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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Smithy

  1. Large cranes do not extend all sections of the boom at the same time - unlike the smaller cranes. The larger cranes ones have one cylinder and push one section out at a time, starting with the innermost section. that section then locks in place, the cylinder retracts, and pushes out the next section and so on.
  2. I've been keeping an eye on eBay and recently there's been quite a few MOC's have appeared. Recent ones have included a PF controlled excavator, Lorry, 8 wheel trailer and a pneumatic backhoe. If you go on to ebay, Lego Technic section, then sort by price. You'll sometimes see MOC's as the most expensive Currently on ebay:- New Custom Lego Technic Lamborghini Gallardo Chrome Kit 10* 4 tipper truck tow Truck
  3. I've been watching ebay prices for quite a while. Often the sellers buy the first models and get them up on ebay fast. People then will pay over the odd's to get their hand on them early. Same goes for the older models that appear 2 or 3 years after. Buy it now for 2 or 3 times the original price. Somebody must be buying the sets
  4. There's already one of the excavators up on ebay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/LEGO-TECHNIC-8043-MOTORISED-TRACKED-EXCAVATOR_W0QQitemZ150462711040QQcategoryZ19012QQcmdZViewItem The items are listed now on Lego Shop At Home - all available to buy now http://shop.lego.com/ByTheme/Leaf.aspx?cn=57&d=70
  5. Another 5 cents for this. It is often hard to work out what is content and what is a signature.
  6. I created a blog post on Sunday about this set. It's currently £103 from Argos in the UK (previously £129). Not available for home delivery but is available from their shops. This normally means it's close to selling out and it's being dropped from their catalogue. Blog post Edited to say Lego UK are still showing they have stock of the model at £130
  7. From these pictures it looks like the excavator has been built wrongly. This happened last year with the crane truck stabalisers that lead to great confusion. The bucket mechanism looks like they've used the wrong parts. If they've used the wrong parts for the bucket, where should those parts have gone? The tracks also look too loose in the pictures.
  8. From my own point of view the bigger and strong turntable would be very usueful. I've tried to build my own using various designed but not had much success. Unfortunatly I can't see Lego ever building a model big enough that would justify the bigger size. The Pneumatic valve looks a very simple piece and could be produced at very little cost. Maybee in a pneumatic driven train or similar. Maybe part of a Dacta education set.
  9. For buying parts I actually found buying bulk sales on eBay to be usefull. I set up ebay to send me an email on "technic KG" - for kilograms of lego technic. You get quite a bit of junk but often get a good set of parts. Then sell the junk on bricklink I have bought and sold on Bricklink but had issues with the stuff I was buying. Quite often I'd get emails back "sorry I can't find it" or "sorry we don't have that many". It's also a pain trying to find all the bits you need from as few suppliers as possible. I gave up my Brickilink shop in the end due to receiving many orders for like 100 parts qty of one each which took 60 mins to pick and pack, and was only worth something like £5.
  10. I don't realy see 100% Lego builds as something that must happen every time. I built a 3m high crane a few years ago and it would have cost a fortune if it was 100% lego. Instead I used lolipop sticks drilled to the same size as lego. Sticks were visable and it was obvious they were there. Still looked great. The long aluminium beams looks very usefull - long and strong. Unfortunatly they're rather expensive at the moment and I recon Lego will shut them down shortly. You've only got to look at Jennifer Clarks craine to see how usefull non-lego parts are.
  11. If the Euro proces are correct, updated exchange rates Lego Technic Motor Bike 8051 - €39.99 / $58.99 / £36.99 Lego Technic Container Truck 8052 - €60.99 / $88.99 / £54.99 Lego Technic Rough Terrain Crane 8053 - €99.99 / $149.99 / £90.99 Lego Technic Excavator 8043 - €164.99 / $239.99 / £149.99 If the rough terrain crane price is correct it looks like it will be a much bigger set that I thought.
