Everything posted by cole
Experiment #14
It's fairly simple, but I supose it's only an introduction so far. The story seems good, I look forward to seeing the rest.
Do you like to spill the beans or spring a surprise?
Well, I'm not a pirate builder, but I always "Spring a surprise". That's mostly because none of my MOCs ever take longer than three days. I think if were building a large MOC, I would probably take pictures at the half-way point, but I don't have the bricks for something large enough to do that.
River Citadel MOC
Wow, excelent MOC. The rocks are all well done, I like the weeds on them. All the windows look realy cool, the design you put in them is very unique. The little chimney on the tall tower looks fantastic, you did the brick effect well. The river is the only thing that takes away from the MOC, it doesn't look bad, it is just not as good as everything else.
new clone wars sets in us!
They are selling them in Canada too, just checked.
new clone wars sets in us!
Arghhh GET...IN...CANADA!!! Thanks for posting this, it should be in canada withen a few weeks I guess.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Ah, I didn't follow the link. Booger called it "Force Unleashed magnet set" so I just assumed it had the three figs from the Rougue Shadow.
Congratulations Hinckley!
Thanks Hinckley, one less job for me at Lego congratulations, you must have gotten about the best job possible, that's what I've wanted to since I was real little. Can you see if your aloud to take some pictures of the work stations there, I'd love to see how they do it. Well have fun there.
New Space Police site is up...
That's odd, I wonder why they would make it in french first. Well they have the product list up, and it shows the squidman's pitstop and security transport sets there, so I guess they will be coming soon. Thanks for the link.
MOC:minifig scale heavy dumper
Great job, Wildchild. The bucket is great, I love the detail you put into it, and the tailing in the front is neat too.
MOC: The balloon escape ...
You are a definit figure posing pro. The whole seen is great, the gate, the ladder, the road. The tree just looks a little unfinished but is good none the less. I have two questions: How are fireman's legs attached, and who did the child's face come off of? EDIT: Oh, just relized the face is from the jester.
Review: 8968 River Heist
This set could have been way better. The spinning fan is definitly realy cool and I think if they just added some peices along the sides and some more seats or a mounted weapon It would be a cool set. "Dollar bill" is well done, but the red hair looks ugly and cheap. I'd give it 3/5. Thanks for reveiwing.
Pirate jokes
Why does it take so long for Pirates to learn the alphabet? Because the spend years at C.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
I have that set, and the minifigures are all amazing. Juno is nothing great but the other two both have great torsos, and 's head is always cool.
[MOC] The Penguin's Confederate MTT.
The speeder wasn't built to well, but I thought it was a fairly good idea and look fine with a few mods, but a storage area would look good too. Any chance we could get a pic? And do you mind me asking why you put a ")" at the end of most sentances?
Operation gas station infiltration
This is kind of like a convienience store:
Operation gas station infiltration
Suuure you do I always kind of wondered why the pirate had a shiny revolver.
MOC: Chemical Plant
That looks realy good, especilay just for a space filler. The coulours arn't the best, but I definitly like the pipes going across the top and the ladder on the side.
Operation gas station infiltration
I just rembered. I came in a small pirate set, it said Lego on it, but it was a much lower quality.
Operation gas station infiltration
I have no idea, I "borrowed" that from my friends house years ago
Jungle adventure
I took off the back wall and slid my camera under the dark green plates.
LEGO Star Wars 2009 Sets and Rumours
Legolandia, There is a "Hi, my name is..." thread were you can introduce yourself. There is also a uncompleted thread on Eurobricks were it lists some of the starwars minifigures, but I'm sure there is a complete one somewhere on the web.
Michael Jackson: Dead
I feal kind of bad about not fealing bad about him dieing. I mean it's never good when someone dies (there are a few exceptions) but I just don't realy find myself caring, mostly because of the weird child incidents.
Operation gas station infiltration
Thanks Natman. I'm glad you like the heads, they were kind of a last minute change, Fuse's head was bothering me, he looked to nerdy to be a super spy, and I thought I'd change chase's while I was at it.
Operation gas station infiltration
After months of planning, evil mastermind Dr. Inferno has come up with the most enginious, most evil, most diabolical plan ever: rob a convenience store! Mwuahahaha Unfortunitly, agent Chase and agent fuse have heard about there plan, and are going to aprehend them, as long as Dr. Inferno and Claw-det don't blow up the gas station first. Gallery with more pics: Thanks.
Pirates Ye Be Warned
pretty nice, you packed quite a bit of detail in a small moc. It reminds me alot of the begining of Pirates of the Carabein.
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