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  1. I think he's referring to the fireman, who has a yellow version of Indy's head.
  2. I can't wait until the 14th. Valve is supposed to announce a surprise, and after thinking about it. It might be Team Fortress 3. They're almost done with the class updates, the only one left is the Engie. If they added a story to it, I think it would be really good!
  3. Was there a new episode in the US last night? I didn't bother recording it, and it's not on BBC America on Demand or iTunes...
  4. In response to Flitwick's post, I decided to post my own list. Worst Episodes: Boom Town- An overall pointless episode. Fear Her- The girl's raspy voice when the alien was talking bothered me a lot. And the Alien looked to much like a dandelion. 42- I had no clue what was happening the entire time... Turn Left- This episode was way to long and confusing. Since I haven't watched Sarah Jane's show yet, I had no idea who the Trickster was. They didn't explain who that woman was, what that beetle thing was, and what they wanted with Donna.
  5. It seems interesting.. but I still have no idea what it's about Nolan said in an article in Entertainment Weekly that it had something to do with dream thieves. I want to see it, but at the same time I don't. Does that make sense? (I think he rubbed off on me or something...)
  6. Yeah, me too. My theory is that it all happened while The Doctor was avoiding Ood Sigma (Between 'The Waters Of Mars' and 'The End Of Time Part 1')
  7. Up until today, I would have said Iron Man 2 and Robin Hood without consideration. But then I saw the trailer for The Expendables. It's a bucket filled with awesomesauce. Orion Out :skull:
  8. Just saw Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. It was a pretty good movie in my opinion, but if you expect it to be the exact same thing as the book then you'll hate it. The only characters that I really enjoyed were Chiron, Hades, and Grover. Luke would be up there if they explained more of his back story. Speaking of which: I'd give it a 7 out of 10. It was missing a lot of key characters. Orion Out :skull:
  9. I couldn't find the press release itself, but the Leaky Cauldron has a quote concerning the sets. "Based on the compelling stories and characters of the Harry Potter films, the new line includes six construction sets derived from iconic scenes and locations, including the Hogwarts Castle, Hagrid’s Hut, Hogwarts Express and Quidditch Match and leveraging building surprises of previously released LEGO® Harry Potter sets, some of which ranked among all-time LEGO best-sellers. Available in October, the sets feature new and newly decorated minifigures, like Bellatrix Lestrange and Luna Lovegood." Luna fig! Orion Out :skull:
  10. I think he's referring to the toy fair. I wonder what they'll do with an Arthur Weasley fig (If they ever make one ) Orion Out :skull:
  11. There was a nine page article in the latest Game Informer, I'll try and pin point the the important stuff. Spoiler Warning... sort of. -We will be able to see the fall of Reach. -It's not a retelling of the novel. -Set in the days before the Covenant destroy it. -You play as Noble 6, the new addition to the Noble Team of Spartans (Sort of like the Rookie of ODST) -A darker tone than usual. -Plenty of location to explore. -The Covenant are more dangerous and frightening. -They don't speak English. -A new type like the Jackal is called the Skirmisher. -They attack in packs. -Halo 3 could have 20 enemies on screen at once, Reach can have 40 and 20 vehicles. -You can take control of most civilian vehicles. (Grand Theft Halo ) -The sky is less of an illusion. -Upgraded AR. -The Falcon is a helicopter like vehicle. -New weapons include The Needle Rifle, and the Sniper Rifle. -The sniper looks like a mix of the regular sniper and the BR. -Noble 6 is less fragile than the Rookie. -Health kits are still needed. -No more Spike or Flame Grenades. -New multiplayer modes as well as the old ones. -Melee Assassinations -Combat Knife for melee. -Orange HUD instead of blue. -New armor abilities like sprinting. EDITED Wouldn't it be cool if you could use the combat knife in multiplayer?
  12. SIGNED! Orion Out :skull:
  13. THIS IS THE BEST NEWS I'VE HEARD IN A WHILE (lego wise). ILikePi did you find out if it's true or not? Orion Out :skull:
  14. Please don't reply to year old topics, It will get the admins annoyed, and that's not good. I see that your new though so... Welcome to Eurobricks! But I recommend not doing it again. Orn Out :skull: EDIT: Crap, I KANT SPEL MAH OWN NAEM Orion Out :skull:
  15. Why is it called GameCon? Shouldn't it be Playstation Con? On Lego Rock Band, The game looks okay, no more fleshies though? Orion Out :skull:
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