Everything posted by Capt. Redblade
- [Moc] The Phony King - Disney Robin Hood
[MOC] "Fire Walk With Me"
He is Bob Eager for fun He wears a double-sided head Everybody run
I like this interpretation. Don't totally buy it, but I like it. I think the "most mundane interpretation" that you raised is probably what happened (I'll be the Doylist here; you be the Watsonian), but it is a fun little detail that creates cool new storytelling options. I like to think this is a Mary Read/Anne Bonny kind of situation, but your take is valid.
I Wrote a Book!
It is. I've tried the traditional publishing thing before, and it's a lot like cutting down a Douglas fir with a dead salmon.
I Wrote a Book!
Yep. I recently put the finishing touches on my first novel, and now I'm biting the bullet and publishing it. Only took five years. Abby Normal is an urban fantasy/horror story about Abby Henderson, a woman being hunted by a demonic doomsday cult, and the Deacon, the demonic cult leader who believes Abby can kick-start his apocalyptic plans for him. Along the way there's also some wizards, faeries, alternate dimensions, demonic possessions, and a heapin' helpin' of Anglo-Saxon paganism! Oh, it's also available for pre-order on Amazon right now. OFFICIAL BLURB: Abby Henderson has lived her whole life under a dark cloud. When she was born, a demon called the Deacon claimed her family as his property. When she turned 13, she was traumatized by an ominous psychic vision. When she turned 14, her dad had a psychotic breakdown and tried to kill her.She’s just turned 25, and now people are dying all around her.This is all according to the Deacon’s plan. He believes that Abby is the key to a ritual that will unleash an ancient evil on the world, and he will stop at nothing to make sure that ritual succeeds.Now, Abby is in the fight of her life against an enemy that defies all reason. Together with her pious girlfriend, her magic-slinging ex-teacher, and a hotheaded Amazon with a machete, Abby will have to use every trick in the book to outlast the Deacon. Because if she can’t, her next birthday is going to be Hell.
[MOC] These Romans are crazy..!!
Oh my God. This is sheer perfection. It's been years since I sat down with an Asterix comic, and this MOC took me right back there. Absolutely spot-on. I love that you even included Fulliautomatix and Unhygienix. That's some major dedication, right there.
Voltrahk; Rahkshi of lightning
This is lovely. Ever since I got the 2016 Toa, I've been wondering if I could repurpose those CCBS waists to make G2 Rahkshi. I guess I now have my answer.
Shiver My Timbers - Muppets Treasure Island
One of my favourite films for years and years. Amazing recreation. Although, some of the editing on the animals was a little uncanny valley-esque for my taste. The octopus's eyes in particular looked sort of... murder-y. But other than that, it was amazingly faithful and really well-crafted.
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
I was stuck inside on a rainy day watching Gravity Falls and John Carpenter movies and, well... this happened...
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Honestly, I don't know where everyone suddenly got the idea that these are going to be minidoll sets. Call me old-fashioned, but I think it makes sense to wait until we've seen some pictures before running shirtless into the street wailing about the end of days. In my experience, rampant speculation like this based on next to no info is more often than not a fool's errand, so let's all take a deep breath and calm down until we've got something concrete.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
This has been pretty much my line of thinking since I saw the first batch of photos. When I first got it, I thought the Funhouse Escape was the new gold standard for villain sets, and I still love it to bits, but adding it to Jokerland really opens up a lot of possibilities for a full-on Arkham City-style carnival of death.
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
On a lighter note from last week, here's Muppet Treasure Island!
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
We're going a bit more serious this week with a closer look at Anthony Minghella's The Talented Mr. Ripley.
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
This week's film is not much of an adaptation per se, but it's got an interesting history of revision and alteration nonetheless. It's 1992's Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
I regret that I have once again been out of the game for so long, but I'm back now with a review of the Raul Julia masterpiece !
- Batman Vs Superman Dawn Of Justice Trailer
- Hail our new overlords!
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
This is one of the biggest points in the reboot's favour, in my opinion. All the Toa have got some pretty neat upgrades, but there's still a clear resemblance to their G1 builds. Each one of them has something in his or her build that, when I look at it, definitely makes me think "Yeah, okay, I can see where they were looking at the Mata/Nuva designs." Tahu's lava surfboard is pretty similar to his Nuva design, as are Lewa's "wings", but there's also plenty of fresh ideas to make it not feel like a cheap rehash. Gali's trident, Onua's hammer, and Pohatu's boomerangs are things I never would have considered those characters could/should have, but they make sense when you look at them. I never got any of the Mistoka sets because I couldn't buy that these were the same characters that I'd grown up with, but with the G2 figs, it seems to be a very natural "evolution" of the character designs. All of the figures have incorporated some new concepts, but they're still the same old Toa. (And yeah, Kopaka is one of the more impressive ones.)
Mr. Giggles
All I could think of was Tim Curry in It. "Do you have Prince Albert in a can? You DO? Well, you better let the poor guy out! Wah-hah! Wah-hah! Wah-hah! Wah-hah!"
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I think it's a symptom of a larger problem: namely, Lego is far too cheap to pay for half-decent VAs these days. They have the one guy doing every voice (including Gali! ) for Bionicle, to the point where they all sound the same. And it's not just this theme either: the voice acting in the Ultra Agents app really makes me cringe. My training is primarily in stage acting, but I could still act circles around the guys they hire.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I got Onua today (just missing Gali now) and I have to say he's probably my favourite redesign. I'm very impressed with how much they bulked him up. However, I have noticed that his gearbox is significantly stiffer than any of the other Toa and it's difficult to rotate his arms at times. I suspect this is due to the ball-socket connection on his right shoulder. Anybody else have this problem?
- BRO-nua, BRO-paka, BRA-hu (Just a bit of fun)
Is LEGO dying?
When I was a lad we had to complain through twenty-eight inches of snow uphill both ways, and we didn't have none of them fancy Twitters and autocorrects these kids have today! We had to be extra-careful to make sure our complaints were spelled properly and we had to mail 'em through the post office like all other correspondence!
- Scooby-Doo 2015 Rumours & Discussion
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
I was on a roll, so here's a special Christmas review!
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