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About gondortoast

  • Birthday 09/05/1993

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    in the U.K's!!
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    Playing guitar.
    Doctor Who (slyvester mccoy FTW!)
    occaisional dabbling in the worlds of warhammer


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  1. Pictures here.. (taken from Notch's Twitter feed) Pic 1 Pic 2 sorry in advance if the pictures are big. G
  2. I dunno if this topic is still relevant or not, but I thought I'd add my two cents.. I would love to get either or both of these in the normal green colour: http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=88930 http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=2377 http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=6556 I know its just a simple colour change but I'd appreciate it.
  3. Visited Lego Bluewater yesterday, they've got the new ninjago and superhero's sets in also in are the new cars sets and mini-figure collections! its far too late for this to be useful, but never the less... GT
  4. Just to clarify, What I posted was the wands that were given to charcters in the origonal run of the lego theme, not the ones in the movie. I realise that TLC got it wrong for most of them but I prefer using these colours as its better than "everyones wand is brown"
  5. Then the nerd arrived.... In the orignal run of the theme the characters had their own specific wand or none at all in the case of many of the teachers.. Harry ----> Brown. (later Black since 2004, but now brown again). Ron ----> Light grey. Hermione ----> Tan. Draco ----> Black. (brown in 4735). Lucius malfoy ----> Black. Snape ----> Dark grey. Lockhart ----> Tan. Crabbe ----> Brown. Goyle ----> Brown. Neville ----> black. Lupin ----> orange-ish. voldemort ----> black. Umbridge ----> None. Ginny ----> brown. Dumbledore ----> none. mcgonagal ----> None. Hope ths helps Anyone... and yes I'm a massive dork
  6. I think thats whats wrong with the RTD era for me personally. Tennants first series was great because he was bouncey and laughable. but then Rose gets trapped in a parallel universe and he becomes moody, and the end of his time most of his episodes seemed the same to me. I have no idea why he tried to tie up loose ends, It's much more fun to speculate about what the characters did after their time with the doctor Also why did RTD have to make every female companion (minus Donna) fall in love with the doctor?? no-one in the classic series did. *rant over* I really enjoyed LKH, quite a few twists and turns and really fast paced. Also Hitlers still in the cupboard
  7. I always like to dream that one day I'll find a old lego train set and restore it, I also intend to work on a preservation railway when I'm in my grey years. I was thinking about building one of these from scratch, but I dare say it'd cost an arm and a leg. so I may have to do an updated version, using current building techniques ETC.
  8. MD has dragged on. In my opinion they should have left it at the end of the second series, being as they had killed off half the cast and even blew up the hub (in children of earth). the story has got its weak points and I cant bring myself to care about the new characters (not like Ianto, Owen and Toshkio ) it seems RTD is just flogging a dead horse to try and bring it back but failing. I think and american re-make of the show would have also failed, much like the 1996 re-boot of DW over in the states with the fantastic crap-fest T.V movie. But atleast the haven't brought back Martha bloody Jones....... yet.
  9. Nothing wrong with being grumpy, I Gondortoast am a self confessed grump and love it. (being grumpy actually got me a free order of chips at a fish 'N' chips shop once.)
  10. I have some ideas on how to possilbly expand the M.E railway product line, as you said you were trying to provide lego rail enthusiasts with the complete experience would this include motors? becuase i believe if you were at one point supply different 9v motors that would allow for engine set ups like 0-6-0 's or 0-4-0 's and the wheels to have options for bars to make them look like steam engines (can't for the life of me remember what they are called ) This would allow us to be able to create and type of loco we could ever dream of! And I would snap them up in a heartbeat!!! just some food for thought....
  11. Hey I don't think that there is an offical lego stickers databank (dont quote me thougth I'm no expert), but when I buy stickers for sets I go to bricklink, you can usually find all of the stickers in sets by doing an iventory search on the set. http://www.bricklink.com/index.asp Hope this helps!!! Harry.
  12. Just incase any of you were not aware..... Nichloas courtney AKA the brigader passed away yesterday after being reccently ill ( reports suggest cancer) I know that I will certainly miss him and Im sure many "old who" as well as "nu-who" fans will be..... R.I.P
  13. Wow, calm down. I dont hink having tons of interior to the set makes a great deal of difference, TBH I rather like the the way TLC makes the harry potter buildings, there's always room for modifactions! and modifactions is what makes the set yours... Couldn't of put it better myself
  14. I hate to meme but: At first I was like but then I was like I think its an okay set not amazing but okay, It would have been nice to get a new character/deaf eater but lets face it a new one would have just pushed up the price. pretty happy for a Lupin and Sprout, not too sure on Longbottom thougth and crabbe/goyle, but I'll save my judgement for clearer pics. but the set itself isnt very mindblowing, I mean the box art for the first wave showed Quidditch games, burning houses, blonde people flying across rooms . and this is supposed to be a battle right? wheres the explosions? the destruction? the chaos? I mean other than neville throwing himself of the bridge and a dementor daintaly floating througth the air theres not much going on, not much at all. But then again I can see the limitations TLC had to consider when making a set with as brutal background as this What with the deaths, destruction sadness etc. etc. But instead of two towers fully construct I would have prefered it being at least partly damaged, seeing as hogwarts effectivly gets flattend. But what am I complaining for I'll probebly get two
  15. MMMM good enougth to eat. Except for the fact I wouldn't be able to eat it if I wanted to.
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