Everything posted by Defi
Article: LEGO and Animals
Since I deal most in Colonial-style stuff, I'd love to see: 1.) Deer 2.) Wolf 3.) Turkey (an alive version) 4.) Otters 5.) More variety in the dog molds
How many ships do you have in your fleet?
I have got the Imperial Flagship, Black Pearl and QAR, then used the extra QAR as the base for my ship Atlas and am working on a Caravel as well.
"We were kinda cheated this year" - Discuss.
I'll go ahead and be part of the minority here, and say that I absolutely love this new(er) line. I got the Blackbeard's Bounty and was thoroughly amazed with it. While it was a relatively short build, I couldn't help myself from loving it. I even played with it on my dorm's carpet! It was still a large ship on its own, and would most definitely be a good size for most of the target audience. On the subject of baseplates, I'm indifferent. While it is nice to get a platform for larger models, I've found that I can do without more of them. And, honestly, I'd rather have the uniqueness that is present in this last version than in the originals. Printed backs aside, the variety of faces was highly enjoyable. I also like the new Imperials over the old ones. So, that's my two cents. And yes, I've experienced the older theme as well.
Oregon Trail Wagon
That's fantastic! Though if you want it to be closer to the game, you can always load it up with a Grandfather Clock
HMS Mercury
Fantastic ship! Queen is one of my favorite bands as well, so when I saw the tagline for your post I was immediately drawn in I love the mast head!
Some weird set ideas?
Probably because they don't sell very well. We get playsets only so often because they won't have as much appeal to the younger audience. Look down an action figure aisle, and you won't see many playsets, and even fewer that don't come without a vehicle of some sort. As a kid, it's easier to pick up the Landspeeder from Mos Eisley Cantina and zoom it around on the carpet, then return it to "base" than to just stay within the confines of a playset without a vehicle.
Some weird set ideas?
I think it's fantastic that they're doing more Expanded Universe sets. Personally, I've gotten more into Star Wars because of the more obscure ships. I know several friends who are the same way, and not just with Star Wars. They see obscure, but visually pleasing, figures or sets and they are intrigued to find out more about them. There's probably enough balance that Lego would continue releasing newer sets in the same vogue, after all. As for thinking that the re-releases show the lack of originality by the Lego group, I have to completely disagree. I own every Snowspeeder and every Minifig Slave I released so far, and I can say that there are enough differences in design and function that they are still more than worth the purchase. That being said, however. I would still like a nice mixing of updated sets and new models. I'd like to see an Ebon Hawk or a KOTOR related subtheme, but that's for another topic
MOC The Swift and The Agitator
Good work! Is it strange that one of the heads reminds me of the Transformers Movie Bumblebee?
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
That's fantastic for me on both parts. I'd love for a more detailed interior on Slave 1.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I'm interested in the Slave 1. I already have the past three minifig scaled, but this Boba Fett looks magnificent. I'm not sold on the Wampa Cave,though. Does the snowspeeder look very much different from the past two?
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I would absolutely love some Order 66 sets. Especially if they came with little head-sized printed Palpatine pieces. Also rockinkurt, has lego toyed around with a "build a figure/base"? Sort of along the lines of the Build a figures that some action figures lines have, but each set comes with pieces for a larger base?
Some lego SW disappointments...
I guess the fanbase would give a pretty big outcry if they had the wrong sort of head. But what about one of those generic "civilian" faces from other licensed lines?
Some lego SW disappointments...
I can definitely agree with this. Before the CW Gunship and AT-TE came out, I was kicking myself for being 12 and not getting either when the originals came out. But my patience paid off in the form of the new sets, which in my opinion look much better. TLG remakes sets frequently enough that I'm sure we'll get a new Falcon. Maybe we'll get one a la the Slave I for ESB, with some extra minifigs. I'd love a System Falcon with the usual crew and an additional Lando and Sullutan pilot. Back on topic. Besides the stickers, I'd have to say that I'm disappointed that some Figs have faces under their helmets (Clones) while others (Imperial troops) don't. I'm probably weird for it, but I would like to have some personality for my Stormies.
REVIEW: 7206 Fire Helicopter
Is the bucket a new piece?
Special Minifigures- What Do You Want Next?
I'd love some Victorian figures,and maybe an 80's businessman.
Looks amazing! I do wonder though, is the main body support just using a single ball joint?
BBB Alternate Model
Thanks so much SlyOwl! Hopefully I'll be back shortly to show whatever MOC I end up making. Thanks for all the help, but feel free to contribute more.
BBB Alternate Model
I guess I was wondering if there were any mods of it around here. Something to give some inspirtation,you know?
BBB Alternate Model
Sorry if the topic was misleading, or if there was a topic on this somewhere else that I didn't find. But I'm at college, and got the Brickbeard's Bounty a few weeks ago. I'm already kind of bored with the design, and wanted to make something else out of it. Do you have any ideas or pictures of alternate models that have been made with just the Bounty?
Scooby Gang Minifigs
Is it bad that I thought "Cool, Buffy customs!" first? Anyway, nicely done.I like the rubber band collar. Simple and effective.
10210 Imperial Flagship - UPCOMING SET!!!
Well...damn. My friend and I were just out at Toy's R Us yesterday and she said she would buy me Brickbeard's Bounty . Just my luck that something like this beauty comes to the surface the day after
Clone Girls Battle Pack
I must say, I really do like it. It's a unique sort of idea and it's executed well. I like the idea of interchangeable hair in a battle pack too.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I'm hoping that the Turbo Tank has some specific-colored clones. I'd love to have some green-striped clones.
[REVIEW] Anniversary Silver Stormtrooper Magnet
This question might be a little stupid, but does it function exactly like a regular minifig? Well, except chrome.
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