Everything posted by The Chronicler
If you could select an entire caterloge of new lego sets, what would t
We love those what if's but say the director of Lego said, AHHHHHH we have nobody to pick this years line up and we need to find someone, they somehow ring you by chance, delighted you take up the offer and have to come up with a whole year character of new lego sets... including different themes.. What would you choose? Here would be mine...! Lego Licensed > Marvel Comic Heroes This series would consist of 8 sets, 2 small, 2 medium, 2 large, 2 extra large - and feature some of the more prominate characters from the marvel universe. The first small set would be a small roof top with Daredevil and Elektra minifigs. Second small set would be of Ghost Rider with his bike. The first medium set would be of Spiderman facing Venom & Sandman - the second medium set would be the Wolverine jungle attack with Sabretooth - The first large set would consist of the fantastic four all four figures in there fantastic car, The second large set would consist of The X-Men's X-Jet blackbird design featuring 6 minifigs of "Profesor X, Phoenix, Storm, Beast, Cyclops & Magneto" The first extra large set would be of the x-men's mansion (Featuring minifigs of Professor X, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Gambit, Rogue then Mystique and Toad) finally the second Extra Large set will consist Sheild floating base featuring the avengers, 6 minifigs of Nick Fury, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Bruce Banner and finally Hulk but Hulk is larger designed figure. > The Movie Classics A collection of scenes from some of the famous movies of all time. starting of with 5 sets, this is targeted for the older generation of collectors. The five sets are as follows (Bruce Willis as Die Hard's John McClane, Arnold Swazerneggie'S Terminator (Possibly scene from Terminator 2 with 3 Minifigs) Robocop with police car, Aliens - Possibly an Alien with Riply in that yellow JLC thing and finally Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow) Lego Historic Themes > Wild West return - this concept would be initially a 3 year run but with a theme, year 1 would consist on the construction of a western city, which would be a saloon, a bank, sherfigs office, livery that sort of stuff, if successful then a runaway train, goldmine, the badlands would follow the second year and followed by third featuring native americans and the calverly. Lego Action Themes > Bringing back the Alpha Team, but in a new more fun way.... Essentially to bring more realisum Alpha Team will be redesigned as a swat team of soldiers, specialist Ogel will still be there target but the whole idea will be along the lines of Call of Duty... Lego Sci Fi > Im a big star trek fan but i dont see them making a series of that just yet. But instead i have an idea, LEGO FLEET - You remember the old minifig design of yellow, red, blue, black and white... the planet with a spaceship logo... Lego Fleet consists of the star ship L.C.BRICK-O-PRISE I.V. Its crew Captain Jake T Brick, Block - the science officer from the plannet Brickon, you get the idea Lego City > Several new sets building around expanding the town... firstly a new Hospital the size of the current police station set. a new ambluance and helicopter... then the rest of the sets would be a convience store, an office based on a call room center, and finalyl a Hotel. i had toyed with the idea of having a Fast Food Resturant as a big set kind of along the lines of a McDonnalds. So what would you do?
Review: 7208 Fire Station
Why do we need another Firestation.... we havent had a new hospital yet?
Report about new Western sets addressed to TLG
I love wild west idea for lego but never been fully happy with what we had. My problem with it was the sets... Because you can have many different sets like canyon, gold mine...blah blah blah... i felt the one thing missing was a whole town... you had a bank, a jail and i think an outpost but to me it wasnt enough for a city... If Wild West was to return. I would love to see a bigger collection within the city. Personally from a marketing point it would make sense because you could introduce a town set to see how popular it is, then expand beyond it with all the outside town ideas. To get a good town dynamic. you need about 9 Buildings.... possibly in sets of two or three. My idea would be as follow for the town. 1. The Farm 2. Blacksmith's & Livery 3. Sherifs Office, Bank and City Hall 4. Church & Funeral Store 5. Saloon & General Store
Continuation of Modular Building series
i would like to see a private hospital as the next modular building
Revamp the hospitals
I was thinking, with those expensive sets, the hotel, the green grocers and the fire station. Would a Private Hospital work? a private clinic?
