Everything posted by brickme
Red Scare Mystery -Confirmation and Discussion
Well, I finally got my computers back to boot and have caught up on everything. Looks like I'm a little late though.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Eleven
There shall be no taking of valuables from this boat. I would like to kindly ask everyone who stole something to return it where they found it! I would like to go to the stern of the boat and look for anything out of ordinary. I would like to ask frankie if the boat has ever been in an "accident" or anything similar and if he knew the secret room existed.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Eleven
I'll get off my lazy megablocks, and help Fields.
Red Scare Mystery -Confirmation and Discussion
Truly sorry bob, my internet is getting funky of late and decides to crash. I'll try to post more but I can't promise anything till at least monday when I get it fixed.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Ten
You misunderstand the statement. He said that he cannot defeat Stanley alone and I am asking why he can't off Stanley himself.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Ten
I would like to check the gun for blood, fingerprints, etc. I would like to then take the gun, unload it, keep the ammo, and give the useless gun to Chief Fields. Everyone seemed happy when we did that before. I would like to ask the Director where he comes from and ask why he can't just shoot stanley. I would like to ask him about project wolf.
Red Scare Mystery -Confirmation and Discussion
Hey, now that I have the internet on my phone I will be able to post more. Officer harrison is back
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Nine
Carefully I would like to check the lock, then have the new chief look at it. I would like to know if the General knows the loyalty of the deceased yet. Hmm... I think it would be best if everyone stays away from the footprints. Don't want to damage evidence.
Werewolf Mafia Sign-Ups
I'll throw my name in the hat. Eurodina was a while ago and I missed def's signups so I've got the mafia munchies.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Eight
Well let's get the ball rollin'. We have a lot to do in the next 2 days so here are our options. -Hotel -Alabatha Department Store -Fire Department -Alan Simmons’ Farm/Residence -Jenkins’ Residence -Jefferson Residence -Schneider Residence -Bradford Residence -Parker Residence -Town Hall/Police Station -Seaport I really don't want to go to a personal residence since there is little suspicion against one person so I say either fire department or seaport.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Seven
Hmm... Delores you do bring up some good points so I guess thats worth an unvote. UNVOTE Delores/def However the Chief? You might want to watch where your accusitions fly.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Seven
It seems that out of all the confusion and chaos there are two main votes: Delores and Matt. I think it would be in everyone's best intrest and I voted for... VOTE: Delores/def I am convinced that the Jefferson family is in some way related to communistic activity and therefore I think we should start with the most obvious. My condolence to the Jefferson family if found innocent.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Seven
Damn! Well you want to hear from me so I'll tell you. Last night it was my night off. When I got up this morning my badge was missing from my uniform. I couldn't find it. From what I think, some bastard tried to frame me. If I must always be under suspiscion now then so be it but I tell you I'm as American as they get. Fields old buddy you and I have to start jogging in the morning again.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Six
I would like to accompany the mayor to the fallout shelter. I would like to know if the Jefferson's have a collection/hobby of anything (china, stamps, coins, etc.) I think it would be better if we all go in pairs at minimum to search the house.
Eurodina - Conclusion
What the hell is "The Sandy Trap"? Oh well I had a fun time playing. This was my part Mr. Brain Quest (Pet Store Owner) (BrickMe) You are the pet store owner in Eurodina. You have a love for pets, and your wife Sandy Quest, though she has always had an air of mystery around her. You have a beer with your best friend, Rick Russian, every night you are both available. He has told you that he has taken on the job of protecting people each night, and has asked you, in the case anything happens to him, that you take over. Alliance -Town. Actions and Abilities: - If Rick dies, you may protect one person each night. I was caught off guard the night after Rick died so I rapidly pm'ed shadows asking for someone I could protect. I naturally thought the bikers were going to be targeted so I protected def. The rest were just guesses.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Five
Well sort of, Don't you remember June 6, 1944? We climbed the rope together and sat on the boat together, ever since then we were good friends. And both the Police? There's three of us.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Five
Mayor! Are you all right? I would like to know if the wound is fatal. I would like to go over to Ralph and console him also. I would like to go to finish searching the town hall.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Four
I would like to get out of the tunnel and watch over the people who are staying outside.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Four
Gee, It's been a while since I was on a farm hope they smell better after 10 years. I vote for farm.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Three-A
I would like to look on the inside of the railing for the stairs for a secret note. I would also like to look around the safe for a paper with a combination.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Three-A
Is there a blueprint for the town hall, Mr. Congressman? I would like to go to the reception area and search the desk.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Three-A
I would like to help sort through any last papers. I would like to hold on to the contingency plan so we can lock it up later. That is of course unless you want to keep it Mr. Congressman. I would like to know how to get to the second floor from here.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Three-A
I would like to confer with Chief Phelps about when we we want to open the armory, after everything else or right now? I would also like to poll the group wether to start on the roof and go down or start here and go up.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Two
Yeah I remember now. I would like to know if I have a flashlight also.
Red Scare Mystery - Chapter Two
I would like to stay in Town Hall. I would like to keep an extra close eye on Judge Cain so no harm comes to him. I would like to know what happened to the rifle and the suprressed pistol.
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