Everything posted by Wes
Rope Bridge Raid
Awesome!! The feathers as guts is a gross but great idea!
Build the grandest army you possibly can
Some other bidder sniped me! lol.
Port teasers
Are you the high bidder on that huge lot of bluecoats? The $300 one? I'm the high bidder on a smaller bluecoat lot right now. I hope we're not competing against each other lol.
Enlighten Brick Boats Review
I usually expand my collection through Bricklink, or occassionally Ebay.
NEW Official Pirate Minifigure Pictures?
This picture wasn't posted: Look at the redcoat with the tricorn. Printing on the back!
Side-by-side comparison
You don't have to be the police to know the law, Joey, and you are no lawyer (typically, lawyers can spell and know the difference between "there", "their", and "they're"). Despite being advertised, it is still illegal. The producers of the clone sets are in China, though, where copyright laws are rarely enforced. First, Lego already HAS made claims against these illegal copies because they violate international intellectual copyright laws. Customs authorities have been confiscating and destroying these bootlegs for years, including the big 2004 seizure mentioned earlier. Second, the military theme is irrelevant. Even if it isn't a clone of Mega Bloks military sets, it doesn't make it okay for them to make clones of Lego pirate sets.
Which combination do you think works best?
White pants are the only color that match with the bluecoat torso.
- Knockoff/Clone/Imitation Brand Pirate Sets
Build the grandest army you possibly can
I bid on the bluecoats.
Free 2 year subscription to LEGO magazine
I signed up in the hope of getting pirates info in magazines in 2009 and wanted to share the opportunity with others.
Free 2 year subscription to LEGO magazine
I noticed Lego is currently offering free two-year subscriptions! These countries can get it, plus maybe Norway (unsure).
Schooner Geisha
I'm thinking about modifying the vessel (or its successors) to look more like this.
Dart Shooter & Ice cube tray
I heard three new pirate areas have been ADDED to Legoland this year.
Pirate Timeline
Look what I found:
Side-by-side comparison
Clicked the "Report this item" link at the bottom, I categorized it as Counterfeits and Other Copyright Violations > Other Potential Infringement Some other categorizations might also be appropriate.
Side-by-side comparison
I reported it as a fradulent item and I encourage others to do the same.
Pirate Treasure - Whoa, didn't know about this part. I guess the Duplo pirate ships never attracted very much attention from me. - Gold mirror would fetch a high price!
Preference of Imperial Guard Epaulette colour
I prefer to stay with the LEGO colors. They seem to be the best. The only exception is white epaulettes for the single highest ranking admiral in the collection (one for the redcoat leader, one for the bluecoat leader). Brown shoulderpads are for non-military ship captains (pirates, merchants).
CONTEST: Pirate LEGO Smiley Wars - VOTING
It wouldn't let me vote unless I chose one from each set, but there were none in set 2 I liked. I think the cannon, the laughing pirate, the wench, and the shark are the best! Pirate Vader should not qualify for use on the pirate forum. Get those Star Wars figs away from my pirates!
Thank you for your reasonable reply. I feel better now that I've had a chance to "vent." Thankfully, this is starting to change. Some of the recent posts like the offer to help me buy bluecoats and your posts have got me feeling good and optimistic.Eurobricks is the best Lego pirate site on the internet.
Build the grandest army you possibly can
It would be more prudent for me to save money for more islands. I love the bluecoats the most out of all minifigs, though! But really...I have roughly 120 Imperial soldiers already, and am not really in need of more. I mainly need more headrags, small ships (think 6277), and islands for the pirate game. Thank you for the suggestion, though.
I can't say I'm surprised. My first experience with EuroBricks was having someone post my MOC without my permission, and then watching people trash-talk it behind my back. I joined so I could talk about it and Lego pirates, and because died.EBers tend to be extremely critical, even on wonderful MOCs, and as a new member I don't feel any sense of friendship or community, because there's not much effort on the part of the veteran members to include the new people. I have tried to be active and helpful as's necessary to point out the above so the admins are aware of the situation from a different viewpoint. Anyway, I'm irritated by the initial hate from FC and having them coming over here to post "damage control" messages after the fact isn't exactly trust-earning, but at least they're trying. The main thing, of course, is that they've started a site that duplicates our niche...even if a particular member spent even time on both forums, EB would only be getting half the posts, and it doesn't make sense to have the same conversations on both boards. As for Lugnet, I think their downfall is the complex, time-consuming, non-free registration process. I tried to become a member a long time ago and I might as well have been throwing my money into a black hole. My request was never responded to and I ended up using the mail setup. Sorry for such a negative post.
Will there ever be a newer better ship than the BSB or SES?
Small is nice, too. Even a little ship similar to the "cutter" in the 6277 Imperial Trading Post would make me happy.
Build the grandest army you possibly can
I only get paid once a month, at the end. I think it's too long to ask a seller to wait. I hope these bluecoats go to a good AFOL home! Maybe I'll message the winner congratulations and a link to EB Pirates.
Build the grandest army you possibly can
Damn it! The auction will be over before I get my paycheck.
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