Also 3 more promotional sets for City
Wacky Races thats all im saying
My Adventurers Stories...!
Hi, i wasnt going to post this because ive seen other people who have made Adventurers stories and films already that are pretty good... But the whole scenario was this, i grew up with the adventurers sets which i thought was brilliant, but with all the characters they had in that series to me, it felt like it lacked character development... So basically i started writing a back story that connected all the sets together. I wont post the whole thing on here because it was mega long but let me give you the treatement of my stores... (The reason i'm posting it here is because i was intending to make it into a video one day). 1884 - The National Museum establishes "The Adventurers" a group of field archeologist and adveturers from around the world. (Consisting of british adventurer Edward Thunder and his Austriallian wife Eva, Historian Charles Kilroy, Survival Expert - Mr Cunningham and The National Museums own financle advisor Samuel Slyboots) - The museum sends them to china to locate The Terracotta Army which had been long lost... Whilst there they end up in the middle of the Sino-French War - they are saved by a lost french foreign legion soldier by the name of Pvt.Hates who had been seperated from his group. Unbeknown to Pvt.Hates he had discovered the possible tomb where the Terracotta army are being held to which they head to. Finding the tomb that houses the Terracotta army, the group is about to make the National Museum alot of money. However after listening to the rambling comments from Slyboots about the worth and value the terracotta army would bring, He attempts to claim the prize for himself. In doing so he caues the tomb to collapse upon itself which Edward Thunder is berried alive, Pvt.Hates has his left hand crushed and the group barely escape. After the lose of there leader and The National Museum considering the team too unstable the Adventurers are disbanded. The surviving members part ways. Less than a year later Eva has a child Johnny who is the son of Edward. Samuel Slyboots is blamed for causing Edwards death because of disclosing costs over the antiques to Pvt.Hates and thus ends up fired. Charles Kilroy gets his Phd and becomes the lead professor of research at the national museum. Mr.Cunningham decides to travel the world. years later 1931 - Johnny Thunder - now aged 47 and following in his fathers footsteps became an adventurer. Eva was left alot of money from Edward's estate which ment that Johnny never needed to work. When his mother (Eva) passes away Johnny meets Professor Kilroy at her funeral... Kilroy explains that the museum is facing financle struggle and so they are forced to re-open the Adventurers... this time to locate the tomb of ramses the 4th and knowing what an adventurer Johnny had become he wanted him on the team. Johnny sees this as an opertunity to discover more information about his father. The New Adventurers consist of Professor Kilroy, His neice and fellow news paper journalist and photographist Ms Pippin Reed and Pilot Harry Cane - upon heading to egpyt, Harry and Johnny form a good friendship. Whilst in a bar, the pair encounter unpleasent Lord Baron who tries to warn them off from locating ramsus 4ths tomb... But later Professor Kilroy discovers that Lord Baron aka Mr.Hates has formed an allience with Slyboots and are attempting to find the tomb before the National Museum does. However the adventurers have the upper hand as Professor Kilroy has the first clue - The Map Of Horis, The map takes the to a hidden Oasis whoever unbeknown to them they were followed by Lord Baron and Slyboots... As they camp overnight, Johnny unable to sleep discovers to Horis Tomb which has an anubis head, however he is caught by Slyboots who holds him at gun point. Slyboots gives some insight to Johnny about his father the great adventurer. Discovering the second map, The Map of Seth Slyboots and Lord Baron end up escaping. But Johnny managed to Tair of the peice of the map with the location on it. Professor Kilroy discovers this to be The cursed temple of Seth located whilst there they are able to get the third peice of the map but in doing so the temple turns into sand and disappears causing a sand storm. Upon finding that the adventures got there first, Lord Baron manages to kidnap Pippin Reed, They will only give her back once they have the next part of the map. The adventures plan a dearing rescue mission at the Sphinx, where they manage to rescue Pippin but Slyboots learns the final location of the tomb. A race to the finish sees all of them at the tomb of ramsus the 4 however. Slyboots accidently ressurects the Mummy with the lose of his own life and becoming one of the skeleton warriors. Lord Baron escapes, a trapped adventures ends up being rescued by Harry Cane who had managed to procure a air balloon. Just as they escape Johnny manages to get a red ruby - Professor Kilroy looks closer at the ruby to deduct that this is eye of ra one of the most treasured possesions... this exhibit saves the national museum... Pippin and Johnny confess there love for each other which leads to Johnny moving to england to live. So that is a brief summary of the first movie. what do you think?
