Future Star Wars Sets
For Episode II: What about a set with Acklay, Reek and Nexu. They've never been made. Only some horrible MOC's.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Didn't we got the reviews earlier last year? The first one we got was the Slave 1 around 15 april 2010. I probably receive the Genosian Starfighter, the Sith Infiltrator and the Pod Race within 12 days (official online shop)...
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
In The Netherlands we expect the new set on 28th May ( And that's nice to know, because my son's birthday is 1st June.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Is it correct whe haven't seen pictures of two summer sets? The 7877 (Naboo Starfighter) and a big Hoth Base set? Love the Podracer and the Geonosian Starfighter. Hopefully the prices are acceptable at the end.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
I go with the idea of one of the cantina band members. Although I don't know what to with 5 of those books. Don't think TLG will ever bring out a box with the whole band. Playability is lower than low, but the minifig is a musthave!
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
You know what I miss in the 2011 Star Wars release are animals. No Bantha or a new Dewback (old version is hard to get). Last year we had the Tauntaun in the first release and Wampa in the second. Hopefully we get a big set with them. Earlier we saw pictures with brown peaces from that guy who designs the Lego Star Wars boxes. A new Jawa tank with a Bantha would be nice. If not, I can live with the June sets we allready know.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Did you see wich figs are in the final version of set T-6 Jedi Shuttle (7931). In early prelim pics we saw Quinlan Vos, but on the pic of the box we saw Anakin. Hopefully it will be Quinlan Vos...
Future Star Wars Minifigs
I would like to see: 1) A new Dewback (i know it's not a minifigure) 2) Ki-Adi Mundi (a must!) 3) The band of Cantina 4) Yarael Poof With that i can make my favorite parts: Jedi council and a Mos Eisly cantina scene
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