Everything posted by Lego_Warlord_8
Sand Castle MOC
Fantastic build... When someone thinks 'what should I build now...' I am quite sure sand castles don't come to mind. Quite realistic, The build really makes it seem like it's very possible to build it out of sand... ~LW 8~
Welcome to EB, Will! Enjoy your stay! ~LW 8~
Where would you prefer to discuss Custom Pirate LEGO Mini-Figures?
I feel the same way too. ~LW 8~
Review: LEGO Pirates Tee/T-Shirt
That is one fantastic idea! I wouldn't do it to my shirt , but it's a really good idea! I wish they where in adult sizes, not just little kiddie sizes. Great review, great idea. Keep it up! ~LW 8~
Build Your Own Minifig now at Lego Stores
Yes, it was pretty pathetic. I think the price is outrageously high, and the selection is very limited. And there where people actually buying it! I wanted to tell them they where getting ripped off. The Lego group had a good idea, but it really needs to be tweaked. ~LW 8~ So you go to Vally fair's Lego store? Do you live in San Jose?
Moc - Welcome to Arizona
Fantastic details. the front tire is a great idea. The sign is clever too. Great MOC! keep it up! ~LW 8~
Ground Zero: Hour 2
This is a really great MOC! The whole idea of the the bikes ramping off that broken cart is fantastic. I really like the landscaping too. That gun that sniper (or whatever he is) has is awesome. Great MOC! keep it up! ~LW 8~
Greetings Fellow Brick Heads!
Welcome to Eurobricks! Town is one of the best themes. I personally don't build town because I can't stand building something that surrounds me everyday. Once again, Welcome! ~LW 8~
New Member: Name Fixed :)
Welcome to EB! Good to know that another pirate fan has joined! ~LW 8~
Defend the Fort Art
Exceptional artwork! I really like the ship silhouette, and the guns Your quite good at this, keep it up! ~LW 8~
10 must-see Brickfilms
All the those are great! I really like the robo one a lot. These truly very good lego movies. The brickfilms I really like are the Bluntmation shorts. ~LW 8~
What did you buy today?
I got a PAB pieces. I took a count of the pieces and it amounted to 50 brown 1x4s. And 48 gray 1x4s. Not to mention the other little bits and pieces I managed to fit in the little empty spots. All for $8! ~LW 8~
The User Picture Thread
I know it doesn't mean a thing. By far, you look like one of the normal(ish) people. Btw, I usually look a tad stoned or look like I just woke up. ~LW 8~
The User Picture Thread
Gee, your 15? No pimples. No scars. No resent signs of a fight. Just kidding. ~LW 8~
Going to Legoland
Oh!!! The ships!!! The ships are amazing! Last time I was down there, we went to the USS Hornet. (I think that's what it's called ) It was awesome. ~LW 8~
Maybe it's the futuristic way of doing things. Great work, NewRight! The jet pack looks very interesting. ~LW 8~
Attack of the Polite Argument
Wow, what details! I really love that SNOT feel to it. That ship looks very good too. Great job, keep it up! ~LW 8~
I finaly got a job
You are extremely lucky. $20 a week is outrageous! I have to wash dishes, do laundry, and cut the grass, and other random things that I really hate doing. All for $5. actually I like doing the lawn because it's real work. I can't stand house work. I'm thinking about getting a job with a stationary store or something. ~LW 8~
My first MOC ever, a castle creation
What a fantastic fist MOC! That mystery look really complements the whole fantasy feel about the place. ~LW 8~
Going to Legoland
Ah, so-cal. What a great place to vacation. I envy you. Well I'm just happy I live in nor-cal. Have a good time! Oh, BTW, bring lots of money, trust me, It's a great temptation to buy stuff from LEGOland. ~LW 8~ Disneyland was great! I took my own lunch though, so I don't know how the food tastes like. And yes, the rides are kinda boring. But I was 9yrs I think so I guess I can't comment on that.
Barracks by Kris Kelvin
That main building looks like it's not made out of Lego! The shed's roof is great, not to mention the minifigs! ~LW 8~
Quartering The Quartermasters
I saw this on MOCpages, it looks amazing! Great idea too! Glad to know some pirates are smart enough to think about hanging before they cut to the chase and poke holes in em' I really love the chandelier. Great job! ~LW 8~
Mikhail's Watch
This looks amazing! The design is very realistic! I really love the main building. Great job, keep it up! ~LW 8~
Port Invasion
The colors used on that house look soo good! That was what really caught my eye. ~LW 8~
Custom French Hussars
It looks great! that sash is a clever idea. Did you paint the design in the fourth pic onto those pants? ~LW 8~
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