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Banned Outlaws
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Everything posted by andy0002

  1. in a malcom in the middle episode duey plays with bionicles to make fun of his 2 older brothers. malcom in the middle comes on at 8pm on nick at nite. the bionicles were the original blue one and red one. the episode was one where their mom was pregnant and wondering if she wanted a boy or girl and was seeing things as if her 3 boys squabling were 3 girls.
  2. little girls dont dont grow up wanting to be a fireman, policeman, clonetrooper, adventurer, spaceman, knight, pirate,...... i can go on you know. for some reason lego just isnt a barbie doll formated toy company. a little girl wont have fun popping a wig off a minifig, putting a new one on and saying, wow mommy, shes beautiful. im starting to scare my self a bit now
  3. i heard somewhere on EB we were getting a new kind of aquazone theme called ATLANTIK(yes, with a K) i also heard a lego executive announced Elves were not being made. I also heard Ben 10 would be bionicle syle, ball joint, giant figure type thing. i am hoping that pirates continue in 2010.
  4. Seriously?? that was a good set. one of the better ones!!! heres my least favorite. the many classic memorys of me barely touching this... good times... someone reming me why this was called B-wing?? its supposed to fly like an X. the stickers on the base that holds it up disgust me... the wings are so flimsy and the cockpit often falls apart.
  5. andy0002 replied to Spyder's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Oh my gosh i hate stickers so much!! especially white ones. i once bought a soccer set that had these advertisements all around the field(they were beautiful stickers when first applied), but because all but the Adidas(sports acc. company) advertisement were white backgrounds, they all pealed right off and got crusty after dust set on them. the most recent A-wing set(not the one in the home one calimari set) just started peeling a little while ago. i had to remove the brick, pick at it until it came all the way off then wash it in the sink, and use a soft shirt(so it would scratch at the plastic)!! i absolutley hate stickers. if lego ever starts stickering our minifigs i will stop collecting lego. WE WANT PRINTS BACK LEGO PLEASE WE BEG OF YOU!
  6. i have to agree with you there, that style batwing is awful! Besides, both of them are way too big! I think the pirate sword is the best equipment piece because its good for any moc outside of peace and happyness
  7. I say someone send TLG an email and ask them! This is one of the many mysteries of lego, "why in the world is a little box on my minifigs neck??"
  8. Aww, thats a shame! I was looking forward to seeing some of your mocs! I really liked your midieval meat processing plant! It made me laugh
  9. does that guy sell pirate sets? or star wars?
  10. andy0002 replied to baby's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    thats one strange teddy bear... wheres his ears? is the stud his nose?
  11. andy0002 replied to baby's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    wow! nice pictures!! i was very much looking forward to these! two 2 faces, i think thats a new star piece, im not sure. thats a nice cape with red under it, alot of pieces, and nice mini-models liek the train. i still have absolutely no idea what that tan thing is... any one know? this set looks awesome for small insignifficant pieces, i want it, but... will this really be worth it to me?(a castle and pirates fan) i mean i could use it for a red coats villager toy store, but 70$ isnt really worth it to me.
  12. bricks w/o mortars store is "locked". what does that mean? whats the code? out of the people on bricklink(not many), i cant say ill be doing alot of buying... none of those people sold minifigs... bricks w/o mortar says he sells sets but i dont know what kind. im a pirates fan, just so u know.
