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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by mikey

  1. I voted for 'Original Lego Castle Theme' as any license has to push prices up, I buy sets for parts so am prejudiced! To be honest I find the whole 'LOTR universe' boring, the books were tiresome, and the films rely on computer generated effects to mask the self indulgent narrative of the source material. Of course I welcome new parts, but so far these seem to be focused on specific minifigs (or weapons, yawn!) and a new horse.
  2. mikey replied to LEGOman273's post in a topic in Community
  3. Another vote for Blacksmith Attack - a perfect combination of play set concept we got the conflict kids need combined with the civilian life the adults crave for, great parts, and a perfect minifig. Also a great set on discount was The Cannibal Escape, useful parts, and I really like the Cannibal minifigs. I also thought the Alien Striker impulse set was really good, its rare that an impulse set actually manages to build something respectable, but this performed. The alien minifig was superb, and had a really good selection of small parts.
  4. 11) Croc’s sewer (Build by Skrytsson) - 1 Point 14) Nora (Build by SI-mocs) - 1 Point 15) Where are you, Batman=)? (Build by Fianat) - 1 Point
  5. 2) Black Mask's Tower - A clayfull of trouble... (Build by Vimes) - 1 Point 4) Joker makes a withdrawal... (Build by TooMuchCaffeine) - 1 Point 14) Arkham City (Build by Fianat) - 1 Point
  6. I will be honest and say I'm not that keen on the tower, although I do see the concept of the decaying structure. But, the dune looks perfect, I really like the way it envelopes two sides of the tower - as if the wind has blown the sand towards the tower - which is a realistic scenario .
  7. This is why LEGO should not have bothered. They need to have this clause as they are aimed at children, and I actually agree with the some of their 'Play Nice' rules - as simulated minifig sex or extreme violence does nothing for me. But, as an ADULT fan of Lego I have no problem stumbling across simulated minifig sex or extreme violence, as I can easily make my own decision to view it or not. I don't really 'get' what they are trying to achieve with this, as the 'online community' has had no problems thriving without their corporate intervention. Call me cynical, but seems to me some quack internet marketer has rolled in to Billund and set up shop hawking 'magic social network medicine'.
  8. You will never be finished sorting! Personally I would find using LDD categories too ambiguous, but I can see it will give you a good starting point to further refine your system. At the end of the day the categorisation is a really personal process - depending on how you build, how you perceive different parts, and what your collection consists off.
  9. This has turned out brilliantly, the Dark Blue accents and they way you created depth in the walls really works . This is a well designed tower but for me what makes it so good is that first shot, with the forced perspective mountains giving a well presented and realistic build.
  10. mikey replied to Basiliscus's post in a topic in Guilds of Historica
    This is stunning, the colour scheme is perfect, the SNOT rock base, the brick built window, small details like the panels in the door, everything is great. Totally agree with SkaForHire that this is definitely the best of the Kaliphlin towers
  11. Thanks for the comments I think I tend to build without greebles because I find them too 'hard'! My vision for Kaliphlin is quite functional, we are prospering in a harsh environment, so instead of spending resources on excess ornamentation we spend them in the tavern!
  12. This is a great look out position, good idea to use this location for the forward scouts the Dark Bluish Grey mountain is nicely random and convincing, and using Light Bluish Grey for the sentry tower and dwarf stone walls of the hut gives a nice contrast, and to me indicates worked masonry as opposed to the natural rock of the mountain. Using the mountain top location was an original and realistic concept, and you have definitely done it justice now.
  13. I am really liking the idea of some 'Jungle' climate to build in, and it does fit with our desert theme - if we are getting enough sun to produce desert, then that sun combined with enough rain is going to produce lush vegetation. MstrOfPppts you have provided some great inspiration, so far I have been thinking Babylonian/ Persian/ Byzantine, but now I am thinking Inca/ Maya (and more)! As for this 'taking land' nonsense - firstly they will have to get past our watchtowers (we have some strong defences already, and I am sure we will see some more entries before the deadline), secondly even if they did gain a temporary foothold they can't take our bricks.
  14. @ CptMugwash - thats a nice and convincing brick built beast you have I have finished my sentry tower: It's a smaller version of my Watchtower, built because the last one was fun to do. The topic is here.
  15. A smaller version of my Watchtower, just built for fun:
  16. This is a very striking construction, and totally suits the work of a dwarf architect. The guild flags running in a circle around the platform are so simple, but work brilliantly!
  17. Click the "Catalog" Tab, then click the "Parts" link. You will now see a page of all the different "Parts Categories". Now click the "Brick" link. You will see that three types of 1X2 Brick are recognized in the Bricklink catalog - these are slight variations in the 1X2 brick design (but not Technic/ Modified Bricks). When you click on the Brick you are looking for you will see a picture, and underneath a list of the colours currently available for sale. Sometimes the way that Bricklink organises pieces will be different to how you perceive them, and you may have trouble finding a certain element. If you know a certain set contains the element you are searching for, then you can find pieces for sale by looking through the set inventory. Search for the Set Number on the homepage search box - but change the Drop Down Menu to "Catalog Items", you will then see a "(Inv)" link - this is the Inventory of the set. You can then choose the element you need from within the set.
  18. mikey replied to I Scream Clone's post in a topic in Guilds of Historica
    The size of this Labyrinth makes me wonder if you Nocturnus guys are over compensating for something? Seriously, this is epic. I really like the technique used on the tower, the headlights and cheese make a really neat and tidy build
  19. Light and Dark Grey are no longer produced by Lego, instead they changed their colour formulation to 'Bluish Greys'. Dark Stone Grey and Medium Stone Grey are the official Lego names for the Dark and Light Bluish Greys. Bricklink uses different names than the official Lego names for certain colours. As Light and Dark Grey are no longer in production they are more expensive than the current 'Bluish Greys'. These are termed 'Bluish' because they have a brighter hint of colour when compared with the classic Light and Dark Greys. Some people prefer the older colours, but it will get expensive to buy these, and if you don't want to mix the shades then you will not have access to recent element designs. So when buying on Bricklink search for the 'Bluish Greys' - as these are much easier to obtain.
  20. mikey replied to mikey's post in a topic in Guilds of Historica
    Thanks for the comments guys, they are all appreciated Thats OK, cause we can fight fire with fire, if we need to!
  21. Love the idea here! The build looks very natural, and definitely does justice to your concept of the 'hideout'.
  22. mikey replied to J4ke's post in a topic in Guilds of Historica
    I had been meaning to comment on this, I really like the quirky style you are using, like a mixture of cartoon and computer game graphics, which is really working well. I can just imagine people pilling up wood and metal at one entrance, and weapons rolling out the other! Highlight for me is also the crane, the bracing gives it a realistic look
  23. This is a really original concept , and you have some really nice details. The mummy microfigs work really well alongside the white and medium blue. Although I'm not sure I like the bananas - just because of their colour, so they seem slightly out of place. But as a whole this is a great idea and build.
  24. Not only rivers of oil, but medieval flamethrowers: Topic is here.
  25. mikey posted a post in a topic in Guilds of Historica
    With our abundant resources of Black Oil, our army can make use of incendiary weapons, this was inspired by the medieval technology of "Greek Fire".
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