either it has been in an accident, bad reliability, or starts falling apart a few years after new. Take someone with you that knows what to look for, or take it to a respectable mechanics shop to have it looked over.
  24. 5150 Lego replied to Tarfful's post in a topic in Community
    Wow. I really hope you take someone with you who knows about cars when you make your first purchase. There a very big difference from a car that deprciates from 12K to 5K in a few years time, then from $80,000K, to $17,000K. There's alot more you need to look at when buying a car than just "how it looks". If a car is going to depreciate that much over such a short period of time, then that general says that that model or brand car starts having serious problems. prateek is correct that Jags are nortirious for loosing there value. horrible electrical problems, parts are very expensive, and on many models, it is very difficult to get to the engine componets. This was the downfall of the W12 Phaten as well. I don't understand what your trying to say? So if you buy a jag at $6K, then in a couple years it needs $4K in repairs that ok, cause you have a fancy car? Doesn't seem right if that what you getting at. I also don't understand what your talking about a new Jag costing $8K??? Not in this life time.
  25. Cause they feel it will make money. Thats the driving factor for every re-make.
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