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Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by andy0002

  1. i think this is stupid. only allowing one place in the world to get something is just dumb. i like the sets, the price, but really i think its stupid that so many people wont be able to get these. somebody should buy like 400 and sell them to americans like me! i really want that tan straw hat for making the best custom Monkey D. Luffy (from a japanese comic called One Piece about pirates)!!
  2. Arghhh! thad (that'd/what would) be plagiarism me boy-o!! "for whom the bell tolls" is a chapter in One Piece!! (and the name of one of the books too!) i believe it was volume 5? anyhow...i here-by arrest ye, Derfel Cardan, under arrest! just kidding, but i dont like that. nice MOC other wise. big rocks=cool. good vegetation and the building is great.
  3. i don't have many, but but i hope to catch up to all of you older AFOLS who's parents bought you all pirates stuff... i'm going to try and catch up by purchasing older sets i missed out on these next couple of years while LEGO doesn't sell sets. here's my current list: 6253 Castaways raft 1481 pirate desert island(built custom from my own parts, dont have instructions/box yet for collection ) 6237 Pirates Plunder (built custom from my own parts, dont have instructions/box yet for collection ) 6266 Cannon Cove 6268 Renegade Runner 1733 shipwrecked Pirate(built custom from my own parts, dont have instructions/box yet for collection ) 1873 Pirates treasure (built custom from my own parts, dont have instructions/box yet for collection ) 6262 King Kahukas Throne 6248 Volcano Island (my first pirate set! bought on ebay for $12, first used set, first ebay buy ) 6289 Red Beard Runner (Got the sails, figures, mast, and some other pieces. still constructing, so i dont completely own this set... ) 6250 Cross Bone Clipper (got all the pieces except the sail and mast. still constructing, so i dont completely own this set... ) 6239 Cannon Battle (own 5 of this set!) 6240 Kracken Attackin' 6241 Loot Island 6242 Soldiers Fort (own 1 and getting another at christmas time) 6243 Brick Beard's Bounty 6253 Shipwreck Hideout 8396 Soldiers Arsenal 6297 Pirate Survival so in total i own 23 sets...if i counted that right! Does that seem kind of lame for someone who calls themselves a pirate fan? be completely honest
  4. im trying to expand my collection of LEGO pirate ships and sails, and was looking at the bricklink trusted sellers, and didnt find everything i wanted. i want to find some of the sails from these sets: -6281 pirates perilous pitfall (that ripped sail) -which is also alvailable in 6296 shipwreck island (same sail as above set) -7074 skull island (4+ sail) please help me out if you can find any of those sails for buy on bricklink or ebay(in great condition )
  5. 17$ for 4 crap-quality minifigures is not worth it. their color is awful, and they are see-through almost.
  6. okay, that statement is so false for so many reasons! first off, august is not half way through the year. (9th month). If they were going to take it off the markey then, why even consider it "off" if it would be back in 2011(3months later)?? would lego even announce a 3 month cancellation?! This person on wiki is screwed in the head
  7. that was a neat petition letter thingy! i can tell Bonaparte was in favor of the blue coats by the way he worded it!ha ha! I'm surprised only 220 approximately people did that survey! there MUST be more AFOL pirate fans out there! i kind of disagree about the fantasy thing, i think that would be cool. sea monsters and dead guys don't sound cool to you guys? i really hope the LEGO group takes our letter into consideration and also that other petition we all signed (i think over 300 people). I hope they take back what they said about the cancellation of pirates and that the newest imperial set has no theme label on it because they didnt want us to suspect anything, and that on january 1st there will be a label on it and TLG will announce that pirates will continue -- i can dream cant I?!
  8. andy0002 replied to mikey's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    if you read the review of the pirates chess set and the pirates tic-tac-toe, you would know that no, they arent always the same quality. in those 2 sets they are more see through, the hand color is less yellowy, theres no mark on their neck(that black rectangle), and theres a number on their arm-pit. so yes, theres some difference between qualities for some sets. this also applies to the vintage minifig collection sets (that i own a couple of, and can say they are crap quality).
  9. andy0002 replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in Special LEGO Themes
    awesome! i might buy some of these! im usually a strict castle, pirate, and space collector, but the family house has some nice design to it, and could easily be MODed into a red coat's house (this is because the roof color is the same as whats in the soldiers fort set). the red car looks cool too, and might be useful in some stopmotion, but i cant tell if its minifig size... i read some reviews of the older models that fit in with this sub-theme and apparently they're not figure size either. plus, this one has more pieces than the other 2 and has a bigger front to it. although with my space, castle, and pirate budget, i dont know if ill have enough for these kinds of things.
