Everything posted by andy0002
Gold minifig key chain
the link to the item on says its no longer available in this country. i guess lego figured out thier mistake in telling us this, or maybe that it was a promotional product and had no business being up on the shop@home also, i think that the coupon might be available through that catalog, dont u think? i have alot of those catalogs and someof them have offers like that such as one year there was some free santa MF. and one other time there was an american flag for a penny and things like that. theres usually some paragraph explaining it on the first page and if the catalog comes out on the 5th we dont have to wait muchto find out. one more thing(yeah i write alot, what more could i say?haha.) the last catalog that came out i didnt recieve through the mail. any idea why? maybe im not on their mailing list anymore. how do i subscribe to it again? i really want that MF so this is big to me, im trying to make a pure gold knight for my sigfig!
What New Themes or Sets would you like TLG to make?
bring back those "hero packs" with 3 minifigures and the stands.(especially older minifigures!and cheap, cuz it dont cost much to make a minifgure so i no ur rippin us off with minifigure collections.$10 is more like it.)
Any Idea When the Next Pirate Sets will be announced?
its usually 4-6 months before they're released and last christmas i didnt no about the pirates(cuz i didnt use eurobricks,classicpirates,brickset, nothing like that) and i saw them when my parents took me to a lego store early december. i think it was the first week in december cuz we dont do much the week after thanksgiving(idk y...). so pretty much we'll here about them sometime between late July and late september i think.(cuz our SUPPOSED TO BE august sets like PowerMiners and Castle and agents 2.0 were released in may((4 months after we heard about them)) so give it time. we'll hear either next month(i hope) or 4 months from now. I PREDICT it will be september when they're announced because current sets were announced in febuary. 4 months later they're released.(the sets im talking about are not indy,SW, etc.) so maybe all their non-licensed sets are announced 4 months before hand. ALSO... not sure im completely correct on this idea but i notice that lego doesnt hav any big events later in the year(like brickcon,brickfair,etc.) and i think THAT is why we didnt have much warning last year. because lego didnt have away to let us know. maybe they want christmas and january sets to be secretive becuase its christmas and it just dont feel like christmas when you take a 4 hr trip to the lego store far away from (u so u dont have to pay shipping and u can get one of those giant shopping bags:D) to see a magnifficent lego set you didnt expect to see so u can look over that box so much that its just the most exciting thing. its just not so christmasy and special, like that special feeling u get around christmas in your stomach. its not the same when you've known since july. THAT is my opinion. I WRITE ALOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT^ (i do alot of time thinking about this stuff:D)
Return of the Spaniards
i think they're testing us. if a whole bunch of ppl buy that crystal skull set JUST for that piece, they'll probably remake spaniards. if no one is that interested in the spaniards enough to buy that set, lego probably wont take a chance on re'releasing the series. this just kind of goes with the subject so i thought id discuss it: the ninjas. ninjas pieces arte returning also. the mask in cairo ambush and the gold sword in the jungle duel. is this another test? i think lego will make ninjas soon. i have a catalog from 1999 and its got alot of legos main products they produce now such as miners,castle,SW,NINJA,adventurers,UNDERWATER, space and ARTIC. lego has re-released almost all of these products so something tells me they'll b headed our way soon. i heard somewhere on eurobricks that ATLANTIK(underwater) sets were going to be coming in 2010 so maybe we will get ninjas and artic. just thought that was worth mentioning because this is my whole therie on future sets.
What do you want to see in the next round of the new line?
i would really like to see a majorly big castle for the red/blue caots. i notice that in the background of many pirate sets theres a sillouet of a castle. it would be awesome if this were to be made. but like u said, redcoat boat deffinetly. AND REAL BLUE COLORED! not that crap blue theyre using now thats real dark(the roof of the fish stand with the brickbeard wanted poster on it in the soldiers fort set)!!!
Disney and Lego Join Forces
honestly i think this is an impossible task for lego to do with a minifigure sized scale( and to me thats what legos all about. the world around a lego man). seriously. go watch toy story 1 and take notes. take notes on everything that is in anyway possible to make with minifigures( wich are the toys, not Andy). comapre your notes with mine: podium talk( give news to toys that the Bday party was today)possible price:$15 Army men spy on Bday party.(includes playskool radio thing, jumprope, and armymen)possible price:20$ Arrival of Buzz(space ship box type thing Buzz comes in)possible price:$10-$20 Pizza planet crane game(rock shaped crane with green aliens)possible price:$50 RC, Buzz, And Woody(scene where they chase the moving van((van not included))) possible price:$20-$30 5 sets for 1 movie. not a lot to work with. however i havent watched the 2nd movie and taken notes on it. so perhaps they'll rely more on that.but now that i think about it most of it revolved around things like the toy stand, the fat guy, a yard sale, a plane,a toystore, and an elevator! again, not to minifig scaled items!!!
Any Idea When the Next Pirate Sets will be announced?
lego battles is coming out soon and i no it features some islanders and alot more new series pirates than older ones. no old style red coats. perhaps this is a hint that islanders will be the big 2010 pirates theme? of course the space portion of lego battles features older robots and such(so maybe the islanders are not a new thing). idk. im just hoping to build up my red coat army and hope for the blue coats:)
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