I hate to meme but:
At first I was like
but then I was like
I think its an okay set not amazing but okay, It would have been nice to get a new character/deaf eater but lets face it a new one would have just pushed up the price. pretty happy for a Lupin and Sprout, not too sure on Longbottom thougth and crabbe/goyle, but I'll save my judgement for clearer pics.
but the set itself isnt very mindblowing, I mean the box art for the first wave showed Quidditch games, burning houses, blonde people flying across rooms . and this is supposed to be a battle right? wheres the explosions? the destruction? the chaos? I mean other than neville throwing himself of the bridge and a dementor daintaly floating througth the air theres not much going on, not much at all.
But then again I can see the limitations TLC had to consider when making a set with as brutal background as this What with the deaths, destruction sadness etc. etc. But instead of two towers fully construct I would have prefered it being at least partly damaged, seeing as hogwarts effectivly gets flattend. But what am I complaining for I'll probebly get two