Everything posted by mccool
In the way of speaking about custom minifigs, and in this case Star-wars. I had gotten one of the original slave-1's, though it came with no jango. Therefore I went on brick forge. There was stuff to make jango, to add does anyone have any good advice on whether or not to get stuff from there to make the custom jango. Or should I juts try making a custom speedster rocket launching bounty hunter
- MOC(s): Mini Modulars "la Villa bleue" & "Green Apple&
so there is the Eldorado fotress, and the imperial trading post. I know that you can juts put them side by side, though is there any official ways of connecting them in a MOC kind of way>?
space police
in space police there is the set named max security transport. in the past I have seen mocs almost making it look like a container ship, does anyone have any ideas of how you could turn the security transport into exactly that
I know there's reviews, but anyone got anything on the toa terrain crawler?
Combining Silver Mine Shootout and Temple of Doom tracks?
thank you, this is very helpful
Combining Silver Mine Shootout and Temple of Doom tracks?
thank you
exo force
so in the titled theme, there is the sentai fortress, and the gate assault..................................... has anyone, or anything tried combining the two, just due to the fortress not being covered, and maybe even a side entrance.
- dock
in hero factory, there is the drop-ship, they made a set, but not very accurate, anyone got an idea, or ideas on how to make a drop ship, though completely covered, insulation maybe, and the back hatch with ramp could actually hold three to four hero's and the cockpit of course holds one to two
port tading post, what the heck-
there is the fort Eldorado, and the imperial trading post, anyone got any ideas on how to mocingly combine these tow, I repeat, MOCingly combine them.
modular buildings
so here's the question, perhaps more of a technique, even more or less not a technic... but simple bricks. the modular buildings, all eight of them, you got it right, well, what about the haunted house form MF, anyone got ideas how to connect that?
Combining Silver Mine Shootout and Temple of Doom tracks?
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
does anyone have any insight on this; there is the planet Kashyyyk, though remember in the movie where the droids come out of the water, well I was wondering on how to recreate this, would you make the forest, and then get some wavy on the top plexy glass, and do stop motion from there, or would you make a small pool but get a billion clear studs and fill it up, any thoughts would be great.
Combining Silver Mine Shootout and Temple of Doom tracks?
does anyone know this; there are the train tracks in the silver mine shootout from the lone ranger, and then there are the tracks in the temple of doom set, are these two tracks in these two sets by chance the same size, even though one is straight and the other ramped and curved, and in that case could you combine these two sets?
ALRIGHTS, and by the way, like your container ship moc
FABULAND Building: Gibson Goat's Toadstool Tavern
that's awesome, love it, as good as any major best set, perhaps even better, though have you ever thought about selling manuals to build the structure, it would be pretty cool though makesure you have copy rights and all that so everyone knows it yours.
ya exactly that fawkes
LEGO Sale list: Sets, figures, exclusives, and more! (Batman, Toy
hay, I am now able to do the stuff, but like I said before, I would be willing for perhaps 200 hundred or a bit more on the cave?
new member
sorry guys, didn't read the guidelines, already got told, sorry again, and I am not a spam person, but again sorry, and reclusive racoon, sorry, i am not just about trading and buying, i was just curious to see, and i am new to it, so i haven't understood it all, so sorry guys could someone help me, I don't know and understand how to PM yo, and how do you make your profle pic of something that you made, do you go on saved pics and yo'ing stuff like that
Comic Con
thnaksmaybe if anyone is into the whole comic con schedule deal, maybe they could tell me when and stuff, I actually NEED to go
I have the original mold of fawkes the phoenix, though does anyone have any techniques of how to make one that has spreading out wings, and all that?
Comic Con
does anyone know if a the san Diego comic con, if there is a place just for Lego, because the comic con is an event, would they have a Lego event there to0?
Citadel of Orlan
awesome, sincerely cool, loved how you used the basilisk for the serpent, i remember seeing it in the stores and saying, why not use the basilisk, awesome use, you did it, and if you have border ambush, use aragog or something.
HAY!!! I am just wondering if anyone out there is willing to trade, or even buy any lego, in that case... I am looking at trading, and/or even buying any if there is anyone willing to, and that is of the fact because I am looking at the batcave, and the tumbler, or even perhaps some Vikings sets.
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