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Eurobricks Vassals
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    Lego, music, architecture and bitches.


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  1. I liked the new Octan station very much - because it's having a realistic aura which certainly is not the case with the ones from Town Square - specially that pizza shop from outer space. And now I read the gas station is only a design study which will not be released! It's a cruel world!
  2. That's because, even if it's a blurry pic, you can see the haunted house got the right proportions and and a architecture style that looks real which is appealing - Town Hall don't. First, Town Hall should have been stand alone, but if not it should at least look like a real house! Since the first pics I try to like it, but I can't. The haunted is on the other hand an instant buy. Could we agree it doesn't matter which genre it will be released in! It's not like cheating on your wife if you buy something from a theme you weren't planing to. Who cares! It's Lego, that's good enough for me.
  3. Just because it's not connectable doesn't mean it can't be an modular. Think outside the box! Not every house in a town is build together. And I think the Town Hall shouldn't have been designed like that since almost every Town Halls is stand alone, but I guess it's to late for that now. To detailed for regular Creator, perhaps it's not any genre at all - just a big hounted house. Anyhow, I like the architecture of this house and will probably by it.
  4. Nice layout with good details such as trees and flowers. The CC and Pet Shop buildings look stunning together. But what on earth will you do when de City Hall is released? In fact I like your mod of Town plan better since it looks more like a City Hall. The new one just look like an office building.
  5. Have you noticed there is a new horse mold! Looks more like the other new animals when seen the last years.
  6. The design is close to modern garbage trucks like this one: http://www.trailer.se/bildarkiv/46/49db656c1df12.jpg Or this: It's a low chassi because driver and crew constant jump in and out.
  7. le60head, first I like "eh what" Then I was "Wow! Swoosh!"
  8. Where shall I put this? *said with my robot voice*
  9. Oh no! The 7896 train track set seem to be replaced by this: http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Product.aspx?p=7499&cn=87&d=328 You are now not able to buy ordniary curves! Catastrofy! Flexible tracks is cool for certain things but it should not replace the curve track!
  10. Hey! Nice! You got to love the city landscape in every of those commercials!
  11. Cool new sets! I like Lego being more truly to reality like. The Bank look like something Brittish from the 80s, hm, atleast better then the previuos!
  12. Very nice, It's so alive, just like a scene from a movie!
  13. Lovely!
  14. Ah, Art deco lines! Nice! Keep thoose classic architecture styles coming!
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