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hurdy-gurdy pirate

Eurobricks Vassals
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About hurdy-gurdy pirate

  • Birthday 03/01/1990

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  1. 1870! I also have a lot of treasure maps, I'll just need to find where they lead to get more gold.
  2. Thanks for the comments. I think that the best thing to do would be to leave 4 studs between each gun port. That way, I could make them offset. But there is a problem with that : each cannon occupies 4 studs wide because they are mounted on rails. After every 16 or 8 studs, the level of the floor changes. You can also see that the width of the ship changes (16 studs away from the mast). The way I found to access the interior of the ship is to make every 2 mid sections removable. Because of those limitations, the only way I could reduce the number of guns would be to put only one cannon every 8 studs...
  3. Hi everyone! First, sorry about the english. I just came out of my dark ages and I am building my first ship and MOC as an AFOL. I am not near from done even if I've been working on it for six months. It took me a lot of time, but when I started I had none of the bricks you can see on those pictures. I didn't know about bricklink, so I had to pay almost 80$ only to get the hull pieces from e-bay... Anyway, before I make my next bricklink order, I wanted to know what you guys think about what I have made so far. I'd like to add a third color for decorations, but I don't see which would go along well with that color scheme. Maybe I will reduce the number of cannon ports, but if I do so, I will have to change the whole building concept or to divide the number of cannons by two... Please let me know what you think and thanks to everyone in this forum who gave me some inspiration. Sorry about the quality of the photos, but I am not good at taking pictures. Santa was good with me and gave me a camera last christmas, but I still need to practice with it.
  4. Tereglith - 3 Lorenzen - 2 JKool - 1 Jansued - 1
  5. You know what? I saw them live yesterday! It was awesome. I made 6 hours of train and will be missing all my classes today to see them live. There was so much energy in the crowd that we couldn't stay in place for long, we always had to follow the mass of people moving along with the music. Let me tell ye that after they played Nancy the tavern wench I had no voice left. I bought a t-shirt and their two albums.
  6. I like your entry! I am kind of embarassed because the moc I am currently building for the contest uses the same concept... I hope you don't mind if I post it anyway... I like how you used different objects to make "musical instruments". It is hard to build new realistic minifig-sized acessories with existing pieces, and you found an innovative solution!
  7. Simple but efficient! Some of your bricks look old, but it adds a lot to the "ruins" effect.
  8. Maybe it's because there are more drinking songs on the first album . Black sail at midnight is a very epic album too. For those living in north america, they are touring with Eluveitie in november! I'll try to dress as a pirate when I'll be seeing them live . I also like rammstein, but I think they are too different from alestorm and pirate metal in general to be compared with them.
  9. Alestorm are amasing. They brought me back my interest into pirates, and pirates brought me back my interest into LEGOS! Captain Morgan's revenge is my favorite alestorm album.
  10. This moc is so alive! Well done! The wall is awesome.
  11. Ha you're right! TLC made so many skull shaped islands and shipwrecked islands that I can't even remember thier names.
  12. Thanks for sharing this with us! Skull island is my favorite treasure island. It was fun to build something new with one of my childhood's favorite set. That barrel launcher is so deadly!
  13. I'm happy to see I wasn't the only one who had this idea. I also made a bigger BBB, using only the pieces from two 6243 sets. I also made my own sails. I'm sorry I don't have a good camera, only my iSight webcam with a mirror effect... Hope youlike it anyway.
  14. It is not the most realistic ship, but I voted for the RBR. It is the one I always wanted when I was a kid (I only got the armada flagship then). I don't have this set now, but I have two brickbeard bounty I combiend to make a heavyly modified and bigger ship.
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