Everything posted by 5150 Lego
MOC: US Coast Guard Defender
Very cool! The wind screen mod definitely improves the looks!
MOC: Castle of Sønderborg
Very impressive. Truly a masterpeice. May i ask who pays for this? Does Lego front the bill or is the cost split between the memebers?
- Car Talk
Disney's Cars Theme pic
Exactly. No one is anyone has to like them, or that they do. But peeps need to realise that we need companies like Megablocks, Bestlock etc to keep Lego on there toes. Other wise the quality of bricks, as well as sets goes drasticly down.
- Car Talk
Ben 10 discussion thread
Finaly got a chance to watch a full episode. Well tried to at least. Found the show pretty lame. Waste of a theme. Lego's time should have been spent else where.
Disney's Cars Theme pic
You don't get it. Its not about likeing megablocks, or whitch one is better. Its trying to figure out why some have this unjustified hate for a compeditor product. Why close it? Like i said, its not about MB.
G.I. JOE- The Rise of Cobra
I have to say, i'm really disapointed with the toys coming from the movie. not what i was expecting at all. There's one hellocopter that was ok, but for the most part, nothing special.
Tekken Movie
That's a real stupid argument, and your really making yourself look foolish. You may not like them for whatever reason, but that's not to say they aren't any good. Pepsi is a great product, wii while not my choice in game consoles, has revolutionized the gaming world. And Microsoft..... Like i said, stop making yourself look foolish. MB is a good director. He gets results and produces movies people want o pay money (many times repeatedly) to go see. get over it. But who's to say if it was a "Good movie" or not. What really defies a good movie? Critics have been raping TF2 and G.I. Joe, but there making a killing (well i know TF2 is, not sure about G.I. Joe). My thinking is if this movie is doing that well (over $850 million worldwide) then i think the people that contributed to that (mainly ticket sales) would argue that it is in fact a "Good movie". Like i said earlier about the the Wii, like it or not, it did something that no other console has done before, and like you said Grevious, got people interested in gaming that normaly never would have. So i'd say its doing one darn fine job.
Tekken Movie
There a a couple good ones out there. Resident evil movies were good, (not sure how true they were to the games) and Mortal kombat was fun. Both one and two. But i'll go into this with an open mind. (if i even watch it)
Not really. Just that the way one sometimes reads a story can be portrayed different that watching it on screen. When you read a story in a sence, you can form in your head what the scene looks like, how the characters are portrayed, and given your own depth on how you as the reader want to perceive any said story. You can read something and now its cheesy (like your example)but can picture it in your head in a way that would make it less of a cheese factor. This is why i don't like (serious) comics. If you don't like what your reading, than you really can't change it. Cause its right there in front of you. There's no imagination. At least with a cheesy filled cartoon, you can watch as things unfold. Sorry if I'm confusing anyone. Like i said, its kinda hard for me to explain.
8865 Test Car - Restoration Project
5150 Lego replied to tomacwhite's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingVery cool. You think you could take some pics of the transmission? I'm curious to see the internals of it full assmembled.
MOC: Transport Helicopter
Danim, nice moc. I would suggest you focus better on your closeup shots. Its very difficult to make out whats in the back of your copter. As for the copter itself, i would shorten it just a tad. The length makes it look out of proportion. Keep mocing!
MOC: US Coast Guard Defender
Looks good. Ilike it. I would change the front wind sheild to one that slopes forward instead of back. Other than that i think you captured it very well.
Warner Brothers planning CGI/live action LEGO film
Sorry, but what do you expect? An oscor worthy film? Not going to happen. This has cheese writen all over it. NO need to think that just cause it will carry the lego name that it will any kind of masterpiece. I doubt even if this movie does well that people opinions of AFOL is going to change. This will no doubt be aimed at kids (whitch it should be), so i wouldn't expect anything else but cheeze. This should have been done in full CGI instead of CGI/live action. The movie aimed at kids that are full CGI always do better and are more enjoyable than liveaction/CGI flicks. The best thing i can see coming out of this are new sets based off the movie. Other than that..... Well, i won' t judge anything till i've seen it, but i don't have high hopes either.
City 2010
Ya, you might be right about the duplo set. But there's nothing wrong with some wishful thinking. Edit: Seems the set number have been updated (thanks Cobra )So we might get that tanker in City after all! Now that i think about it, dual trailers would be sweet! Heck, has TLC ever produced a set with dual trailers? Airport and fire are more intriguing to kids than the average house. and there have been several houses throughout the years. I don't see anyone complaining about them.... The farm sets were only TRU exclusives for the first few months after their initial release. There after they were available be pretty much everywhere. That's usually how the TRU exclusives work. I work in the emergency vehicle industry. I'm around fire departments on a regular basis. What i mean by "Traditional" is two or three (preferably three) bay doors all next to each other, with the entrance on the side. Similar to how a garage is on the side of a house. The reason I'd like 3 bay doors is because its something TLC has not done before in any of there fire stations. A station with 3 bay doors is not uncommon. There's actually quite a few in my area with 4 bays. Also,i never stated that i preferred a station like the $150 one we got earlier this year. Just stated that a fire pole similar to that would be cool. And yes, your right. The last one sucked to me. To me it could have been better. I didn't like that the bays were on opposite sides of the main building. I didn't like that the Bays were on different sizes (i understand why, just looked funny). I thought the interior layout was poor. Was it one of the best selling of 06'?Sure. Its a fire station. Kids love fire stations. This is why TLC is releasing a new one for 2010'. This one will probably be one of the best selling for 2010'.
