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  1. I got Niagara Falls coming this week. what were the issues with atom bricks. this will be my first one ?
  2. It's not my top choice. However I never purchased the creator Taj Mahal. Due to size and price. so yes it's disappointing. But there were other possible remakes that I'd be more disappointed with. I'm going to count this as a slight win.
  3. Brothers brick says it's the Taj Mahal and has images of the box. https://www.brothers-brick.com/2021/05/01/new-lego-creator-expert-architecture-sets-coming-10289-bird-of-paradise-21056-taj-mahal-news/?fbclid=IwAR07-lguEeV5SBu75b4vpgBmq4wWAsWVplbZYePr0JE2CoKwfMVbXLQroFI
  4. Yep. That's why I said "and even more if you count non architecture sets " technically 3 sydney opera houses. Skyline, 21012 and creator. way to many repeats.
  5. Also You missed some then and even more if you count non architecture sets 2 statue of liberties 2 sydney opera houses. 2 big bens 2 louvres 2 arc de triomphe 4 Burj khalifas if you count set 21055
  6. 21054 the White House 3700 pieces 18+ age Info per https://zusammengebaut.com/live-ticker-lego-news-toy-fair-2020-87064/ EDIT: 1700 pieces
  7. Also isnt the famous footprint photo Buzz aldrins footprint not Armstrong's ?
  8. Official photos https://www.thebrickfan.com/lego-architecture-2019-set-images/
  9. The arc looks very simple. But I'm impressed by the Eiffel Tower. I like San Francisco. Although want to see a better image of the Golden Gate Bridge because it looks like it's 2D. But overall I'm pleased with them.
  10. Grande arc notre dame Sacré-Cœur
  11. Image of the new Vegas set also has a new number as well https://www.promobricks.de/lego-21047-architecture-las-vegas-so-sieht-das-ueberarbeitet-set-aus/62116
  12. I can't buy the Great Wall in Canada. On lego website says August 1. Even on USA site too Meanwhile rest of world says June 1 and is available for purchase
  13. 21015 was supposed to be eames house. But was changed to leaning tower of Pisa. Most we ever got about 21025 was off their Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/LEGOArchitecture/posts/1721708328059851
  14. Not saying you're wrong. Just in the past there's no 21025. They have skipped numbers before
  15. Going by the numbers provided 21040 is still unaccounted for. Although so is 21025
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