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Banned Outlaws
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  1. nadnerb112 replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Should i get the rgs(republic gunship) or atte?
  2. nadnerb112 replied to hplegolover91's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    OMGGGG!!!!!!!! YESSS!!!!!!! HARRY POTTER LEGO IS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l does yes dance l
  3. nadnerb112 replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Guys i think i found more evidence of 2010 set! pause at puase at 4:48 and look at right top corner!
  4. nadnerb112 replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    thanks guys. Sorry KimT for all the moving posts all the time.. i just have no idea where im putting any new topics. Im very excited to play my trumpet at disney world. Im playing for homecoming in october also.
  5. nadnerb112 replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I knew it... when i get home from school this post is gonna be moved
  6. nadnerb112 replied to illspace's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Hi i have a question to all you star wars lego fans. Im going to disney world in november cause im playing for my school band at tomorrowland and im flipping excited and im going to the lego store, i just got my b day money and one of the things i want is the chrome stormtrooper. Will it still be around in november?
  7. nadnerb112 replied to baby's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Omg light up chirstmas star!
  8. nadnerb112 replied to nintha's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    Thats so cool! I also build a working gun but yours is better. Are you gonna put out instuctions?
  9. I live in lousiana there is no lego store except for retailers.The only retailer in my town is wal mart. My walmart has the suckiest collection of legos ever-_-.Ther do have toys r us in metarie:D.
  10. nadnerb112 replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    I can't wait. I bought my first clone wars set today.I know they have been out for awhile but i got the battle pack and it wasn't bad.Now im interesting in the clone wars.
  11. il'd like to see a baddie ship
  12. Im probaly gonna get this in a hour or two. Btw nice review!
  13. I really want to see a jedi temple. It would probaly be a lot of money but still I would get it.
  14. Wow.. Great job, im speechless.
  15. nadnerb112 replied to cagri's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    This post is probaly gonna be deleted. Don't feel bad im new at posting and i posted two posts that got moved and deleted. Im sorry.
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