Also 3 more promotional sets for City
So there now making sets of Wacky Racers
Lego Indiana Jones Auditions
anything for an english accent?
Agents Movie Auditions
Always wanted to do something like this, im from england so my voice is british which if you look at it would be strangely similar to Fuse, the specs nerdy look with the ginger hair.... Or id make a great Slime Face Just quick thought, Isnt Chase the one who is the captain of the team?
Red Dwarf - Comic
Lego Red Dwarf This was an early promo pick of my red dwarf design... Will update comic soon.
[comic] Trailer Park Boys
Just a quick update on this, I'll be re-making the comics but its in early stages at this moment, My sunnyvale had been dismantled for sometime but i have plans to rebuild it. Basically the stories are already written but i can give you a brief sum up... Series 1 will be six issues long, and each comic will focus on one of the characters and there envolvement... Issue 1 - Ricky - The story will follow Ricky's release from prision and the rebirth of his dope opperation. Pritty similar to the pilot comic but will be more in depth. Issue 2 - Julian - Will feature a substory about DVD's to which Julian gets involved in. Issue 3 - Bubbles - Will follow on from Julians story only Bubbles involvement for filming a live Wrestling show starting Bubbles as his alter-ego Issue 4 - Randy - The story features a substory on his past as Smokey where he leaves the park but comes back to fight Cyrus Issue 5 - Mr Lahey - Will feature Mr.Lahey's plan to put Ricky back in prision by selling there trailers and moving new people in. Issue 6 - Corey and Trevor - Returns to the park to help Ricky and Julian - By the end of the issue Mr.Lahey goes to jail with Randy. The second series will focus on the other characters in the park. Issue 1 - Lucy & Trinity - Will see how Ricky tries to make a mends with them. Issue 2 - Sam & Barb - the story moves forward when they try to sell the park and Julian plans to buy it from them. Issue 3 - Jacob & Sarah - with the help of Bubbles gets marrid on the park only to be ruined by the return of Mr.Lahey and Randy Issue 4 - Ray - Ray is now the parks supervisor and now has to deal with a drunken Mr.Lahey and Randy. Issue 5 - J-Roc & T - In order for Julian to make some money to buy the park he requests J-Roc to do a concert, however theres trouble when Cyrus shows up Issue 6 - Cyrus - in a showdown to the comic we see Ricky and Cyrus fight.
[comic] Trailer Park Boys
At present the whole place is dismantled, but i plan to rebuild it all and redo my plan for a 10X2 page comics... The problem i had was i didnt have a large enough surface to make the sunnyvale i wanted to. However my version was pretty cool. It featured the following.... 1 - Julians Trailer 2 - Bubbles Shed 3 - Lucy & Sarah's Trailer 4 - Mr.Lahey's Trailer 5 - Ray's Burnt out trailer 6 - Ray's Trucker cabin 7 - Ricky's Shit-Mobile 8 - Lahey's Car 9 - Corey and Trevor's Shop from season 6 10 - The Airstream - from series 2 11 - Phil Collison - Dirty Burger van. Total number of minifigs 15 Ricky Julian Bubbles Lucy Trinity Mr.Lahey Randy Barbara Sam Corey Trevor Sarah Phil Collison Jacob Jason Ill have to post the figs seperately. As they havent been dismantled.
[comic] Trailer Park Boys
I'm a big fan of the Trailer Park Boys, about two years ago i made a Literal Lego Sunnyvail Trailer Park... full cast of minifigs. well i posted the comic on Brickshelf a while ago but here it is.
