Everything posted by ______
Quick Power Functions question
______ replied to ______'s post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingThanks for that, only 1 M-motor huh. Well, even if this MOC is heavier 2 M motors and an XL one should be plenty enough. Thanks very much.
002-天使 Intergalactic Guardian [MOC]
Yeah it is quite stable, thanks for the compliment! I can actually see what you mean here, that's a very good point you made. Thanks as well, I enjoy building mechs so I wouldn't worry about not seeing some more from me.
Lego Superheroes 2013 Rumours & Discussion
Tauntaunwampa makes a good point. Not only does Bane only look like that in one scene, the set (supposedly) only contains 3 minifigures, we've seen with this line that 3 minifigs will usually fit a £20-£30 set. I think that it could just be the scene Tauntaun mentioned in a similar sized set as Doc Ock's Ambush.
Quick Power Functions question
Hello, I don't know whether this question belongs in Special Themes, of course if it doesn't you can move it. I have two M motors and one XL motor for my Power Functions. I was just wondering if that could power a big 4 legged walking tank-thing? Or how big/heavy a MOC it could power? When I say "A big 4 legged tank-thing." I mean a MOC around this size. (Minifig shown for size) I don't do much in PF and am not very knowledgeable in such areas unfortunately and I don't want to start a big MOC if I can't complete it. Thanks for answers.
Le Fourageux, French third-rate ship of the line, minifig scale!
I love it when a plan comes together. Glad to hear she's okay again, I know from experience that a second chance makes you build the MOC stronger anyway.
2012 Pirates?
I believe someone HAS built it in real life, at least the builder of the game render is active in the LEGO community, perhaps you could contact them if you can find them?
Mega Bloks
Hmm, I had a few sets as a kid, I remember liking their dragon sets. (Something called "Krystal warriors" or whatever? ) But I've grown to be completely irritated by the things, the amount of times I go through my LEGO boxes and find Mega Bloks is infuriating! I don't "hate" them, I personally don't buy them anymore, I don't like the quality, I don't like THEM. But I just choose not to buy them. I mean, I can't hate a toy company simply for existing! It's not like Mega-Bloks has invested in licensed Kitty Stompers.
- Which set should I buy?
Friedchikenfairy's Purist Marvel Minifigures
AH, Mysterio! You beat me to it! I'm gonna use a Sandy's bowl head thing for him. Loverly figures, I really like the Lizard. EDIT: Just saw your original batch. The Iron Man and the Thor idea works out perfect! I too didn't like Hawkeye's hair and did the same change on mine earlier.
Lego Store, Meadowhall, Sheffield
Sounds cool, one in Manchester and one in Sheffield now, still need one in York though.
Roswell Incident circa 2012
This is looking very nice, I love the curve on the U.F.O
The Eye - Mechanical threat
Are you sure you haven't touched LEGO in 15 years? That's seriously cool for someone who has been out of the loop for years. It's the giant Spongebob set isn't it?
GoPetition: LEGO SDCC Minifigures exclusives
For all we know we could get variations of these figs in the future. But they're exclusive and if I had an exclusive figure I would be disappointed if they then became wildly available. I agree that people shouldn't believe they are "owed" figures simply because they exist. People are throwing this SDCC exclusives thing far out of proportion.
Are minifig arms supposed to be removed?
Thanks for that, I generally don't take them apart at an angle nowadays, but 3 years ago...
S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier
Haha, I like the Deadpool with pirate hat. This seriously looks awesome! I can't wait to see more pictures!
Hymenopt Ship inspired by flying insects!
I really like this, very unique, just how I like it!
Are minifig arms supposed to be removed?
Thanks for that Omi, I did take his legs off a few times.
Are minifig arms supposed to be removed?
Has anyone's minifigure torsos cracked WITHOUT taking any arms off, ever? This happened to my Boba Fett 3 years ago and I was heartbroken. It doesn't seem like it was anything I did.
GoPetition: LEGO SDCC Minifigures exclusives
It's a romantic idea that all of us should get the chance to get these lovely minifigures, but if I'm honest I don't think it's very likely that a petition will achieve anything. But hey, if it takes off, who's to say LEGO might not consider it?
MFZ Frames
Wow, I love these, thoguh I'm not familiar with the game the mechs themselves look awesome! I can't believe how much articulation they have for something so small!
002-天使 Intergalactic Guardian [MOC]
Thanks! I wanted the cockpit to look weird/unique to be honest as I've said, inspiration came from Zone Of The Enders. Thanks Blue Brick, the head is my favourite part, I admittedly did it to late into the MOC so I was more limited in ways I could design the head so it could fit with the rest of the MOC. Don't worry, next mecha is being designed now, I'm keeping the whole feet thing as something important to improve, I ALWAYS have problem making feet for mecha. But I don't think there's anything wrong with the torso? At least it could be the whole cockpit design that makes it awkward to do anything with the torso, so maybe it's the fact it doesn't move because of the cockpit being placed there. However I've got an idea in my head that would allow a similar mecha to have two points of articulation in the torso, as opposed to none. Well, this MOC is getting no major changes, whereas the next, V2 of this style mecha may very well have a vector cannon like design. In fact, I had this awesome idea today for a big sniper type weapon that actually folds up and attaches to the hip.
002-天使 Intergalactic Guardian [MOC]
Thanks! I actually started work on my second one today. Thanks very much! It's awesome that someone thinks this looks cooler than Halo!
Warner Brothers planning CGI/live action LEGO film
I'm sorry, I can't trust a director who pronounces it "Legos".
Are minifig arms supposed to be removed?
No. But rules are made to be broken.
HISHE Super Hero Cafe
Oh my God, I watch every HISHE, that's so cool and well done! Bravo!
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