Everything posted by Emperor Claudius Rome
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 4 discussion
Wow, I think they might have used one of my ideas with the Viking/Barbarian
Blue Coats, Red Coats, or Green Coats
I got to admit, Britain hasn't done much backing out historically. Maybe the hundred years war, and the Irish Revolution, but that's all I can remember right now.
What are you listening to?
Jefferson Airplane-White Rabbit Classic Psychedelic song!
Telemachus with Nestor
Those are Greeks Keep up at these. I can't wait to see some Battle scenes (Trojan Horse?)
Harry Potter
- Grumnite Village
Looks good man But I think you should have named the village Nilbog Oh my goooooooooooood!- Harry Potter
I just say it. It was great, except Also- Harry Potter
^That would be appreciated.- Harry Potter
I'm worried that we'll be seeing Harry's junk in DH.- What are you listening to?
Manfred Mann: Nothing original since 1964! I've been listening to only 50's and 60's music because I'm writing an alternate timeline book, where the World was destroyed in 1970 by a Nuclear War.- LEGO Pilgrims
You could get ideas from:- Village of the Bloody Damned: Conclusion!
Even though I only lasted two nights, I still enjoyed this. Well done, Shadows- Village of the Bloody Damned: Non-Player Discussion Topic
If brickme comes by, tell him I think I was the one who killed him- What are you listening to?
In honor of Halloween- Village of the Bloody Damned: Non-Player Discussion Topic
Well, I died. But hey, for my first Mafia game, this was quite fun. I lasted 2 nights, I'm surprised I didn't die in night one.- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day 2 Cycle
^Hm, your Limericks give you ze essence of Singer, but, zen again, zese guys are Punk-Rockers, not really a Genre zat takes influences from ze classics, but I'll keep an eye on you- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day 2 Cycle
Ve'll hopefully loose no other villagers tonight, and maybe perhaps find evidence against ze remaining bandies! Zat would be something, now vouldn't it, ending ze hunt in two nights! About ze rhymes, I vonce met a murdering beast in England who spoke in Avanat-Garde rhyme, but, it turned out he vas just a Cockney-Sadist. Alen I think his name vas, or something along zose lines.- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day 2 Cycle
Let us go to mien room in ze Inn, and maybe I'll fulfill zat request I'm with ze investigation suggestion, it wont be as risky to ze innocent!- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day 2 Cycle
Hmm, investigating vould be a better option zan random killing, but zen ve vont get a chance to eat! Besides, I haven't had a meal zis good since ze time I ate zose Tibetan Monks on mien hunt for ze Yeti!- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day 2 Cycle
*passes drumstick* I sure hope we get another tonight, I really don't want to eat Goblin for dinner again- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day 2 Cycle
Of course I am! Ze Vitch proffesor didn't get a chance to make ze Band-Soup, if zere's a fire, ve von't have anybody to put it out, ve lost one of zee only young vowmen in ze village, ve lost the hilarious village idiot, ve lost our SWAT, our only form of entertainment in zis town other zan going on people-hunts, and a chance for me to have an adventure against an evil scientist!- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day 2 Cycle
I'm sorry for ze loss of our innocent villagers, but, on the bright side, we got one of those no-good band members! His soup will be a tasty one!- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day Cycle 1
Indeed, I'll vill be keeping a close eye on Cake man. You to, Cat-Lady- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day Cycle 1
Don't vorry, fair mistress of ze Highlands, I'll kill ze hedgehogs for you!- Village of the Bloody Damned: Day Cycle 1
Even if you only wound them a bit, the tetanus will do them in later! - Grumnite Village
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