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Eurobricks Knights
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About vahkimetru

  • Birthday 12/23/1994

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  1. Truthfully, my favorites are the battle packs. The walker looks neat, same with the speeder, although I would have preferred Magna Guards or regular Battle Droids.
  2. Sure, I'll post a tutorial when I have time.
  3. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it. The lack of story and no sign of continuation was simply because I made this, first, simply to test out some effects on the compute program I was using to see if I would do well with comics... Second, I don't plan on continuing this story, so I decided to make it a sort of "last man standing" story... Thanks for the comments though,
  4. Enjoy, Please post comments, questions, criticisms, etc.
  5. Look at all those commercials for the iPhone. I'm not saying I like the iPhone but the ads were very well put together. The ads for iPods are very good also.
  6. There's nothing special about the Ipod. However, Apple's marketing strategies are great and America buys.
  7. Possibly. But I don't like my mechs being swiss cheese and full of holes. I can imagine a senario when this vehicles comes into the story... Hikaru: Sensei, what's happening? Sensei Keiken: I sense a disturbance in the force... Ryo: Wha? Sensei: I meant that the Exo force disturbs me... something bad is coming! I know it! Takeshi: Well what is it? Hayato: Tell us! Hitomi: C'mon grandpa!! Sensei: I feared this day would come and I've done all I can to stop it... But I think I've failed. I fear that we're under attack by... *awkward silence* BAD GUY VEHICLE! All: *gasp*
  8. Phones are for calling, but some of those added things are nice. But there are some phones *coughiphonecough* that I don't even consider phonea anymore. It's kind of funny, I read reviews for the iPhone, everything's great, GPS, Internet, Camera, etc. except for... Drumroll please.... Calling. :-P
  9. *sigh* I guess I can go on with my day. :-) Thanks for helping me solve this problem. CaptainTau-As for why the age limit was added I can't say. But I have a pretty good idea-There used to be a lot of younger members members on EB who weren't really fit for this kind of environment (myself included), and some of us matured (possibly me :-P) and some of us went on with our spamming ways. when you have loads of spammers, it becomes quite a load on admins. And the easiest way to deal with the problem was an age limit... Just a wild guess.
  10. I've tolerated the maturity of EB for over a year. The admins haven't booted me out (yet). Maybe we are safe. 8-|
  11. No the Eurobricks age 18 minimum.
  12. Hey all, I joined before the age limit was added. What happens now? Should I leave? all seriousness, i just realized that we added an age limit.
  13. i just got my first after getting an all A report card.... It's and LG Chocolate.
  14. Bush's plans for the future? An all expenses paid vacation? Who knows.
  15. No, MS Digital Image Pro. Not as advanced...
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