The non-LEGO Review Index
What about brands like Tente, Loc Blocs, and Brix Blox? Are they still considered clones even though they are not compatible with Lego, or is there another term to describe them( Lego-like, but not compatible)?
Worst Part
Why would you want to split it in half? There's no need to open it, you would just have to imagine there's a radar inside even though it's just an empty ball.
Worst Part
It would make a great radome on the mast of a modern warship. It's even the right color!
Do you sort your sets?
Before building, I sometimes inventory the set just to make sure there are no missing pieces. This is easiest to do by color since that is how the parts are inventoried in the instructions. So, I guess I do sort by default of the inventory process. Since returning to Lego from my dark age of about 25 years I have found the missing piece to be an all too common event (never happened to me when I was a kid). It's pretty dissapointing to get halfway through a build just to realize you will have to wait days (maybe weeks) for a replacement part to come in the mail before you can complete it. I fully understand the fun of searching through a large pile of unsorted bricks to find the needle in the haystack, but it's only fun if the needle actually is in the haystack.
Extra pieces that shouldn't be there
My soldier from 8396 Soldier's Arsenal had no legs, but there was a brown 2x2 brick instead. This is the only time I got a piece that didn't belong in the set at all. I don't think I've ever got a set with exactly the number of pieces indicated on the box. There are always at least a few extra small elements.
Call me Bill
Good question, it would probably be easier to list what I don't like. Bionicle does nothing for me and not crazy about Star Wars, Space Police or Power Miners either but I could see myself buying sets of those just to get parts. That's what it really comes down to. Getting the parts I want in the colors I want takes precedence over theme. But if I had to pick a favorite theme it would be a toss up between Pirates, City and maybe Castle.
Call me Bill
I've just recently become reacquainted with LEGO after emerging from my dark age that began around 1982. So yeah, I'm old. I remember the first minifigs coming out and how they changed the entire scale of LEGO. I also remember the non-articulated figs with no faces that they replaced, and the larger brick built people with the creepy looking faces (I hated them). Fast forward to a few months ago and I found a cheap little LEGO Racer in my cereal. I was kinda bummed that my favorite childhood toy had been reduced to junk. I had to check the real LEGO sets and was reassured that it was still a high quality item. One of the sets I found was the Tower Raid from the Castle theme. It was clearance priced at $7.00 down from $30.00 so it came home with me. I put it together and I liked it. I went back to the store and bought the last two remaining sets. Then the Pirates sets caught my eye and I had to get them also, especially Brickbeard's Bounty. I've always liked ships so I gravitate to the nautical themed sets. I've since built the Creator Ferry and the Coast Guard Cutter. Unfortunately I missed out on the City Harbor set. Hopefully they'll do another one soon. They had some great boats when I was a kid but I only had the Police Boat. It has been very interesting getting back into the hobby and seeing all the changes LEGO has gone through over the years I've been absent (some good and some not so good). I plan on being around for any future changes. Bill
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