Everything posted by Capt. Redblade
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
It's been a long, tough few months for me, but I'm finally back on my feet. Presenting the first review in something like five months: 1983's Hercules, starring Lou Ferrigno.
10246 Detective's Office
Now I'm trying to think which parts would be best for making figs of Sydney Greenstreet and Peter Lorre.
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Ooh, I really hope the Town Hall is coming back. I completely dragged my heels and the thought of missing out on it so soon before my birthday (and so soon after I missed out on the Haunted House) really does sting. I'm not up to speed on what the general procedure is when a product comes back in stock like that. Does it usually last for a few hours? Days? Weeks? How fast would I need to act if it comes back?
2015 LEGO Pirates Rumors and Discussion
So the builds are more <insert that tiresome argument> than 2009. The figs more than make up for it, and some of the <insert that tiresome argument> builds are still pretty cool. I'll definitely be getting the Shipwreck Defense and the Soldiers Outpost. It is kind of disappointing that the ship is mostly a rehash, but we have to remember who the target audience is for this stuff. LEGO's line of thinking is probably that the kids who had the Brickbeard's Bounty are now too old to be bothered by that kind of thing, and those that didn't weren't old enough at the time, but now they are and so it'll be a new experience.
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
Honestly, I kinda like Darkseid's hover cannon. It feels like a little taste of Apokolips. I would've liked to have seen a Parademon or something, but I can live without it if it means there's now a GA figure I can actually afford. And on that point, is it possible we might see variants of the other SDCC figs in coming years? A man can dream, surely...
DC Superheroes 2015 Rumors & Discussions
An Aquaman figure with short hair and a beard would be - dare I say it - OUTRAGEOUS!
- Video Review - 6251 Pirate Mini Figures
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
Danger, danger, Will Robinson! This week's review is Lost in Space!
- [MOC] The Gilded Crow
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I would be lying if I said the NC wasn't one of the main reasons I decided to do this, so I appreciate the comparison!
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New episode!
- Maiden Voyage
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This week, the (not so) Fantastic Four!
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Come see my terrible Jeff Goldblum impression in this week's episode!
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Flintstones, meet the Flintstones, they've a crappy live-action movie! In case you can't tell, this week's review is The Flintstones.
- Imperial Fort
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This week, it's back to basics.
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I had some time to kill after editing my last review and this happened.
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
Bat-month concludes with a systematic and (very) therapeutic takedown of Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin.
- Troglodyte, the 14 gun savage ship
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This week, the Batman franchise changes hands as Bat-month continues with Batman Forever.
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Here are the new links for the rest of the episodes: Stormbreaker: Congo: Batman Returns:
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
Have no fear. I've recently had a respite from Youtube's legal red tape, so I've been taking down some of the older videos and re-uploading the full, uncut versions in their place. In fact I was just on my way here to post a list: Wild Wild West: Daredevil: Scooby-Doo: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull: Sword of the Valiant: Batman: Fair warning, I am most likely going to replace the rest of the videos tomorrow, so if any more videos disappear, rest assured that it's entirely on my terms.
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Bat-month continues with Batman Returns! PART 1 PART 2
Hello and welcome to the Adaptation Nation...
In honour of Batman's 75th anniversary, May is Bat-month on the Adaptation Nation. This week: Batman (1989). PART 1 PART 2 It's been a while since I've seen the film, but I'll think about it.
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