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Technic Moderator
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Everything posted by Milan

  1. Hey Technicfan, please use this topic for wishes and speculations. That way, we can keep this topic clean and tidy for 2025 Technic sets. Thanks.
  2. Frontpaged. Awesome JCB. Nice presentation.
  3. Let's discuss the 2025 sets in this topic. Use proper topics for wishes and speculations.
  4. Technic Pub is for...anything but Lego :) I moved this here, but you can also open a new topic if you want.
  5. Milan replied to Milan's post in a topic in Frontpage News
    Good to know. Thanks.
  6. Milan replied to Milan's post in a topic in Frontpage News
    This was the case for JoKo's builds for me and some other members. It was not an ablocker issue for me, as I tested it on three different browsers with and without adblockers. Specifically for this one, I can see the pics, but frontpaging did not work, so I added this post manually so it enforce frontpaging.
  7. Eurobricks member Michael217 created the topic [MOC]◄KAMAZ 5410 6x4►[2024]. Click on the link or on the image to visit this featured topic.
  8. I know, but his topic is dedicated to discussing his model presented by the him. For help with building your own model, it is better to open a new topic, or use one of our "help" topics, for example: Generic Building Help Topic. So, you have already made the steering modes, and the issue is that there is too much play when you try to steer? Can you post a couple of pictures and describe again the problem? (upload the images to flickr/bricksafe/postimages etc... and copy their links here)
  9. @lenni4116 Welcome to EB, but do not revive 8 years old topics. I created a new topic for your question.
  10. Let's move this to the Technic forum, it may have more replies there.
  11. Thanks for confirming. Can't remember having this anywhere else on the forum. Initially I read the post on a tablet, all was good, then when on the PC, the pics wouldn't show. Nevermind, let's talk about the
  12. Frontpaged. --- On a side note: can everyone else see the pictures? Joko, as with your previous posts, I tried using three different browsers, but none of them show the pictures, only a stream of letters.
  13. Offtopic posts have been hidden. Let's keep the discussion about the McLaren mods.
  14. We'll move this to the Town forum.
  15. Two topics have been merged, corrected capitalization, punctuation, removed double images, and moved all the images from the posts to the first image. Solved. @msk6003 I merged your topic with the one Auroralampinen made first. Thanks for your effort @Auroralampinen We talked yesterday about this. If you are going to post new topics, you need to spend some time formatting them. As agreed: - Use proper capitalization and punctuation. - Align your text and images (put the images at the top, text bellow it, or vice versa). - Make sure the size of your images are not too big, follow the BE guidelines. - Do not make new posts with a new image. Edit your first post, and add links to the new images. It is better to have all the images and info in the first post. - If you need help with it next time, send me a PM, and I'll help you create new topic.
  16. Don't worry too much about it. We are all here together, and we all improve over time, and most importantly, we can make changes on existing topics easily. I suggest you double check your capitalization and punctuation of your topics, and also to format it so the images and text are not clashing with each other... I have edited your topic to have capital letters, dots, arranged text etc... Thanks for your effort, and have fun :)
  17. It was about Black Friday discounts on your profile and Eric's profile: It was previously requested to avoid this and keep the focus on the discussion of free vs. paid instructions. Several similar posts have been reported and hidden. Just use this topic what it is for, do not promote discounts at your store at this specific topic (use the main MOC's presentation topic for that), and nothing will be hidden.
  18. Some promotional posts have been hidden. Once again, let's use this topic to discuss free vs. paid instructions, not for self-promotion of sales and discounts.
  19. @Timorzelorzworz Let's keep this topic for free vs paid instructions discussion. I have removed your advertisement video. Thanks.
  20. When there is a topic which is 12 years old, like this one, it is better to avoid bumping it. When you get 10 posts, you will be able to send private messages, and ask the author privately about it.
  21. Frontpaged. Love all the angles.
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