LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Thank you for this post, I mostly lurk, but you've made me want to crawl out of my cave to make a rare post! As an "old dog" who's been collecting LEGO Star Wars since its birth, I couldn't agree with you more. I love the screen accurate models of today; I can hardly ever get on board with folks who prefer previous versions (I suspect nostalgia is to blame). Sets like the new Star Destroyer, though slightly smaller, just blow away the previous version in terms of screen accuracy. I would spend a lot of time "modifying" my Star Wars sets in the earlier years so that they'd be close to screen accurate, but nowadays it's hardly needed at all because they look so great. Over any other theme, I feel LEGO Star Wars is the absolute perfect marriage of play for children and detail for adults. Especially given that these sets are primarily made for kids, but the designers really go out of their way to build-in detail and accuracy for adults.
- Hero Factory 2014 Discussion
MetalBeard: Differences Between Film and Set?
I've built my own version of the Movie Metalbeard (Here: ) Most of the changes made in the official set seemed to be for stability during play. The gears LEGO used on his shoulders stay on better than the movie version, and the assembly for his cannon hand is more stable in the LEGO version. The peg leg is the biggest problem in the movie version though, because the Technic rod running through his leg would only be held on by a 2x2 round plate and the bottom of the barrel. The LEGO set version has a Technic 1x2 brick helping keep it in place, along with the plate and barrel. I chose to keep the LEGO version leg so that he stands more easily. Thankfully all the asthetic changes are pretty easy to change, save for the chain on his arm, which doesn't exist in the correct length/color yet.
LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
Loving the rumored sets! Ever since that Padawan Menace movie, I've been thinking there'd be a Jabba's Palace. Lego does like to put sneak peeks into the short films. I doubt we'll get tons of aliens to fill it though, normally a big set like that covers the main characters (Jabba, Leia, Han, etc) and fills in with only one or two obscure characters (like Wald in the Podracers set). I think we'd get something like Jabba, Leia (Boushh or slave), Han w/ Carbonite, Bib Fortuna, Gammorean Guard and a Rancor (If we're VERY lucky). With the Skiff get different figures such as Luke, Lando, another Gammorean and some form of other alien; since four seems to be the going rate of minifigures for a $25 set. If the Skiff is built simply enough, maybe the Sarlacc could be included. Regardless, I'd love to see this theme explored; it's always been one of my favorites. If the Series 2 Mini and the rumored Cloud Car aren't the same I'm guessing it'll have Lobot with it as well....though, one could really hope for a Lando . If you follow the way they're releasing the Planet Minis, most of them are current or pre-existing Minifigure scale sets already, and include a figure from that set (probably to save on costs). It's very much the same way the Polybagged sets are released. I'm still holding out for the Queen's Starship, though it seems like it'd be released as an Exclusive. It's the kind of set that's not popular enough amongst kids (since they ARE the target audience) to see a normal retail release, but could really thrive as an exclusive at LBR stores.
Return of the Winter toy Shop?
Yes! We had a release date of October 1st for this set, so it should be available at all Lego Stores.
LEGO Star Wars 2011 Pictures & Rumors
Not true actually. I work at a Lego Store and I've known about the all early 2011 sets for months before the info and pictures were leaked online. Those who know just don't say anything because it's confidential info and, honestly, not worth losing our jobs over. It's a really cool privilege and I'm grateful to have it, but it really stinks not to be able to share it with fellow fans who are just as excited as we are.
found TWO red ninja torsos in lego store!
I can shed some light on the appearance of the ninja torsos; I'm on staff at the Lego Store in Annapolis, MD. All of the minifig parts available in the Build-A-Mini bar are ordered by a staff member. There's a certain catalog of pieces we are able to order from (much like Pick-A-Brick) and those red ninja torsos just became available in the last week or so. We've got a whole lot of them in our store, so it's very likely that you can get more from the one in NJ. To my knowledge, the hoods aren't available right now; we'd definitely have ordered some if we could.
D2C Designers requesting feedback for 2012 models
1. No, not at all. 2. I mostly buy the specific sets I like individually, but smaller themes like Toy Story are ones that I collect every set from. 3. Big Ben 4. Another VW Beetle or something from Star Wars (Perhaps an X-Wing or Slave 1) 5. I love the Star Wars theme and am always impressed with the assortment that is offered. This is the same for the new Disney sets, which are fantastic.
Toy Story discussion thread
I'm in charge of shipping/receiving at a Lego Store and we just got our TS3 shipment in this week. The price for the Pizza Planet Truck is $39.99 in the US. Our release date is May 1st, so if you have a Lego Store nearby you ought to be able to get the sets then.
Prince of Persia 2010
They aren't available at Lego Stores until April 1st, unfortunately. We have to strictly follow the given release date. Though if you do happen to get yours at a Lego Store (at least the ones in the US) you get a free PoP Duplo Brick if you spend $50 or more on PoP sets.
LEGO Star Wars 2010 Pictures and Rumors
I think it would be the second. The first double-sided face was Capt. Antilles from the Tantive IV. A double-faced Hoth Luke would be great though. Especially if he had the scars!
Yavin IV 'sketch'
I like the model a lot, especially that Midi-esque X-Wing, but I would prefer a Yavin set that was based on the hanger and control room. Maybe with a view-screen of the Death Star plans leading into the hanger. But with the recent availability of the X-wing, I'd much rather see a Y-Wing included. The ceremony room would be neat, but I'd rather TLG not re-release the Ceremony Luke minifigure. I love that it's exclusive to the Visual Dictionary, and it'd be nice to have it stay that way rather than it become just another minifig.
Chrome Darth Vader Raffle
Here are my picks... Wampa Hungry... by SirNadroj (I love the part usage on the Wampa...not to mention the execution of the setup. Excellent!) Yoda Talk Show by Basiliscus (An extremely clever and well constructed diorama.) Seperatist Landing Craft by Rook (I find this one amazing. Beautifully done all around. The interior is just astounding. It's almost like it's two different models.) Venator Star Destroyer by thire5 (What I love most about this is that it just looks so accurate. It's hard to look at it and not think you're seeing the real thing! [if a 'real thing] existed that is.) Clone Wars AT-RT (I love how there is so much detail fit into a tiny model without looking bulky. Hard to accomplish, but perfectly done here)
[MOC] Anakin's Jedi Starfighter
This is a MOC of Anakin's Jedi Starfighter that I did a few months ago. I wasn't too pleased with the official version and really like the ship, so this is what I came up with. Back: I wanted to keep some playability in it, so I included landing gear, flick-fire missiles and a clip for Anakin's lightsaber. See my Flikr page for more pictures and lager sizes.
Selling LEGO Store Grand Opening Exclusive Set, Westfield Mall, MD
I work at Lego Store Annapolis and was able to get one myself. I can tell you these are great little sets for sure. I've got mine sitting on my computer desk.
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