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Pete Milligan

Eurobricks New Members
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  1. Hi, To all who expressed an interest in several of my Star Wars lego sets on this thread. check out my new store on Brinklink! http://www.bricklink.com/store.asp?p=Pete_...itemID=13534179 Cheers
  2. Having posted in the star wars section regarding my collection and getting such a great response I feel obliged to introduce myself. I was originally a huge lego collector back in the 80's when I wasn't collecting Star Wars and Transformers figures I was building lego. I had a big Lego Space/Pirate collection that ended up in tubs and turned into countless other models over the years. My lego claim to fame was building the two gun turrents from the Rebel trenches on Hoth which were almost ten years before any offical release! (and a lot better ) I still think that segment of the saga hasn't been done justice as far as a diarama is concerned (maybe I should do better...) As I grew up in the 90's I always regretted not hanging onto the box's, instructions and the like to be able to make them up once again. Yet in 1999, when Lego got the Star Wars license, I made a point of buying the sets to not only make but collect and maybe sell one day in the future. That day has arrived I guess so check out this link! http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?...=28612&st=0 Cheers Pete Milligan.
  3. Thanks again everyone. I should be ready to sell in a fortnight or so. I will contact all of you interested when I have a benchmark price for my duplicates. I'm even considering snapping up any remaining sets in the continuing license should it end in 2011 (could they release 10 years more of sets?) All good stuff. Cheers. Pete If you feel the need you can email me at vf51@hotmail.com
  4. Hi all. Many thanks for the responses so far, I feel as if I've posted on the right forum and all that photography paid off. After reading the responses I'm giving serious thought to selling any duplicates as it does seem their value has peaked. It would be great to think that the first line of any collectable just keeps on rising but it seems to be more of a case of it's value peaking then dipping slightly. Plus the sentamentalist in me struggles to part with any of them however I'm begining to feel that sentamentality may be shooting me in the foot especially when I can still hang on to all my MOB's and one lot of MIB's. So ideally the more serious collectors I can show my collection to the better any chance/price I can get for my duplicates, so pass the word around show the JPEG's and If interest is high enough I'll part with the duplicates over the next month or so. Thanks again for the replies, now for my G1 Transformer collection..... Pete
  5. Hi I'm trying to get opinions and thoughts on my Star Wars Lego collection. Back in 1999 I made the wise descion of hunting down as many of the original sets as I could when high street stores started getting rid of excess stock in sales. I only wish I'd continued this over the years but hey ho. As you can see by the photos the collection encompasses all the first and most of the second releases in the Star Wars lego lines. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/PeteMill...andspeeders.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/PeteMill...sMIB/xwings.jpg As the photos show the MIB (Mint in Box) sets are in excellent condition having being stored in plastic storage containers for almost ten years. I'd give most of them a 10/10 rating with the X-wing sets ranging from 8-9/10 as they have a few slight bumps and creases. http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/PeteMill...tfedtnkatst.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/PeteMill...flittlesets.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/PeteMill...nsubtfedmtt.jpg http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/PeteMill...awingtfigtr.jpg The MOB's (Mint out of Box) are utterly complete. Every piece and all printed literature are present. The sets themselves were made once (gotta make em!) and returned to their boxes partially disasembled to fit snuggly into the box without damaging or mis-shaping it. The box's too are in mint condition. The lego price guide can value most of the collection (minus six sets) at approx $5938.69 however this is one opinion and strikes me as a bit optimistic, considering prices being asked for on various online auctions. Is it a signficant collection worth hanging onto? does anyone else have a similar sized collection or even bigger? Has this age of lego reached a peak in it's value? As lego enthusiasts and collectors like myself what do you all think? Looking forward to any comments - Pete Milligan, United Kingdom
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