Everything posted by KristofBD
- [MOC] Game of Thrones Castles
CCC XIV - Secret Cottage in Farnor Forest
Excellent MOC! I love how you built those trees
LEGO Ninjago 2017 Discussion
Excellent wave actually. I like the armour of the villains especially!
LEGO Ideas: 21310 Old Fishing Store (Fall 2017)
Woow nice to see Lego Ideas is embarking on larger projects. Love this one, will probably be the first ideas set that I buy.
General Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Discussion Thread
Good good good. Finally a set potentially worth buying and getting me out of my dark ages again. Honestly I would even be willing to spend 300 euros, as long as it is a beautiful, detailed ship with fantastic minifigs
- Ghostbusters (Reboot) 2016 sets rumors and discussion
- [MOC] Lord of the Rings- Aragorn "I Swore to Protect You"
21128 The Village - LEGO Minecraft
Well I guess there are Minecraft fans who will like it. For me it is unfortunately .
Vote for your favourite Category Mega A entries
One point each for: 27) Kendo Fighter Entry (Build by Artizan) 48) Ballerina Entry (Build by Pakita) 60) Frightening Knight Entry (Build by Graham Gidman) (27: love the building technique in the window ; 48: excellent techniques, and love the overall atmosphere!; 60: scary and fitting for the scary knight Also kudos for the following entries: 32, 44, 45, 49 and 56. Some very clever ideas, building techniques and nice fitting atmosphere in these as well!)
LEGO LotR - general discussion
I have the same feeling: I am slowly descending into my dark Ages once again. By itself that is a nice indication of how good LOTR Lego was.
(MOC) Streets of a Roman Town
The road is clever and looks fantastic!
Fantastic Beasts 2018 - Speculation & Future Set Discussion
That would be very good news indeed
Wild Things & A New Medieval Building guide
Good luck with your 'job'! The MOC looks spectacular as always...
- [MOC] Castle Durstan
LEGO LotR - general discussion
Good point. The printing on the scary knight is excellent and usable indeed!
REVIEW: 10249 Winter Toy Shop
Thanks for the excellent review! Unfortunately it only highlights how minimal the upgrades are (though they are nice). Definitively a pass for me. Let's hope LEGO does continue to make the more realistic winter village sets (versus Santa). I'm not opposed to a rehash, the post office could use some improvements for example, but this one is just a wee bit minimal.
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
- Post Your Castle Army Here!
LEGO Ideas Discussion
1. That's a bit of an overstatement I would say. Before the review results a lot of people seemed to think that at least some of these had potential. But now that review result is in a lot of people find it obvious that none of these had potential. Mmm... 2. Even if thirteen projects manage to make it and it is 'obvious' that none of them stood a chance; it is a waste of time isn't it? In my view it simply means the rules need to be sharpened. @Blondie-Wan: Having a piece limit is always something arbitrary, but let's be fair: in the heads of the review team there is already a piece limit. Better make this explicit then, no? I think a piece limit for a proposal of say 1000 pieces is reasonable. People can always include bigger pieces to compensate and TLG can always change the bricks used upwards or downwards for the final model. I would see it as an initial requirement to avoid disappointment. If the production capacity is increased, they can always adjust the limit. I work in a sector where we hand in texts with a word limit of say 8000 words. Does not mean the final versions are always below 8000 (when a reviewer wants me to add stuff, that is allowed), but it weeds out texts that are too long. Moreover, it forces people to be creative with the words and word formulations they use. And for LEGO that's a good thing: creativity is what it's all about, isn't it?
LEGO Ideas Discussion
Agreed. But they could also set a max piece count to begin with.
- Review - 21304 LEGO IDEAS Doctor Who
Erebor - final with the movie!
Very impressive work! It really breathes the atmosphere of the movie! Very very nice!
LEGO Ideas Discussion
What a bummer... Time to clarify the rules to avoid disappointments like this. Waste of time for everyone involved (including LEGO).
75827 Ghostbusters Firehouse Headquarters Discussion
Very nice set! Definitively looking forward to the interior pics!
10251 Brick Bank
Super! The set looks great, love all the detail and the tongue in cheek money laundering. Lots of nice building techniques it seems. VEr y much looking forward to this one!
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