Everything posted by Chiles
Look what I just got - Report your latest Pirate LEGO acquisitions
Went on eBay to look for classic lego pirate related things to add to my disorganized collection and stumbled upon a BuyItNow deal that was all of this for $25. Did I just score a good deal? I know they're not perfect but I wanted to load up on misc items and I wanted some outside opinions. Thanks!
Review: Imperial Flagship 6271
Awesome set, I'm making a version of it that is longer with 8 guns. The Red Coats will soon have new barge.
I'm going to design a Lego Pirate tabletop game.
My First Ship, WIP
Gah never got around to it today, I was busy. Maybe tomorrow?
My First Ship, WIP
I see the method it was doe, and I think I may give it a try sometime, possibly later on today. I can manage it, I've been building legos for over ten years. Also, I'm not much of a fan of the new redocats, at all. I'm sticking with the retros. Maybe the new ons wil grow on me but as of now, I have abut 28-29 redcoats from classic pirates (most still in the mail). I may give the cabin a try on LDD, if Ido I'll post a pic.
My First Ship, WIP
Yeah I'm painfully confused.
My First Ship, WIP
Hahahaha yeah.
My First Ship, WIP
LOL I actually thought about it.
I just bought the 6280 Armada Flagship. I have questions!
I'll be sure to post pics when it comes in!
I just bought the 6280 Armada Flagship. I have questions!
Similar to Imperial Governor's Post. I just bought the 6280 Armada Flagship on ebay. 100% complete with a few extras. Was $46.99 with about $9 shipping a good deal? I saw it on buyitnow and jumped on that as soon as I could.
My First Ship, WIP
How should I make the stern? I need ideas. I'm completely blank on how I want to do it.
I'm going to design a Lego Pirate tabletop game.
Yeah that's the only thing, its meant for small fleets, but you can always control more than one ship per turn.
I'm going to design a Lego Pirate tabletop game.
Lol I'm sure.
I'm going to design a Lego Pirate tabletop game.
Oh, well I just decided to try my hand at it..
My First Ship, WIP
I will work on the Stern when I have my Cabin ordered and installed. I have no earthly idea how the stern will look, its size, color, shape, ANYTHING. I'll just worry about it when it comes time to make it. After this ship I plan on making a small blue-coat ship. One for mainly harbor patrol. I know it seems... like treason, but I wanna make many ships of all factions, not just limit myself.
I'm going to design a Lego Pirate tabletop game.
PLEASE Tell me what you honestly think when you play my game, I really want to know how it turns out and hold back no constructive criticism, I want to hear all your opinions. And I just collected ad made up warhammer rules anyway, I never made large armies. I'm also tryng to make a land version, but I want to get all my pieces done first, so it may take a while.
I'm going to design a Lego Pirate tabletop game.
In the rules I want to leave it at 50HP, but if the two players want to alter the rules to add more health, such as 7 = 70HP or 8 = 80HP, then it can be done. And I've played Warhammer, I used the rules from above, or some variation. (those warhammer books were....rediculous)
My First Ship, WIP
I've updated the ship some, go look at the first post to view!
I'm going to design a Lego Pirate tabletop game.
Here's my Lego warship tabletop game rules. This is lengthy, but it may be some fun. Here it goes, pics included! REQUIREMENTS: One or more ships. At least two players [you may have as many as you want] All cannons must have at least one infantry unit on them. Each ship MUST have an Admiral. HEALTH: Ships have different varieties of health rising in increments of 10. A ship's health goes up by 10 for each centerpiece it has. 0-1 Center Sections = 10HP 2 Center Sections = 20 HP 3 Center Sections = 30 HP 4 Center Sections = 40 HP 5 Center Sections = 50 HP My ship has 3 center sections, so it has a total of 30 HP. I would like to leave the limit at 50 HP because ships may become ridiculous after a while. The limit of ships in a game depends on however many the players agree on, preferably something to keep the game fair and even. INFANTRY: All ship's have infantry. All infantry units have a range of 6 inches, and they may only fire upon enemy infantry. Their firing range is measured from the side of the ship: . Killing enemy infantry is useful for CAPTURING ships, which is further explained below. Infantry deal damage in the same way cannons do, roll a 4,5, or 6 on a fair die to HIT the target infantry. Roll a 5 or 6 to KILL said target. A ship's infantry can look like this: MOVEMENT: Like any tabletop game, movement is essential for strategy and combat. All ships move a limited distance of one foot or less, and they can either choose to move first and fire, or not move and fire. You cannot simply attack and THEN move away, that's for COWARDS. To move, your ruler must touch the front of the ship and move that distance, see pictures for an idea as to how to move: COMBAT: The point of this game is to capture or sink the enemy ships. SINKING SHIPS-To sink the ships, their health must be brought down to zero. There are no limits to how many cannons one ship has. Ideally, the ship should have some cannons that pivot in any direction so that way they can have a chance to defend themselves. As you can see, my ship has 4 cannons per side. For a