Third Cafe Corner style building in 09
Here is my idea, A Nightclub! but one of those old cocktail bars kind of place... you know down stairs you have a bar, few tables and a stage, upstairs a small casino with top floor being the bosses office. It would work well especially with the recent indianna jones minifigs with the white blazer, gangster suits cocktail dresses... Would be ideal.. another idea is to have a Chinese take away, theres just something real about it that whould fit.
Why havent they resurrected the robin hood series?
Hi, I love the recent castle set, but something bugs me with all these sets they are realising... Why havent they moved towards the Robin Hood Sets for revamp? Funny thing is, The Hunchback and The Villagers have the simular minifig design, and well if you look at that and then the robin hood sets surely logically the next step would be to have Robin hood... could be cool, think about it... Lego sets... The Monistary > Featuring Fryer Tuck, Maid Marrion Sherwood Forest > Featuring Robin Hood, Little John, Will Scarlet, Much, Azem
Ideas for new City sets
Well i had this idea for a while now, See... The idea was what did the Adventurers do when they were home... Johnny Thunder - logically would be a millionaire with all those treasures he found. Mike - althought not mentioned before, you get the sense that he was ment to be Johnny's son Professor Kilroy - because of the revivally Kilroy had with Slyboots - im figured Kilroy had a small museum, where Slyboots was a big museum who doesnt really care about its antiques but more over ownership. Pippin Reed - was probably the wife or partner to Johnny Thunder and Daugther to Professor Kilroy - she would remain with Kilroy running the small museum. Harry Cane - either goes back to being a pilot for the army, or owns his own air port. Gabirro - probably also works in the same air port and he and harry are friends to some degree. Sam Sinister - probably now crippled from being caved in on an expidition is wheelchair bound. Alexis Sinister - runs the Sinister organisation on behalf of Sam. Alexis being Sam's daugther. Slyboots - died in the first set, but i gather he had a son because anyone who has the frankenstine... not the monster, from the movie set, anyone else think the doctors head looks vaguely simular to Slyboots? Im thinking Slyboots Jr Senor Palmor - Think he died in that set. Max Villanio - is the secrete brother of Johnny Thunder, hence the simular hats... LOL Max and Alexis are working together Mr.Cunningham - retires, an old friend of the Thunders who ended up working for Sam Sinister... quits and lives a quiet life. So cothering that i would imagin that in the real world we could have a 1930's style housing, buildings... which would be pretty cool.
Revamp the hospitals
I brought the lego set from 2006, i dont have this police station but i have been looking at it and you know i think it can be done. All you need for a MOC person to make it is, 2 Hospital sets, 1 New police station set... Replace the police station windows with the hospital windows, along the WING the cell doors needs to be replaced with a wall of windows with two three beds along it, underneath a new wall needs to be made. from there take away some of the police station decales, ad a lift and hey presto the hospital... it can be done, Say heres a challenge to anyone who wants to take it up, Someone who has the police station set, transform it to the hospital set...
