Everything posted by KristofBD
VOTING: Design a Direct-To-Consumer (D2C) set
Here are my votes: Entry nr. 2: 1 point Entry nr. 6: 1 point Entry nr. 18: 1point Entry nr. 21: 4 points
REVIEW: 7978 Angler Attack
I am a castle fan, but I like this set very much. The angler fish is very creative and shows how much LEGO has advanced over the last three years. Thanks for the review!
Review: Escape from Dragon's Prison
Thanks for the review! I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that there are actually quite of lot of new faces included in this set. That definitively raises the value of the set!
The Goblin Menace (MOC)
Great job! It is clearly your style, and I like it! I especially love how you shun away from using 'normal' bricks and instead use log bricks, (cheese) slopes etc. Very creative and it adds a particular atmosphere. I also like the fact that your MOCs are medium-sized. PErhaps sounds a bit odd, but that way all the details that you add to them really stand out. Simply stunning MOC once again!
The Fabulous Four
Great topic! I voted for the Elf, mainly because of the fact that it is more versatile, as you can use the bow for archers, and the shield for pikemen. I gave most my elves hats, so the 'same haircut'-problem does not arise.
New Kingdoms sets delivered from TRU!
Well, they sure look good, so probably the armor was worth it.
New Kingdoms sets delivered from TRU!
Thanks! Any pic of the dragon knight's head in the blacksmith set?
D2C Contest: Serpent Ruins
Very original! I don't know whether this is a "direct to consumer set" (it's perhaps a bit too exotic for that), but it sure is one hell of a MOC! Good luck!
D2C Contest: Professor Hale's Oasis Hacienda
Very good entry! I love all the details! The pool table is very clever and the mosaic patterns on the floor are very convincing. All in all this MOC really breathes the right atmosphere. I would definitely buy this one if it were a real set (even though I am a castle fan).
REVIEW: Prince of Persia 7571 Fight for the Dagger
There's plenty of online opportunities to buy this set cheaper, I guess. In any case, perhaps it is better to play it safe and buy it. This set is so good that you don't want to risk missing it...
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
They are also available in the Dutch stores, though most online stores will only have them around 10 May. Given that the online stores are so much cheaper, this means I'll have to wait some more. Very difficult indeed...
Review: 4193 London Escape
Great review! As I said before, this set is the one that I like the most from the PoTC sets. It is quite expensive, but it is definitely worth it!
REVIEW: 4183 The Mill
Thanks for this great review! I think you really showed all the up- and downsides of the sets very accurately. To me the most appealing things about the set are the Admiral Norrington fig (just gorgeous! ) and the high number of dark tan pieces. I was very skeptical about the interior and the patchiness of the building when I saw the first pictures of it. I'm more convinced about the details: they're good enough for a set like this, but I still think the building looks too patchy. Even for a ruined mill I find it a bit lacking. Overall I find this one of the weakest in the PoTC line, but the figs and the parts selection still make it a fairly good set.
REVIEW: 4192 The Fountain of Youth
Thanks for the review! I also find this set way too expensive. The figs are good, but there are better figs in other sets. All in all I find this the weakest set in the PoTC line.
Review: 2172 Nya
Thanks for this review Gregorovich! It seems like an interesting figure and this is a 'cheap' way of picking her up. I was wondering whether you have some larger pictures? The ones I see are a wee bit too small to figure out all the details. (or is this just my computer fooling me?)
REVIEW: 4182 The Cannibal Escape
I must say that this set appeals more to me after the review. At first I thought it was boring, but now I am convinced it is actually fairly good. Thanks for the review!
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
Well I'm very jealous! ...And yes a review will be much anticipated!
SET REVIEW: 4191 Captain's Cabin
Great review! It is indeed a pricy set, but at least you get special printed pieces. So overall it may well be worth it. As a sidenote: I think the US-price is really ok - the euro price (some 17 euros or 22 dollars) is far too high, so I'll probably skip this one.
REVIEW: 4193 The London Escape
Thanks for this review! Personally I find this set the best in the PoTC line - specifically because of the more civilian line-up (perhaps this is because I am more of a castle than a pirates fan). I love the minifigs (the redcoats are great!) and the play features. After this review this set is defintively the number one on my to-buy list!
D2C Contest: Attack of the dojo
Excellent work! I love how you made the set so flexible without loosing the 'grandeur' needed for a D2C. Well done!
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
Woow that's really early... When will they be shipped?
REVIEW Diagon Alley
@Travisco: I did not have that problem, but I agree that it can actually a bit of extra texture and is not necessarily a bad thing. @Silverface: It is indeed a very expensive set, but the building experience is great. Additionally, I sold the parts that I did not really care about (ollivander's and Gringott's bank) for more than 90 euro's. In the end I have Borgin and Burkes, Lucius Malfoy and the Weasley brothers left. I got a bid of 15 euros for the Weasleys, so just selling those two already recuperates a lot of money. If you want to keep it all, 150 euro is a lot, but the building experience is great and inspiring - this set is clearly made by the best designers. @Miss Kyle: I agree that overall the Burrow is slightly better - but then again, that set is simply one of the best sets ever in my view. Nevertheless, the building techniques used in Diagon Alley are somewhat better I think. I would recommend this set to everyone who can afford it - it is definitively worth it!
2011 Kingdoms + US prices
Thanks Grogall! The pictures we now have are very detailed, so I guess the next step is the sets themselves. I hope they will be available a bit earlier than the Summer, as the sets simply look great!
D2C Contest: Museum of Antiquities
Excellent entry! I like the overall idea and the modest execution. The rooms are not too packed, but there's plenty of detail nonetheless. I also like the subtle storyline. Great job!
Big medieval landscape: BIG UPDATE on page 26
Thanks for the pic on your tree building technique - it is very useful.
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