[MOC] Zacharius Glockta
Bibliarius Zacharius Glockta is a cleric of the Linorian Institution of Righteous Aspects. Founded during the reign of Lord Bran, the grandfather of the current ruler, Lord Alvin, the institution upholds the traditions of its ancestors. Glockta is one of its most prominent representatives: a champion of righteousness, a scourge of witches and necromancers. But above all, he is a researcher, a scholar, and a chronicler. His scientific treatises are renowned far beyond the borders of Linoria. Traveling across Afoland, he explores uncharted lands, sketches wondrous creatures, and, in the process, burns witches. You know, where to find more photos
[MOC] Hooda-Rock
The lair of Blacky-black Sinisters gang.
- [MOC] The Hall of Grudges of Karak Izûm
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
- [MOC] The Hall of Grudges of Karak Izûm
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
[MOC] The Fall Of Karak Azov
Thank you all for your help, kindness and that you are not "tired" over this two years. We are very appreciated. And one day, when we'll return Karak Azov it will be your merit too.
[MOC] The Fall Of Karak Azov
Two years passed since I've started to make this art. I like Warhammer Universe and fantasy, but real life leaves its mark on every aspects of our life. Hobby too. The region of Azov sea a tasty piece for the orcs. Unfortunately, after 86 days of siege the big industrial city fell. This art dedicated to all defanders of Mariupol and Azovstal plant. Fearless, and brave defenders against limitless hordes of invaders. I made a lot of test renders and sketches...
- [MOC] Is it rust or natural?
- [MOC] Is it rust or natural?
- [MOC] Is it rust or natural?
[MOC] Son of Hashut
Sons of Hashut, Dawi-Zharr, also known as Chaos Dwarfs. Here I combined System, Bionicle and Duplo parts.
[MOC] Mr. Sande over the Lavender Islands
Mr. Sande is the Royal naturalist. Now he is on an adventure on his airship "Şayka" flying over the Lavender island archipelago.
Dwarf Army
I also trying to make Vampire Counts army. They are much cheaper than Dwarfs :D
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