  13. i just searched my wishlist on bricklink, and dang!, those prices are insane!! like 30 to 70 dollars for the joker?? 24 to 50 dollars for the green ninja(okay i saw that one coming, on ebay about 6 months ago i was obsessed with find him and well... he was like 75 cheapest on ebay) surprisingly starwars stuff is cheap on there. doesnt make much sense to me. i really hope your right, and ill find like the joker for under 10$. thats what im hoping for. theres a store near where my grandmother lives that sells used toys. they have so much awesome minfigs. i was in there, looking overr the counter and found a big bowl full of figs. i asked him how much each was, and he said "pimp it out for 2 bucks a piece!". i was geeking out. seriously, my legs were shaking i found so much cool stuff in there. like 20 pirate, some cool space dudes from early 90's. i cleared him out of most of the figs, but he has horses and boats id still like to get. i'd be sooo happy if B.F. were like that, but i doubt it. do any of those people have websites? Do any of those people have online stores or aanything that we can look at? i like to have an idea of what i might find there. i found a couple. -bella sells girly accesories(not for figures, for you) -ME models sells custom town sets -greg hyland sells custom figures and decals(there pretty nice, like a lime green speeder scout) -brickengraver has a strange website i cant understand, but he sells custom figures that u can actually put ur own design on. i dont know how exactly that works(could use some help from anybody who's purchased from them before) thats about all ive foudn out. I will research more tomarrow im tired.
  14. so first 500... they mean to pay 50 bucks right? crap. i really hoped i'd get some extra freebies if i showed up early but i guess i read that wrong. the brickfair website should have more information on it!! ive got another question relating to vendors. how much do the minifigures cost from different vendors? do they range in prices? heres a couple of examples... nightwing(batman char.), the joker(batman again), episoded 3 clone trooper(green details), episode 2 clone, green ninja, classic space man(blue), Aang(the avatar), captain rex(clone trooper) and same with sets. are they more expensive than usual ebay prices? such as(the top of my list of wanted sets) royal knights castle, set # 6090. im coming on saturday, so again, will there still be a good range of stuff available first thing in the morning? thanks. i know thats alot of questions... but it will be my firsy convention, so im a noobie
  15. what about the gold scorpion? i want to see a picture of that! its in the ramses set. i read a review of it on brickset a minute ago.
  16. i wonder what "zumbi" is.... i realise that on the back of most license plates people spell strangely, but 2 letters.. wow, thats not much and its not fun to try and figure out what theyre saying. also, im pretty sure that the skull twins are not "zumbi's".... they are like mutated human beings. what i prefer to think of them as(because of their torso), is that they worked at the octan gas station until something bad happened and they turned into pale faced creeps with 3 eyes... im no expert but. . . that doesnt sound like a zombie.... i was at target the other day and noticed on the side of the car was an inscription that said "i love insectoids" on it. now we know all lego space people live in the same universe at least, but thats not what im getting at here. maybe "zumbi" is the next line of space stuff. just a thought. theres been 3 lines of space police and the other 2 lasted for more than one year(lately that hasnt happened with other space themes), so perhaps "zumbi's" are next years villans. !!! just got an idea.... that green dude with the horrid looking teeth... dont remeber his name but he looks kind of like a zombie! maybe thats his species type? maybe we'll see more of this guy next year. let me know what you think!
  17. printed backs and extreme details are nice, but not classic pirates. i think our colors should be more simple. such as yellow for sand, plain old blue for roofs(like soldiers fort has a funny blue roof), the classic red/white, blue/white, red/black stripped torsos on our more peasant like pirates! what im getting at is i want LESS color. i think this will bring a more classic feel to sets. thats why most of my money goes to ebay for older lego pirate sets, and not collecting the new pirate line because i feel if i miss out on buying the new sets its not such a big deal cuz i dont like them as much. heres an idea! bring back the "legends" theme. fort legoreddo, black seas barracuda, that castle you recently released for like 2 months (NO STICKERS THIS TIME!!!)
  18. how come u havent even listed the royal knights? i really likwe those the best out of all the castle lines, and u didnt even mention them! >:O
  19. pirate battle pack looks really crappy, unless its a 5-6$ set...(doubt it) LEGO: NO ONE WANTS AN ARMY OF PIRATE CAPTAINS!!!!! the gold bricks look amazing, will definitaley be getting a bunch of them, unless its a magnet. id like to make a castle out of gold bricks because my new brickwars castle hero is a gold lego,torso,sword, and crown man who could despratly use a nice castle to protect him. the pirate bank looks awesome, though id take the squid and flag off for customizing. the tic tac toe looks awesome, but it better not be 20$ or ill get mad. 15$ is bad enough. id REALLY buy alot if it were 10$. i already spent like 25 on cannon battles as if they were battle packs. oh well. cannons are always nice. the bank looks weird... like a tubawear thing, not a bank! TLG has made better banks, u know, the ones that actually look like bricks....