Disney's Cars Theme pic
Cause many are not adults. Plain and simple. There's no excuse to act in that manner of something so mi-nute. No one is posting up Megablocks new sets for 2010', nor are they posting megablock mocs. If you don't like them then fine. Nothing wrong with that. Its the tone in which some are going about expressing there feelings on the subject Actually, there really isn't. There have even been a few reviews of non-Lego sets in the community forum with positive feed back. Are they on par with Lego? No. That goes without saying. But some pieces do have there places. (mini fig weapons and utensils are good examples)
- MOC: Clerks
Damn it! No Contructicons??? Those were great designs too! As of right now the only degins that intrigue me are Blackout (was he even in any of the episodes?) and Wingblade Optimus Prime. What the heel is that half bumble Bee,half submarine thing? A wasted design that could have been used on a contructicon. Lame. Comic as faras stories goes, are in a different league than cartoon,or movies. I'm not say one is better than the other (personaly,i can't read comic books) but writen stories might read well, but are horrible when portrayed on scree,and vise versa. I can watch G1, but the G1 comic is cheesier than the series its based on. I dunno,its hard to describe.
City 2010
Best post in this thread. People act like TLC hasn't been giving the AFOL community sets based on there requests. peeps need to realise that were not the target audience and kids have, and always will like fire stations, police and construction. It is what it is. Time to accept it and move on. Third motion. Seriously Klaus Dieter, while we all appreciate feed back, whether it be good or bad, you take it to extreme. Calm down. Its not the end of the world, nor should it be a big surprise that were getting a new fire station and (possibly) a new airport. personally, i welcome a new fire station as the last one sucked. Something more traditional, with maybe 3 bay doors would be cool. Two stories tall with a fire pole like the cafe' corner fire station set we got earlier this year. maybe even a hook and ladder truck. Also hoping that that tanker truck is an 8 wide semi truck with tanker trailer!!
If you want to start a new topic, then go right ahead. No need to ask others to seace there disscusion cause you feel it needs a rest. We can easily discusse multiple things at once. I like multi tasking. ismy favorite TF related web site. But there search funtion sucks! You'd be there for days trying to find that list. (hears were i hope someone proves me wrong a posts up the list!)
Any Formula 1 racing fans out there?
You beat me to it. After all this hype of his return..... He won't even be racing. I can tell you one thing. There's going to be alot of pissed off race fans come Valienca. Mnay bought tickets just to see him race.
Spongebob Squarepants
Excuse me?..... Why the hell would this coment warrant parents to restrict there kids from whatching sponge Bob? Agreed. Thats a pretty lame reason to stop liking a show. Doubt it. Most kids coming into there teens start to loose there interest with alot of cartoons. many feel that "Its not cool to like kiddie cartoons." And i doubt a show based on a crab serving in WWII (witch would be protrayed as a comedy farce anyways) would change that. This has nothing to do with it being WWII related. But more that its the latest in the first person shooter game for the favorite gaming console. And maybe, just maybe, they learned WWII history from....... School? Shocker isn't it? That someone could actually learn a thing or two that wasn't from a video game.
Its not about changing ones mind about whether or not the movie is good. Trust me, i probably have close to 200 posts in this thread alone over the past 3 yrs. Some people expect certain things out of a movie than others, and i get that. But there's nothing wrong with debating about things you liked, or didn't like about the movies, or various TF series for that matter. When i find something about said subject that i find very appealing, then find that the same thing that attracted me turned someone off, I'm curious to find out why. Not only that but having open debates is what helps get ideas out on the table for future incarnations for producers/writers (though I'm not sure how many producers cruise the Lego boards ). I also greatly enjoy getting to know members in the Lego community outside of the Lego hobby. Personally, i find healthy debate a great way to get to know someone. I've enjoyed the discussion 'M'Kyuun"and i have had about the movie. Yes, some of the comments about the movie are repetitive, as are comments about new Lego sets. But even so, someone can still chime in and give a different perspective about that particular comment made. I welcome, and highly encourage this. I feel we both did just that in our lengthily conversation. Man i hope they release Animated Constructicons. I'd be in heaven if they were leader class, but I'd settle for Voyager. Do we know what figures are being planned for release? I actually, didn't mind the Cybertron series. While similar to Energon and Armada,i felt the stories were better, and not as corny as the latter. Alt mode vehicles were more recognizable and better designed (not the half spaceship, half jet, half truck that nearly every TF had ). Still not on par with Animated, but somewhat "watchable" i guess.
Tekken Movie
Add to that list the guy that directed the "Doom" movie. That was horrible. Sad, cause there was so much potential to be great.
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