Everything posted by HumanPackMule
LEGO from a gumball machine?
That seems like a good idea in theory but I can see a case where the first and second segments become sold out before the third, ruining the novelty of creating a random figure. Especially if there are parts for army building such as armor, helmets, and weapons.
That's a good idea, leaving the dorm room open. Did you make any friends that way?
I'll be living on campus next month, but since my house is a 25 minutes' drive away I'm not worried. Chances are that I'll keep a set or two with me in addition to a Nerf arsenal big enough for a small army. Additionally I'm keeping a decent part time job(getting a raise in October) so I'll still have money to throw at sets that interest me.
American Prices
This topic covers most of the issue. Simply put, the American market is more competitive.
Darth Vader's Sith Starfigher
Very nice MOC. I recommend reading Star Wars: Dark Lord as it tells of how much Vader hated this ship right after he became Vader and how his larger stature was crammed into the cockpit which led to Vader greatly influencing the design of the TIE series, particularly the cockpit.
Clone Brick Review: Sluban Middle School with School bus
Anyone else notice how the word "middle" was misspelled on the sticker for the bus? As a purist myself I got more of a kick at how pathetic this knock off, rather than rage.
Catwoman and Blackwidow swap
The Catwoman suit has the Black Widow emblem on the belt so I'd say it's a pretty good match. That being said, the Black Widow minifig suit works better for Black Widow since Catwoman had fewer suits with cleavage.
What did you buy today?
Have you opened them yet? If so just flatten the boxes and stack them. I not, open them, flatten all but the largest and try to fit the bags from the smaller sets inside the big box. You'd be surprised how much extra room you can make if you flatten your boxes.
Post about Cartoons and Anime you like
Just finished watching Code Geass yesterday. Very well done and it felt like Death Note for mecha fans.
Have you ever met adult toy collectors who...
Yes I have. It was my writing teacher for my previous semester. He said he actually preferred the Mega Bloks figures because he thought they were more detailed and because he didn't like to build the sets they came with. Meanwhile during class he was explaining how he's been to really shady parts of Georgia just for a few action figures. Worst part is, I showed him a picture of some of the Gunpla I build and he asked if they're pose able. I then promptly gave him a "b**** please" look. That being said, he was a good teacher as the class was a writing class focused on gaming( at a tech and engineering school, you'd have to figure out a pretty good gimmick to get a majority of the students to write) and because of the class I can proudly say that I've been to Dave and Buster's for a school field trip.
Why are there spare parts in the sets?
Not just that, but also parts that tend to wear out quickly such as droid arms.
Alpharetta, GA grand opening, who is going?
Good thing I didn't go then. I get out of work at 2:30 on Saturday's so by the time I got there they would've been long sold out. At least still closer than the Lawrenceville store for me so I can go to the PAB wall once in a while or check for any sales( made out like a bandit a few years ago at the Lawrenceville store once). Feel sorry for those wanting to get the store model and instead getting the mini Sopwith Camel.
Gollum's arms
Too bad you can't spread out his legs too. Then you could recreate his hot lava death.
[MOC] "Midi-scaled-UCS" 10129 Snowspeeder
Very cool, I especially like the use of CMF plates for the rear. It also reminds me of the snow speeders from the Family Guy Star Wars spoofs.
[MOC] Star Wars Death Star II wall/desk clock sculpture
Why not instead of going bigger, go smaller and use the small light saber blades from the CMF lasers?
[MOC] Star Wars Death Star II wall/desk clock sculpture
What about light sabers for the clock hands?
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
[MOC] Ghost Rider
Very nice bike! I really like the use of the droid torso for the rear fender. It also seems like your minifig shows more emotion than all of Nicholas Cage's acting roles combined.
What did you buy today?
Decided to be a nice big brother and bought my eight year old sister the Friends convertible. She seemed thrilled and it allowed me to get a good look at the theme.
What do you do with your sets/MOC once you've built them?
This topic has gotten me thinking, what's the longest amount of time anyone's kept a set or part of a set(such as a mini vehicle or brick built creature) up on display? The longest I've kept one up is the serpent from the Viking longship which I've had out since late '06 to the present.
What was the last movie you watched?
Saw Brave yesterday with the family. Gotta say, more nudity in it than all the other Disney animated movies combined. As I was leaving the room I overheard mothers saying to their kids "the moral of the story is don't turn me into a bear". Pretty good, animation was top tier but it wasn't as funny as other Pixar films.
Alpharetta, GA grand opening, who is going?
While I may not be able to attend the grand opening, I will surely visit that store, seeing as how it is much closer to me in Woodstock than the one in Lawrenceville.
Option to manually change skins
I too, would appreciate a short summer if this is to be a summer of Friends(ironically I am currently experiencing my biggest summer ever due to being between my first and second year of college). The fact that EB is one of two sites I keep up most of the time is also a reason for which I would like a change in the themes to something not quite so feminine. Maybe shift to colors that fit within the Friends palette to something more neutral.
Lego Quality Reference
This is a nice place to start.
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
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