  10. signed! (although lego LEGENDS would be cooler, and could bring back ALL the greatest old sets, and if LEGO would just do that we could stop complaining to them, and they would make our wildest dreams come true!)
  11. andy0002 replied to achris's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    hmmm... i must say i am a big fan of ben10, and it would seem that most of u on this forum are ben10 haters. i think spider monkey looks the best, and looks most like the cartoon character, the rest look like someone designed them off the top of their head, without looking at the actual cartoon. i was REALLY hoping these would be minifigs, and if they had done that, id probably buy almost all the sets. for the fact i was looking for a minifig scale character that would go nicely with my collection of figs from licensed products i think ill HAVE to buy humongosaur. i kind of like the spidermonkey guy, and would look kind of funny hanging from the drapes of my room, or the rope thing that hangs from the ceiling fan. overall i think this would fail, but if they each came with a ben figure, that would be cool.
  12. andy0002 replied to ForceMaster's post in a topic in LEGO Sci-Fi
    the vehicles and sp4 fig is cool. the blackhole gang + blacktron mashup thing is total crap, although i look forward to their story line, it could decide my buyings.
  13. big green mecha = fail
  14. rofl! (rolling on the floor laughing)! make a moc using that! i challenge ye!
  15. i love u lego..i really do. best thing you've made in like... 3 years, other than the return of the pirates!!! and please tell me there will be more 2010 pirates... that would be like the greatest miracle ever. october 3, the christmas of lego fans. i hope this tradition continues.
  16. awesome!! ive got a great idea! One question... my idea involves me RECREATING a different LEGO model, released by LEGO. i dont want to be TOO speciffic, but its a city RELATED set. If i find instructions on how LEGO built it, can i do something very similar to it? to be more speciffic, heres an example: trying to copy a rock building technique. will this be allowed? i hope i didnt confuse anyone
  17. awesome!! i will definately try and enter! im new to eurobricks and joined the whole internet afol thing about 10months ago... so i have no idea what im up against, and i couldnt find the original PTV, im even less clueless. something about a moc including pirates pillaging villages... yeah thats about all i know. cant wait to hear the rules and stuff, and this reminds me, i should finish up my starwars battle pack contetst entry soon!!!
  18. im surprised at the way the pole is right now! most in favor of realistically... i think a "davy jones" type ship would be cool... and giant sea monsters(obviously not something lego has invented, for it would look like crap) i think aquaraiders stuff made good aditions to my pirate collection. cant wait for the octopus in the upcoming atlantis sets.
  19. will this be available in the USA?
  20. when will this be available to americans?
  21. what about captain red beard and captain kragg from 4+?
  22. i think classic pirates would be like 80% hate it, 20% like it. the only good things to come would be new ships and an OFFICIAL capn jack. i wouldnt buy it, but for those reasons. i would kind of hate purchasing it...but its LEGO pirates(sorta), so whats a guy to do...?
  23. "taking a break"??? "taking a break"??? NO ONE TAKES A BREAK THAT LONG "steve"!! Pirates deserves a spot in the "main themes". TLG doesnt count their fanbase often does it? and what about starwars,indy, and bionicle.. theyre "main themes" too, aparently. theres ALWAYS new stuff for them.
  24. SIGNED. although you guys have forgotten.. we ARE getting more pirates stuff. the pirate book with 6 models... BUY 6 OF THEM! that's your pretend 2010 sets... haha but seriously... LEGO, you've got to be screwed in the head or somethin because brickset's data base says that this line sold a little better than the original pirates line... which is great because brickset includes all the people STILL buying stuff from ebay(thus, showing there is a great demand for elder pirates and current pirates) Pirates are my favorite and i certaintly dont want what could have been something epic die so quickly. DONT DO THIS TO US LEGO!!!!!!!!(and on another note someone was talking about pirates of the carribean and if THAT happens we can expect chronicles of narnia... IM SERIOUS LEGO... YOU MAKE NARNIA AND I QUIT ON YOU DEAD SERIOUS END OF STATEMENT.)
  25. hmm... interesting... the shark guys are cool and so are the tridents. i dunno about those other alien looking dudes. their torsos might be useful. anyone think the shark people might make a good subtheme for pirates? im still wondering about that, if ill buy any for that reason. that is probably the only reason ill buy these. the big set looks cool. prolly too expensive for my taste tho. nice big squid(pirates ) i think that if i were a "underwater theme" fan i would like this because its weird and abstract... but im a fan of the classics: castle, PIRATES(damn you LEGO...), and space. so this doesnt interest me that much.
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