  20. im hoping this goes away soon! yes, i am excited about it, but what would make me very happy is if this were our first siting of januarys set line... although we'd normally see that at a toyfair or comic con or something... maybe the "jan" pirate sets are being released for christmas again? that would be okay, but ive already planned out my christmas wishlist so really, i dont have room for more stuff!(my birthdays in january and ive already planned to ask for the galactic enforcer so really not a whole lot more money left to pirates... although if this IS what i hope it is, much rearanging can be done for my birthday(the 29th, 2 days before I get allowance too! throw in a birthday party, some money from each person , might be able to get a nice army goin for my bday. although this set would have been rather nice to hint at oh, maybe 4 months ago when i was buying cannon battles for battle packs!!!! 20some $ waisted on cannons, a wall that just wont stand up, and the most common pirate man in the collection. me and my friend do brickwars and we trade some of our men around when we buy sets like these, so we can make those brickwars armies more afficient. so each of these sets will be getting me 8 redcoats,brickbeard(cuz im stingy and want more because hes awesome ), and a redcoat/blue coat general (not sure cuz there never seems rto be a storyline with these things any more).... if this is 20$ set though, idk how many ill buy, but 10$ id buy alot, 15$ id buy maybe 3....
  21. maybe that cop is like anikin skywalker, the chosen one who is the best pilot and officer of the space station so they send him to like every mission because hes just that good. idk, but i already have a bunch of that face and certaintly dnt need any more. thanks for the review it was awesome! although i was thinking this set was going to be 30$ just like the prisoner transport. oh well.
  22. andy0002 replied to achris's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    all i can say is that when lego and ANY disney animated series gets together....bad things happen! omg, look at jessie and woody! their arms and legs are CRAP! they dont look lego. they look like woody and buzz chopped their arms and legs off and got some sort of deformed minifigures arms and legs re-attached. the heads are interesting.... not lego though. the only thing these figs are good for is torsos, the actual characters themselves to be never taken apart..... and what MIGHT be a cool idea... luffy from One Piece. the PoP guys look awesome, but i doubt they'll be as easy to get as we think. hopefully they wont be too rare, cuz i like the white feather, gold armor, hair, legs, and just alltogether that dude with gold designs printed on his legs. that guys awesome. i REALLY hope somebody else gets pics because the person who took those needs a better camera, or maybe turn on the light in that place! i collect lincensed perchandise so really i kinda have to get woody, buzz, and the PoP main character. bullseye would be nice too. CONGRATZ LEGO DISNEY....U DID SOMETHING GOOD THIS TIME AROUND..XD Pop is deffinatly on my list of stuff i will b picking up next year!!
  23. i cant get this to work!! im way too weak >.< i cant use slyowl's technique because its the chrome gold minifig keychain and well.... its IMPOSSIBLE to get another CHROME "thong piece" as i call it. i cant pull it out either, plus theres so many scratch marks on the head from grinding a paper clip into it on accident that it already looks like crap. if i DO crush the pin, pull out the rod and put the head back on, will it still function correctly? am i missing a step? because i just want to put a gold pirate shoulder thing on it, 2 gold hooks for hands(already did that), and be able to put spiky gold hair on him. will i be able to do that once i crush the loop and pull out the screw? please reply soon cuz i cant wait to fix him up and make my sigfig. plus, when my dad gets home he could help me, hes stronger....
  24. horses! mideval helmets like this one---> more animals raised base plates
  25. i will probably be going to this but im not sure yet. i didnt go last year and ive nvr been to a brick fair type convention thing before so this will be my firsy time. i understand theres alot of vendors there. will pick a brick be there? i no its at brickworld. brickarms, 1$ keychains, people selling older sets, people selling their own custom models for like 13$, etc etc. i havent heard anything about LEGO selling anything. will they? and because im 14 and am not paying 50bucks to get in, how fun will this be for me?
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