  12. By the looks of it there will be 3 features - steering, tipp and roll off. The roll off would allow you to put something in the skip at ground level. Basically demount the tipper body. I'm think a better description in the UK would be a "tip hook loader"
  13. the new off road crane looks very similar to the 8421 Mobile Crane It's not the first time Lego have released virtually the same crane but with a different model
  14. Can you give any links to information on this? I know a PF controlled / LA type excavator has come out on top for many online polls for a flagship 2010 / what should lego build next type thing. This is the first I've heard of it actually being produced. If it is going to be produced it sounds expensive!
  15. Great review - especially the high resolution photos. An amazing level of detail. The crane arm does look fragile. Moving the arms whilst loaded would probably brake it. Rotate - probably. Lift using winch - yes. The stabaliser legs don't look like they'd take much preasure. I'd recon it could lift and move a mars bar but not much more. I've bought most of the Technic cranes but I think I'll give this one a miss.
  16. When I first set eyes on this set I though the linkage to the bucket looked rather flimsy compaired to the rest of the model. How strong is it? It looks like if you pushed the bucket from the side you'd get quite a bit of play on it. Excellent review and again, I love your photos
  17. There's a video of the model on youtube The crane arm does appear to be rather flimsy, same goes for the stabaliser legs. In previous models the legs normally raise the model. These just look like they hit the ground and no more. The crane arm also doesn't look like it extends much beyond the body of the model.
  18. Apologies - I only read this section.
  19. I'd also think the issue would be putting the torque through to the wheels. With 4 wheels you'll be trying to pass enough torque through 4 plastic axles. I'm sure I've seen a Technic model of an SPMT (self propelled model trailer). Multiple wheels, all wheel steering, all wheel drive. Something like this http://sinohi.blogspot.com/2009/01/scheuer...ted-before.html I've tried to make my own in the past but Lego don't make parts small enough - the model would end up massive.
  20. Is this the first Lego product recal? http://service.lego.com/en-GB/productrecal...rol%20GEOR.aspx
  21. I seem to remeber there was issue with the remote control unit - something to do with it using the wrong frequencies or something. I first found HiTechnic when Jennifer Clark used a threaded rod in her Demag crane. Unfortunatly they'd stopped making them when I needed one... I'm quite impressed with the new PF stuff but I think they should have spent the extra pence / cents and made them radio controlled rather than infra red controlled.
  22. I never realy thought how fast the lego pneumatics could be untill I saw the pneumatic engines that are reving over 1,500 rpm. Unless I'm mistaken, the last Lego pneumatics set was the Mobile Crane - 8421 in 2005. Any model since has either had the actuators or gears.
  23. I started re-collecting old sets recently. eBay is a great source for older stuff, and if your not in a hurry you can pick them up reasonably cheap. I picked up an original 8860 set for about £20 including original box. The seller had picked an odd time to close the auction and nobody seems to be bidding on it. I've only bought a few sets recenty but would highly recomend the Lego Crane - 8421 and the Motorized bulldozer - 8275. The bulldozer has many very usefull and so far unique parts. If your looking for pneumatics I'd recomend the JCB Back Hoe - 8455. The 8880 Super Car just about falls within your time limit (1994) - it includes a unique 4 wheel drive and suspension. Think at the moment I'd also hold out for the Crane truck - 8258 which is released later this year.
  24. I've not actually bought a set with anctuator yet but I can definatly see their advantage. The main issue with pneumatics is they realy only work fully out or in. My favourite sets have been the technic cranes - think most of them have had pneumatics. The problem has always been it's impossible to position the crane boom half way - it's either up or down. Leave it half way and try and pick up something - it always ends up lowering by it's self. On the pneumatic diggers the actuators would also help. So many times when trying to scoop up small parts, the pneumatics suddenly move scattering the small parts with force. The main advantage on the pneumatics is they're fast to act. They can also be operated remotely easier.
  25. Have a look at the 8880 Super car's suspension. Think it had 4 wheel drive with 4 wheel suspension. It didn't use the univarsal joints but I can't realy describe what it used. Like ball and socket type arrangement. On UK ebay there's actually a full set of that sets suspension and steering system for sale - item 270409117184
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