Ideas for new City sets
I have a brilliant idea for a Lego Set - centered on combinding two themes together, Its called The Millionaires Set... and will continue the story of an original lego minifig from the past... I want to merge The City sets with The Adventurers... Yep Johnny Thunder, Professor Kilroy, Pippin Reed & Sam Sinister is back... The idea is simple, its what happend to Johnny Thunder when he returned home, I kind of picture Johnny Thunder as british and has a mansion somewhere, so i thought why dont we do that, Let me explain the possible sets. The large Sets --------------- The Thunder Mansion - Johnny Thunders mansion, filled with antiques from his many adventures, - The size of the set wont be massive, otherwise a mansion sized set would probably cost alot to make, So the Mansion is sort of the size of Arkham Asylum from the batman series... Minifigs included would be, Johnny Thunder, Mike - who for story wise is Johnny Thunders son. Javis The Butler, Frank The Cheuffer & Elenor The House Maid. The Adventurers Museum - Professor Kilroys small humble museum, Which he runs with his daughter Pippin Reed. Imagin a small shop like artifacts musuem where we have the casket of The mummy, The gemstones, the treasures. Brilliant. - Minifigs are Professor Kilroy, Pippin Reed, Customer 1 & Customer 2 The Medium sets ------------------- The Sinister Van & Thunder Classic Car Chase set, Sam Sinister and new companions are looting museums for the treasures, However Thunder is on the case to stop him. - Minifigs, Johnny Thunder, Sam Sinister, Slyboots.Jr the son of the original Tophat Slyboots & Alexis Sinister The Limoseen Set - as it says. Minfigs - Johnny Thunder, Pippin Reed and Frank The Chueffer The Sinister Hideout - A small borded up office where the sinister characters appear, Minifigs featuring is Sam Sinister, Slyboots.Jr, Alexis Sinister, Mr Cunningham and Max Vilino The Small Sets ----------------- The Motobike chase - Two motobikes, Max Vilinos and Mike Thunder - Minifigs, Max and Mike The Thunder Sports Car - Minifig - Johnny Thunder. So what do you think?
Revamp the hospitals
I like the elevator idea, mind you got to think about how the hospital would work, i think we could get away with having an X-Ray machine in the operating theator to save on space, And if you think about how a hospital would work a critically ill minifig would arrive by ambulance and taken directly to the surgery before they recover in the ward. Oh and as you requested, Here is my Scrubs style minifig decals as requested. I had fun making them. I plan to make them but i dont have the right colour minifigs to stick them on so anyone willing to make them, please do i would love to see scrubs as minifigs You may recognise the stephascope, that i must admit i borred from the original minifig, I tried to make these minifigs to look like they would fit into the lego world... Starting with the Intern scrub, i tried to mimic as much as i could with JD;s costume, However the stephascope isnt present on the nurses and surgens for obvious reasons. The Chef doctor or Scientist decal i looked at how scrubs would portray them and well Dr.Cox seems to someones alternate wearing a white lab coat over normal clothes or scrubs so i went with lab coat over scrubs to make it look more officle. The Paramedic Ambulance Driver, is actually inspidered by the Paramedic driver that came with a Spiderman Lego set. note the bade and dark blue blazer, again simular to the ambulance drivers in scrubs and finally the Janitor which well is a grey jump suit. Going back to the nurse from what i could see the nurses and receiptions seem to have the same style so im thinking they could reuse it. I was thinking about how many minifigs you would need for the set... The total came to 10, i think it would be the biggest collection of minifigs for a set but its necessary. You would need 1 chef doctor to sit in the office to diganose, 1 receiptionist, 1 ambulance driver, 1 intern to work the ward with 1 nurse, operating theator and x ray would be 1 surgeon, and as for the lab we would need 1 more chef doctor decals as they pretty much would wear the same and finally a Janitor that is wondering around cleaning. Mind the Janitor is option, if they need to cut it down on minifigs i guess he could potentially be cut. so far thats 8 staff members, the other two would have to be patiants, 1 old minifig and maybe 1 younger looking. But for them you could use already exisiting decals for that, or come up with something new...
Revamp the hospitals
I dont know, i think it could be done, I was looking at the police station set, and just by comparing it i think we have the room to do it... Plus i would love to have some new hospital related minifigs, ive always felt there costumes wasnt simular to real life. yes i know i based them on scrubs, but they use the same thing in the uk, us, and other countries around the world.
Revamp the hospitals
Hi, this is my first post so appologise if this has been brought up... over the past few years They revamped, the police and firemen from the city sets, but they seemed to have neglected revamping the hospital sets... Anyone else think there hospital set was too small? Anyway i was looking at what they did for the Police HQ and i realised that its simular to how they could of done a hospital set, think about it. The Receiption, The Pharmacy, The Doctors Office, The Waiting Room, The Ward, The Surgury, The X-Ray Department and finally The Lab. It would make a pretty good set.
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