cannon to be able to be used, the enemy ship must be within ten degrees of where the cannon is pointing in either direction, giving a stationary cannon a 20 degree field of vision. If an enemy ship falls out of these degrees, the cannon cannot be used. As you can see, a homemade protractor is used to check and see if the cannon may be used. CANNONS DEAL -2HP DAMAGE EACH! Cannons do not have unlimited range, their range is limited to 1 foot. This may be changed if the two (or more) players wish to alter the rules slightly. For a cannon to hit its mark, dice are rolled. To HIT the ship, one must roll a 4, 5, or 6 on a fair die. To deal DAMAGE, you re-roll and must land on a 5 or a 6 to do damage. So for each cannon, dice are rolled twice. [it helps to have alot of dice!] Cannons may be used to fire upon enemy infantry, but they must roll a 5 or a 6 to HIT and land on a 6 to kill. YOU MUST CALL ON WHAT YOUR TARGET IS! EITHER THE SHIP ITSELF OR THE INFANTRY! IF AN ENEMY INFANTRY UNIT IS KILLED WHILE ON A CANNON, THAT CANNON MAY NO LONGER BE USED! COUNTERING: When the firing stage is complete, the enemy ship can counterattack. The enemy can only counter with cannons that are still usable and provided the cannons are within the range and degree of firing. To COUNTER, you must roll a 5 or a 6 to HIT and a 6 to DAMAGE. A counter cannot be used against infantry, it only applies to damaging the ship's overall health. If an infantry was attacked but not killed, they may counter but they can only hit other infantry provided they're within firing range. CAPTURING SHIPS To capture a ship, at least 70% of the enemy's infantry must be killed with the Admiral still being alive. If the Admiral is killed, then you must only kill 40% of the infantry. If an infantry unit is on a cannon, and that unit is killed, the cannon may no longer be used. When a ship is taken over, all of the cannons and infantry ma be used. Ships may be taken back by their original owners, but they must take them over in the same manner. If a ship meets any of the two requirements to be captured, you must move in and be at least three inches from said ship. The ship will be yours the next turn. WINNING: A game is won when all enemy ships are captured, destroyed, or any combination of the two. What do you guys think?
My First Ship, WIP
That is true, I'm currently trying to do last minute ebay steals (as any other sneaky person would do) so I'll try to ind them over time. Until I can get more sets, the current ones will have to do.
Any Idea When the Next Pirate Sets will be announced?
This topic is getting obscenely off subject. There isn't a single country in the world that doesn't stereotype others. Stereotyping is in our blood. Everyone stereotypes, its just like the fact that there isn't a single person in the world who is not prejudice. As horrible of a thing that prejudice is, everyone has it, as minuscule or grand as it may be. Speaking on the behalf of being born in America to a Cuban family tracing back to Spain, I do not see the British as evil. I see Britain as loyal allies as we've fought side by side in WWI and WWII. Of course there is the whole... Revolutionary War deal but a countries gaining independence isn't a sin, its natural. That war also happened in the 18th century, and we're currently in the 21st. Today America is seen as the scum of the Earth, and some countries disrespect Americans as a whole when the things we do that anger others isn't the entire country's fault, bu the old men up in management. I myself respect Britain and other countries, even though I may not agree with how things are done in other places, that's just my upbringing. The world is divided by land and ocean, but the human race should not be divided as such. We aren't Americans, Europeans, South Americans, Canadians, Africans, Scandinavians, French, Asian, Chinese, Japanese, etc., we're simply human, and if the divisions that society places on the world have never existed, we could have colonized planets by now. That's just the opinion of a simple college freshman. Agree or disagree, there's my two-cents.
My First Ship, WIP
Only have one pair and I can't find any more. That means I need three more pairs that I don't have a clue of where to get D:
My First Ship, WIP
Can't decide though, should I change the window frames from white to black? Or leave them. What do you guys think because I'm ok either way.
My First Ship, WIP
Well here's some images. The roof of the cabin where the Admiral will go is connected by some 1x1 pieces and a good 80% of it is just flat surfaces, this allows easy removal of the ceiling to put in details into the cabin and have access to it so it can have some playability. The pieces sticking out of the front will be the connections to two ladders which will lead up to the top of the cabin, this takes away the need for bulky stairs. I made a diagram with pencil and paper to map out the exact coordinates of where the connections shall be. When I receive the product I simply must drop it into place and voila, a cabin!
My First Ship, WIP
LDD Design is done and I plan on ordering it sometime in the next week or two. Its not complex, but it will get the job done. I've also added ammo for cannons and parts to finish my front, which also isn't as complex but for my first ship, complexity isn't the goal.
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